Love ?

505 57 21

Idk what this is, saying you beforehand only no one is gonna judge me 🔪🔪

" Strip " Ordered Jin as he looked at Namjoon, hawking like an eagle . Namjoon was oblivious? In such cold weather, why was he making him remove his clothes? He was sure, seeing how angry they were, they wouldn't make love . That was out of option. So, what was this about?

But ohh, how close he was. Maybe Jin wasn't gonna make love to him but rape him !

" W-why master?" Questioned Namjoon in curiosity yet fear as he stuttered. Jin gave out a humorless chuckle as he confined Namjoon's hair in a tight fist making his bowed head face him . " You are still learning , huh ! " He paused and then again started " Get this inside your dumb brain . You don't get to question us , all you have to do is agree to us . GOT IT ?" Yanking away Namjoon's hair he shouted . After getting the desired response from Namjoon he continued the torment " You know the only thing I feel after seeing you is ... Disgust ! How could you be so low , you knew that it was our dream yet you showed no remorse to crush it with your own hands " Jin spoke , this time his voice rather filled with hurt than hate . " I a-am so-sorry ... hy-hyung really ...sorry " Sobbed out Namjoon , getting reminded of the painful memory . All he wished was for it to be a dream and soon wake up in the embrace of his lovers , his mates , his members . 

Jin paid no attention to the pleas of Namjoon , nor to how he had used hyung instead of master . Blinded by the betrayal he forcefully started stripping out Namjoon's clothes all while Namjoon kept crying to be forgiven . He didn't want it , he didn't want his lover to be a raper , neither he wanted to be raped by his lover . 

But things weren't in his hands , as he had himself traded his life , his freedom  and maybe now his body as well. 

" You want me to leave you ?... Fine ... Then forget about getting forgiveness , you can go to your room " Spoke Jin , as he smirked knowing he was successful in making Namjoon stay after seeing how the latter started shaking his head in fear and denial . 

"N-NO .. No ma-master sorry ... I will d-do it ." And with that , he removed the remaining clothes , losing his dignity along with it  too .

Once he was done , he dared not to see in Jin's eyes . He was ashamed . Jin wasn't praising his body , he wasn't praising him , he wasn't loving him and he most of all wasn't assuring him . All Jin did was make sure that Namjoon felt disgusting about himself. 

And Namjoon surely did , he regretted what he did . He regretted betraying his lovers . And right now he surely regretted agreeing to be their slave . But what was done was done , he can't undo it . While he couldn't rewrite the past, he clung to the sliver of hope that, with time, he could earn their forgiveness.

The cold air sent shivers down Namjoon's bare skin, but the chill in the room was more emotional than physical. Jin stood, hands on hips, surveying the kneeling omega before him. The room was thick with tension, broken only by Namjoon's soft, shallow breaths .

"Lie on the bed ! On your back " Jin's voice, firm and commanding, echoed in the room. as Namjoon slowly got up and did what he was told with shaky and hesitant steps . He was nervous and scared thinking about what was gonna happen . He was soon blindfolded , depriving him of his vision . He hated being blindfolded and Jin knew it ! 

All Namjoon could hear was the sound of unbuckling of the belt and a few shuffling sounds . He had no idea what Jin was going to do , all he hoped was for it to be bearable . Something his body could bear at this stage ! 

His thoughts were broken as he felt something very cold being pressed on his nipples and his mind instantly went to one thing . 

Nipple Clamps ! 

The cold feeling was very soon replaced by a stinging feeling as they were tightly tightened over his nipples , almost making them bleed . He heard Jin laugh , as the stretch further increased , a lot ! He didn't comprehend well what Jin exactly did but once heard the jiggle of keys , he understood that Jin probably tied the chain joining them somewhere so that it would stain his skin even more . 

He didn't protest , Jin had intentionally left his hands and legs free to see if he would show the slightest resilience and he would get further reasons to punish him . 

But Namjoon showed none ! He just let Jin ruin him , and let him show his anger in actions .

The stinging pain was short-lived as it was very soon replaced by the burn of the stretch . No preparation , no lube ! 

" You just deserve this ... Pain ... You don't deserve our love , our care . Just pain !" Screamed Jin in agony as he harshly pushed the silicon vibrator inside Namjoon's unprepared hole . Even though it was very difficult as there was no lubricant , completely raw ! But still, Jin didn't take more than 10 seconds as he just continued to harshly invade Namjoon . " AHHHHH MA-MASTER ... STOP " Screamed Namjoon , the pain was a lot . He couldn't handle it at all , the stretch was burning his insides . The constant vibration over his prostate was constantly pushing him over the edge making him extra sensitive . And the small laughs he could hear coming out of Jin , was what was making it worse . 

" Pl-please ... stop " He again sobbed out , his words being messy due to the constant abuse . Hoping Jin would show a little mercy and at least lower the setting but Jin crushed all the expectations of relief of Namjoon and spoke " Cum as much as you want ! See you after an hour probably , bitch " 

Saying this he left the room , leaving no room for Namjoon to protest . 

Namjoon didn't last even an hour . He fainted after around half an hour , after he had already cummed for about 3 times . It was a lot for his body . Throughout the 30 minutes, he tried shifting his body as he whimpered trying to find a little comfortable position . He questioned using his safe word several times , thinking if they would at least respect it even if they were punishing him . 

For him, they still loved him a lot , and were just punishing him for his sins . So they would stop if he used his safe word right ? They would then take care of him right ? They would right ?  

But decided that he deserved the pain , the hate , the rough treatment, and everything for whatever he did . He kept quiet and endured the pain .

After an hour when Jin came back , he felt his heart scrunch in pain seeing him omega so miserable . Small drops of blood , managing to flow out beneath the cold metal . His stomach and thighs were all stained with cum and by the amount of it , he could tell Namjoon did cum way more than his limit ! The vibrator was still vibrating at his highest setting , abusing his prostate non - stop .

He replaced his feeling of love for the omega with the feeling of pity to assure himself as he harshly woke up Namjoon from his unconscious state , skipping the further things he planned . The way Namjoon flinched and started muttering Sorry's after he woke up managed to crush Jin's heart but his anger was too much . 

He showed no gentleness as he harshly removed the clamps " AHHH " A short moan escaped Namjoon's mouth as his hands instantly went to rub off the pain and when Jin removed the vibrator , he gasped in relief and muttered " Th-thank you so much ... Ma-master " 

Jin didn't say much and dismissed him off to the room . 

Letting tiredness take over him , Namjoon slept just like that in the small room , no bigger than a claustrophobic closet . Each attempt to find a comfortable position  went in vain as he at last had to fold his limbs up to his chest to fit his body . Forgetting totally about his duties the next morning.

How's it ? Do let me know your thoughts 

And 35 votes for the next chapter ! I will update tomorrow itself if you complete it , okiee ?

Love ya !

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