We are sorry!

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Namjoon nodded in fear, eyes down to the plate. With trembling hands,he  reached out and picked up the fork and knife, only for  his hands to fumble upon it and them falling on his plate!
Did he just forget how to eat?

Thinking of it as nervousness, he again tried to pick up the fork and knife only for it to fall again, this time splashing the contents of plate on his shirt.
"Ahh" a short scream escaped his mouth as the food was hot, burning his skin.
The others looked at him with sympathy and guilt, realising they did this to their omega. They wanted nothing more than to erase Namjoon's pain, to make things right again.
Their mate once strong and confident, was now just a trembling mess.

Namjoon's eyes welled up with tears. He had spent so long trying to prove himself, trying to be what they wanted him to be, that he had forgotten how to be himself.
"Shh shh it's okay hmm... Tae go and bring the ice cubes" spoke Jin softly as he got up from his seat  and stood beside Namjoon.
Namjoon seeing Jin standing right beside him, felt so small and tried to kneel down. For him, he did a mistake. Though he didn't care about them or their forgiveness anymore but he had to avoid punishments as much as he could for the sake of his baby.
"Don't move" ordered Jin, realising else no way Namjoon would listen to them. It worked, Namjoon halted and soon Taehyung was back with the ice cubes.

Jin slowly removed Namjoon's shirt a bit from his stomach, knowing Namjoon might not be comfortable with Jin completely removing his shirt and slowly started to rub the ice cubes over his skin.
Namjoon's skin being extra sensitive to cold, didn't take even a moment to get red. The color just wasn't the imprints of the burn, but also of the cold.

Once Jin was done, he softly asked Namjoon "Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes master, thankyou for treating me" said Namjoon, bowing his head down in gratitude. Jin's heart ached at the sight. He hated the formality, the forced gratitude. Somewhere along the way of their revenge they had twisted him into this submissive figure, stripped of his confidence.

The others watched in silence, their guilt weighing heavy on their hearts. They had pushed Namjoon to this point and now, seeing him so broken and lost, they realized the magnitude of their mistake, but nothing could amend it.
There omega wasn't with them anymore, it was just guilt residing in their heart.

"We're sorry, Namjoon," Jimin whispered, his voice choked with emotion, it was too overwhelming for him that he couldn't bear standing there and witness the heart wrenching scene, so he ran off to his room.
It wasn't even one day, since they realised their mistakes and they could barely bear it, then how was their omega so strong to bear it for 3 months?

"I am really sorry to make master Jimin cry" spoke Namjoon, breaking everyone's long trail of thoughts. He was just hoping, Jimin wouldn't come back with something to hurt him. It could be anything, a flogger, a candle, or a knife. Anything!

Jin's heart shattered at Namjoon's words, the weight of their mistakes crushing him with each passing moment. He wanted to ask Namjoon to sleep with them, in their nest. But seeing how weirded out Namjoon was already with what happened at the table he spoke
" You can go back and sleep now. Thanks for the meal" Jungkook and Taehyung looked at him with an expression as to why he was doing so, didn't they plan to make him sleep with them in the nest today?
Jin just gave an assuring nod to the duo and turned back to Namjoon.
Namjoon bowed down 90 degrees to Jin, and then crawled his way towards the tiny room, leaving the 5 alphas to look at him with longing eyes.

Once Namjoon was gone, Jin pulled the other four to their nest, where Jimin was weeping harshly.

"Shh Jimin ah, crying won't get us anywhere... Get up and let's talk, hmm?" spoke Jin, as he soothingly ran his fingers between Jimin's locks to calm the boy. Jimin slowly composed himself, but wasn't ready to leave Jin's side as throughout the time he kept hugging him.
For about 15 minutes, they all settled there in silence going through each and every thing they did in the past three months, though they had been through it earlier too but every time they rethought about it, their guilt just intensified.

"W-why he gotta be s-so strong" spoke Jungkook breaking the silence, though he was an alpha he was still the youngest and one of the most pampered. The others were living with the guilt of hurting their omega from just one day. But he ? He had been living with it for three months now. He wasn't angry of Taheyung, rather angry on himself. If Taheyung blackmailed him, he should have been strong enough to fight back for himself and his omega. But all he did was run away like a coward and hurt him omega.

"We really br-broke him... How are we supposed to fix it?" screamed Jimin in frustration. Jin sat there helpless, he didn't know how to fix his pack, everything was falling apart and he was failing to do anything correctly.

"I think we should talk to hyungs... What if he was telling the truth?" spoke Jin, the  others nodded in response but then Hoseok quirked up in worry and said.
" But what if Namjoon was right? They will kill us hyung, " spoke Hosoek " Especially you "

How's it ?
It is a filler chapter I guess, but the truth will be revealed soon!!
Yesterday I was like i wanna make this at least 40 chapter long but I have no ideas to extend it that long lol so will apparantly end it under 30 ig, but do tell me if you have any ideas!!

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Love ya!

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