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By night Namjoon was up, as his body especially his head ached badly. Seeing himself lying on the comfortable bed, the room he once shared with his mates instead of the small cranky room , memories flooded back to him all of it, nostalgia wrapped itself around him, allowing only the warm glow of happier memories to surface.

He couldn't help but shed tears as he contrasted his current life with what he had before, all because of his mistake he was living such a miserable life which could have been a happier one with his mates. 

Not knowing what to do, scared of thinking of the consequences he would have to face for not making the dinner, he descended downstairs. The thought that who brought him to the room and treated his wounds was yet to materialize in his blurry thoughts. Something which could have brought a little relief to his broken heart!!

" We are giving you two days rest, after that be ready to face the consequences for all the mess you made and making Yoongi hyung cry " Ordered Jungkook, the very same alpha who just a  few moments ago was fighting everyone to reconsider their thoughts. He was very badly threatened by Taehyung to give up on convincing everyone, in a way he didn't even want to think again and wished to keep it to himself. So, in fear, he stood up against Namjoon too along with the others. 

Namjoon was tied, almost hanging by his wrists from the two hooks that dangled from the ceiling. While his shirt lay discarded on the unforgiving ground below. His wounds weren't healed completely but were still a lot better than before. The dim light emphasizing the physical toll on Namjoon's body, yet hinting at a resilience that refused to be extinguished.

However, what most concerned Namjoon at that moment was the intense heat surging through his body he was sweating profusely. Shrugging it off as tnervousness from the upcoming punishment he shifted his focus to the hot iron blazing rod held menacingly in Taehyung's hands. The heat emanating from the metal seemed to amplify the tension in the room.

Namjoon's expression revealed a mixture of anxiety, regret, and a flicker of defiance. His eyes betrayed the inner turmoil, mirroring the weight of the moment and the pain of what lay ahead. He knew what Taehyung was going do to with him and he was aware that it was going to be very painful .  The only freedom he had to do was to cry and shed tears which he was doing. 

"Stop crying like a pathetic bitch" Shouted Yoongi, as Namjoon flinched and tried to stop however failed to stifle down his cries while Taehyung smirked and spoke " Let him be hyung, my ears love the sound of him crying. And I am sure he is gonna cry for pretty long." 

The sentence made Namjoon shudder in fear, as he lowered his eyes and continued to shed tears waiting for the pain to come, however, the pain of his hopes getting crushed was more severe. His hopes of getting his life back with his mates had peaked during the last two days only to come down crumbling today when he woke up hanging to the ceiling, his blood at his wrists stopping and his skin becoming white due to the pressure. However, that fragile hope now lay in ruins.

"We already marked you in the wolf form, didn't we?" Questioned Taehyung, tracing the mate mark on Namjoon's neck as he whimpered in sensitivity while Taehyung continued to do the same. "Let's do it in the human form too, shan't we?" and with the said words, he hardly pressed the iron rod, right above Namjoon's mate mark.

"AHHH St-stop ...ma-master" Screamed Namjoon in horror but all of the pleas had no affect on his masters. He was trembling, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His skin was pale and clammy to the touch. His eyes darted around the room, seeking some sort of solace or reprieve. But there was none to be found.

Taehyung didn't stop until he had repeated the same process over 5 times across Namjoon's upper body, aiming especially at his mate mark despite knowing how life-threating it could be for both his wolf and human but Taehyung and the others just wanted him to be in pain. Jungkook wanted to intervene, but the earlier ultimatum scared him to death as he just witnessed his omega withering in pain begging for some mercy. 

 "Pl-please ma-master... won't re-repeat it... stop" Namjoon's voice was almost lost. His arms and legs began to shake, but his movements stopped once the blood from his injuries flowed.

" Ohh of course you won't repeat it petty omega, we will make sure of it" Spoke Hoseok, as he hardly pressed his hand over the mate mark, making Namjoon and his wolf shudder in agony. 

The mate mark was one of the purest things in a pack and seeing how his alphas were abusing it Namjoon's wolf completely broke down, still not ready to give up though! 

They left him there, tied and bruised to spend the rest of the day, without any food ,water or comfort. Only it was at night that they allowed him to come out of the dreadful room, that too for making dinner, his wounds burning badly. The same room where he had gone for punishments earlier too, but the only difference was earlier he was treated with love and care, he was pampered after his punishments but now there were none, just pain and pure pain!

Namjoon's body continued to burn with an intense heat, far beyond what one might expect from a normal flu. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, trickling down his face as he made dinner.  The only thing that came to Namjoon's mind was 


His wolf wanted his alphas!

How's it? Sorry for the delay, but will surely be regular from now on. 

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