Stay away from me!

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After a few minutes of the tense atmosphere, they all slowly calmed down and started having a conversation like sane adults.
Sehun was sitting on his chair, holding Namjoon's case file while the others were sitting right in front of him with a poker face, though tears were pretty much evident in their eyes.
They weren't ready to know the truth but it was inevitable. They weren't ready to know how wrong they had been all along, to not trust their omega and treat him like a rag.

After a long pause, Sehun gathered everyone's attention by fake coughing and started telling what happened.
Something they really wanted to know yet they didn't want to.

"You all remember about 3-4 months back when each of you went back to your hometown for vacations, except for Namjoon?" said Sehun as they all nodded in response, remembering how their life went downhill after that.
Sehun continued, " Namjoon was living with me and Kai for the time being. It was all going good, but he started feeling nauseous and even fainted a few times. After a lot of convincing we took him to hospital but still he wasn't ready to tell you all about it and make you worried.
I could guess that he was pregnant by his symptoms and his fragrance and that was confirmed once we did his test and it was positive... Ju-just to be sure we did other tests and the reports said that it isn't safe for him to bear a child.
He has a tumor in his womb, though it is non cancerous, but if he carries a baby it would eventually burst and lead to his death.
I-I couldn't afford him dying... We had about 2 weeks until we could abort the baby, as after that it would become too risky to even abort the child.
I don't know why but he wouldn't tell you all about it at all, I daily forced him to tell you all about it so that we could continue with the further procedure. This wasn't something you all should have known from me, so I just let Namjoon do it.
But even after 2 weeks when he didn't tell you all, I had to mix sleeping pills in his food a-and then I-I aborted his baby." confessed Sehun, looking down feeling guilty. While the rest of them had the same situation, they knew why Namjoon couldn't tell them about it, it was once again their fault.
Every night when they used to talk and talk about the new memories they made with their family , Namjoon would say that he wanted to say something but each them one of them stopped him saying, " Joonie come on hear us for now, you are in Seoul only so what do you have to tell. Lemme listen to the others now."
They were terribly ashamed of whatever they did, their omega wasn't wrong not even once. It was always them since starting who had been wrong and here they are today feeling guilty after ruining everything.

"W-we are go-going..." stuttered Jin, and ran out of the cabin. The others followed him too and came to the parking lot where they found Jin howling and screaming in pain.
By seeing Jin, they were sure he would shift to his wolf form soon and shifting in a parking lot for the pack leader of the strongest pack definitely wasn't a good thing.
Yoongi carefully carried withering Jin to the car while Hoseok sat at the driving seat and drove all of them towards the mansion, midway the ride Jin shifted to his wolf form and even his wolf looked too broken and in despair. Though Yoongi was quick to calm the distressed wolf and tame him.
Had it been some other time, no one held the power to tame Jin's wolf but right now the alpha leader was just too broken and hurt.
Doesn't matter what, they were determined to receive the punishment for their deeds today.
But only if they knew it had be something they wouldn't be able to bear.

Yoongi carried Jin to their nest and made him sleep. He looked really worned out which made the others really worried. But right now their bigger concern was their omega.

Once they were sure Jin's wolf was asleep and calm they went down and started searching for Namjoon. Thankfully they found him pretty soon in the kitchen, though the sight scared them. Namjoon was surrounded by his packed suitcases and they could feel the fear of losing their omega.
Taehyung was glad that he closed all the windows and gates before leaving else they would have surely lost their omega forever even before they could regret their actions and prove how guilty they were.

Sensing the storng pheromones, Namjoon looked up and started shaking in fear. His both hands flew to his stomach, as he dropped the pregnancy test on the floor.

"Do-don't kill m-my baby... I will be your sl-slave forever... Ju-just let her live pl-please..." begged Namjoon, at this point his mind was barely working sanely and all he could think about was protecting his baby. To him everyone appeared as a threat right now.
Once he saw, Jungkook coming towards him Namjoon quickly got up from the floor and picked up the sharp knife from the counter and pointed it towards Jungkook.
"DON'T COME NEAR ME!" He screamed, though that didn't affect Jungkook. He just wanted his omega to be assured that he is safe  even if that meant a stab from the knife.
Jungkook took another few steps towards Namjoon.
Namjoon didn't even waste a second to slash Jungkook's hand from the knife. Right now it were his motherly instincts kicking in, and he was ready to go to any extent to save his baby.
"I SAID STAT AWAY FROM ME!" screamed Namjoon again, now holding the bloody knife.

Taehyung rushed to Jungkook and helped him, while Namjoon came back to his senses and just as he was about to apologise, he heard his name being called by Yoongi.
"Namjoon!" boldly called Yoongi, using his alpha voice which immediately calmed his adrenaline, and Namjoon dropped the knife and looked down in submission. Though his reseliance was still visible by seeing how he was still standing and not kneeling on his knees.

Just when Yoongi thought he succeeded in calming Namjoon a little, they heard a loud angry growl coming from the stairs .

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