Are we keeping the baby?

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They all were so lost in their thoughts that they didn't realise Namjoon already woke up. He didn't say much and just stared at each of them.

Just then his gaze went to Hosoek, who was standing at the door shocked. Before Namjoon could say anything, Hoseok's knees have up as he fell down to the ground and whispered, " You are pregnant?"

Namjoon looked at him with a shocked yet scared look. He wasn't planning to tell them about his pregnancy for as long as he could hide it, but seemed like his facade was opened in front of everyone.

Hearing this, Jin rushed to Namjoon and knelt down beside him.

"W-we are having a-a baby?" fumbled Jin holding Namjoon's hands softly in his, too overwhelmed to know that he was going to be a father.
Namjoon nodded, while pulling his hands back, but in that process his nails touched Jin's skin a little harshly. He then covered his flat stomach. Jin noticed his actions and tears didn't fail to come out of his eyes.
Just when Namjoon was about to reply  him, his eyes fell over Jin's hand which had started bleeding by now.

"Wa-wait you are bleeding?" asked Namjoon scaredly, right now he wasn't scared for himself but rather Jin. He then scanned Jin's whole body and all he could see was creepy red blisters.

With a horrified look on his face, Namjoon turned to Yoongi who nodded his head in acceptance.

Blurry memories of what happened right before he fainted flashed through his eyes, and all of it fell into pieces making sense.
Namjoon was in a dilemma right now, he hated them was sure but that didn't mean he didn't care for them anymore. As a human, he still felt bad for them.
He really wanted to be the same with them, like they were and return each and every pain they gave him but then the thought that, he would be no different from them held him back.
He was aware, that now they won't harm him anymore, but his baby, his baby was still in danger and he was ready to go to any extent to save her.

Namjoon felt guilty, assuming that Jin was given the medicine because of him. Though he never experienced the pain, he had seen his brother going through the same, and even if it's his mortal enemy, he would never want anyone to go through it.

"Yo-your hand," stuttered Namjoon asking for Jin's hand. Unsure of what was happening, Jin forwarded his hand but gasped loudly when the next second he found Namjoon's lips pecking his bruised ugly skin.

"NOOO!" screamed Jin, pulling back his hands. His heart twisted knowing how despite all the pain he  gave to Namjoon, their omega held no grudges. The skin where Namjoon kissed him healed in an instant, getting back to normal.

"Pl-please... I-I know it's because of me." pleaded Namjoon, as much as he knew that they won't hurt him now but he wanted to be safe. What if suddenly they get angry because of the pain he caused to Jin, or even worse harm his baby, for him all those alphas out there were threat to his baby, ready to kill her any second.

Jin didn't fail in understanding why Namjoon was acting like that, though that did make him feel a little bad. His mate wasn't caring for him out of love but rather fear. His selfish side didn't waste much time to take over as he forwarded his hands, wanting nothing but to get rid of the agonising pain.

Namjoon scaredly yet carefully and gently pecked all over Jin's bruised skin and it was like before, pale and soft.
That just bought him physical relief though, that too just for now, there were a lot more side effects of the medicine than a few blisters.
He wouldn't be able to eat solid food for at least a week, or will just puke blood. Or the fact that by night, his limbs will get so weak that even moving them by an inch would give him pain, or just how his body will start burning in fever, almost as if he is kept in an oven.

The list just doesn't stop here, he might even have a lot more painful ruts, and after any alpha is given the medicine, he isn't allowed to mate for at least the next three ruts.

But Jin accepted it whole heartedly, knowing that's the least he can bear to reprimand his actions.

Once Namjoon was done, his hands automatically went to his stomach. Jin who was sitting right beside him, slowly removed Namjoon's hands from his stomach.
His movements, extremely precise and gentl in a way to assure his omega that everything was fine and his baby was safe.
He then proceeded to keep his hands over Namjoon's flat covered stomach and caressed it.

"Baby," Jin called out emotionally.

"Can you hear appa? You can right... How are you in there? All comfy comfy right? Don't trouble yo-your eomma, okay? Appas have already done enough... So be a good boy, hmm-"
"Girl," interrupted Namjoon the very next second, Jin looked at him a little overwhelmed. Namjoon took a deep sigh and said, " W-we... I am going to have a female pup." he corrected his words, feeling disgusted to call such men the father of his baby.

"Oh," replied Jin and then got back to talking to his baby.

"So my princess, everyone here loves you a lot... B-but baby we would ne-never be able t-to see you... o-or else we will lose your eomma... So-sorry." cried Jin, his head now over Namjoon's stomach.

Hey guys!!!
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70 votes for the next chapter!!
Also tell me is it getting boring? Idk how it got so long, I had no plans to exceed it over 25 chapters !!
Love ya!

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