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His mind wanted to stop, it didn't want to think of all those memories and suffer more. But his heart, his heart wanted to relive all those moments again. And so the memories were the only solace he had. His mind rolled back to the moments when they all promised him that they would never leave him, doesn't matter what happens. And ironically, look where they are!

After a grueling, tiring, and long day of work, they finally returned back to the warm soothing embrace of their home. They all were pretty much tired, but oddly  Namjoon straight went to his room without exchanging any words, which was pretty off for someone as bubbly as Namjoon, off-screen. 

Though drained out of all energy, Jungkook softly spoke " Is Joonie Hyung, okay? He seemed pretty off right now" Taehyung nodded his head in agreement and spoke " Yes, I felt that too. It just doesn't seem like fatigue or tiredness, it's not his heat anytime soon right?" Questioned Taehyung in worry while Jin smiled seeing how overprotective the two youngest aplhas were of their omega. Shaking his head he spoke " It's okay, we will check up once on him, okay? But before that, all of you freshen up and get into clean clothes. You all sting, eww! "  Everyone chuckled at that, though still worried for Namjoon, and dashed off to freshen up so that they could go to Namjoon as quickly as possible. 

Not even 10 minutes passed, and they all were in the living room all cleaned and washed. Jin the last one to come down, just shook his head at their eagerness "Aishh, come... Let's go to his room. I still don't understand why all of you wanna go at the same time?" The others just shrugged, they didn't like seeing their leader and omega in even the slightest stress or tension. 

Taehyung, being the most worried, knocked softly on the door. "Joonie Hyung, can we come in?" They waited for two minutes and again knocked, but even after that when there was no reply, exchanging worried glances Jin opened the room with the spare keys. 

"Hyung" Chriped Taehyung, as he saw Namjoon sleeping on his stomach. They all huffed a sigh of relief thinking, the lad was just tired until Jimin noticed the tear stains adorning their omega's face. 

" He's crying..." Spoke Jimin, he softly wiped the tears off Namjoon's face and proceeded to peck his crown when his eyes went to the phone in Namjoon's hand. The screen still on!

"Jimin ah, check what he was seeing in the mobile" Spoke Taehyung, Jimin nodded in response and slowly pulled out the phone from Namjoon's grip and showed it to everyone. 

"Why did they even choose him as their leader? A pathetic omega like him can never lead such a big band"

"You are talking about leader, for me he doesn't even deserve to be their omega. Have you seen how lanky his legs are? And how muscular he is? Bangatn deserves a better and beautiful omega" 

" I am sure, they are just pitying him and keeping him because of his excellent lyric writing. 

" Yeah, else he doesn't have even a single chance to stand in the band or the pack."

And there were numerous other comments like this, which Namjoon probably scrolled through. Jin, not being able to hold himself cried out "M-my poor baby..."

The derogatory comments on social media had pierced through Namjoon's strong exterior, exposing the vulnerability that he often kept hidden. Taehyung clenched his fists, anger simmering beneath the surface, while Jungkook's eyes narrowed with a protective instinct. Their omega was facing so much hate, and they were absolutely clueless. They felt as if they failed as an alpha.

Jimin, gently placing Namjoon's phone aside, whispered, "How could people be so cruel? They don't know him, and yet they judge him like this" 

 Concern deepened in their eyes, and Jin approached the bed, gently shaking Namjoon's shoulder "Joonie, wake up," Jin called softly. They wanted, Namjoon to get rid of all these feelings running through his mind. Namjoon slowly stirred in his sleep while the others cooed at how cute he looked. 

Namjoon sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. However, the reality of the hurtful comments he had read on his phone hit him like a tidal wave, and he couldn't bring himself to be strong anymore. Hugging Yoongi, as tightly as he could Namjoon started blabbering like a kid all while they listened to him patiently. 

" Hy-hyungiee... Th-they are meaniee... Called me ug-ugly and a-and... Unworthy t-too... I ain't any of i-it... ri-right ?" The more he blabbered, the more uneven his breathing was getting. Jin sensing the change with each passing moment stepped in and asked Namjoon " Baby... Wanna go for a bicycle ride?" Hearing this Namjoon's eyes started sparkling as he egarly nodded his head. Jin satisfied, as he successfully diverted Namjoon's mind and stopped him from a panic attack spoke " How about Han River, hmm?" 

"Yess pl-please hyung" Namjoon pleaded like a 5-year-old kid as they all chuckled. Though they were confused as to why Jin suddenly did that, they trusted and respected his actions as the pack leader. 

Jin not only wanted to divert his mind from having panic attack but always wanted him to feel at ease. Just like how, for him, late-night drives worked the best. For Namjoon, it was always a ride on his bicycle especially if it was with his mates. Jin smiled, realizing that sometimes a change of scenery and a bit of fresh air could work wonders.

"Alright, Joonie. Let's get you ready for that ride," Jin said with a reassuring tone. The others pitched in, helping Namjoon change into comfortable clothes and once done they all left for Han River. 

The rhythmic sound of the wheels on the pavement and the gentle swaying of the trees seemed to have a calming effect on Namjoon. Everyone smiled seeing how much happier Namjoon looked in comparison to a few moments ago. 

As they reached the Han River, they found a quiet spot to sit by the water. Namjoon,  nestled between his alphas, felt a sense of peace washing over him. After enjoying the view and the calmness for some moments, Jin spoke "They don't know you, Joon. Don't give them the power to affect how you see yourself, don't let others define your worth baby. You mean the whole world to us" 

And that was the breaking point for Namjoon. He started sobbing loudly clutching the hem of Jin's and Yoongi's shirt. 

"Y-you all will never le-leave m-me ... Right?" 

"N-no baby never. We love you to the moon and back."

"You all wi-will ne-ner get bored o-of me right?"

"No baby, doesn't matter what happens. You will always find these 6 alphas at your service."

"What if I do something wrong?"

"Then we will talk it out baby, but never in our sane mind we will think about leaving our precious omega. We are so lucky to have you as our omega, as our mate, as our leader."

"Pi-pinky... Pr-promise" 

"Pinky promise baby"

Namjoon started weeping harshly at the memories. All those promises, all those words, all those assurances were mere lies and illusions. They meant nothing, they were all fake. 

His alphas didn't love him, they broke their promise.

But his heart was still greedy. He wanted to relive more moments, he wanted to experience that pure moment of ecstasy, where they made love with him, where they mated him, knotted him. 

And his mind was again going back to the memories, though the outcome would just be more heartbreak but the bliss of those moments seemed to overpower it all. 

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