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Namjoon sat there over the cold burning ice, his body completely numb from the continuous contact. Lips complete blue, face pink, and eyes red. His tears kept mixing with the cold melted water nonstop as if an angel was meeting its solitude. Namjoon's breath materialized in the biting air, forming delicate clouds that lingered for a moment before dissolving into the frozen abyss.

Reminiscing all the events of the past three months surely acted as a temporary escape from the constant torture of ice, but didn't help at all with the mental torture. The agony, the anguish, the hurt the betrayl he had to go through. It was as though the warmth of memory and the chill of the present existed as parallel realities, crushing him in between.

Namjoon's POV

Though my mates had already crossed their all limits, my stupid heart still had hopes from them. I couldn't believe they left me here to rot till night. My wolf had already given up on them after they left me and my wolf suffering in our heat, too fragile to get hurt by them further. But me, my human side is fucking stupid, still hoping for his boyfriends to come around and forgive him.
Maybe it's because I as a human knew them even before I was presented as omega so my human is more attached to them. But one thing I knew was this blind love would just cause me more misery and pain.
I hate how Jin Hyung, the one who was always there for me looking after me so easily left me tied suffering.
I hate hoe yoongi hyung,my best friend forgot our years of relationship overnight and didn't even bother to check up on me, not even once.
I hate how Hoseok, my crime partner didn't feel the slightest ache in his heart while shoving all those things inside me despite knowing how sensitive I always was during any intercourse.
I hate how Jimin, my mochi, my angel didn't protest even once in my favour. I had the most hopes from him after Yoongi hyung but maybe I just don't deserve their love.
I hate how Taehyung hates me so much , I wanted to be loved by my young alpha but now he is the one who hates me the most and is always devising new ways of torturing me. But i deserve it after whatever I did to them, especially him.

I hate how Jungkook was always with Taehyung in tormenting me. The same jungkook who said, he had a crush on me the moment he saw me.
Then where did all those feelings go ? Was our love our bond that weak ? Or was it always just me in the relationship and they never cared about me?
But it's not true, they love me right ? They are ju-just an-angry...

Ohh one thing, after my last heat I never had any contact with my wolf , I am slowly losing him if this continues I am sure I will soon lose myself and my wolf to the moon goodness.
But what if that melts my alphas ??
They will forgive me then right ??
We will be like before right ??

I want to tell them how badly I am affected .
Scream how fucking much it hurts to be without them . I want them to listen to me, to console me, to hug me,  to tell me this is just a nightmare and it will be over soon .
But none of it happens, eveytime I get my hopes high like a stupid lovesick boy and everytime they crush it.

But I shouldn't be so greedy, I should feel grateful that they didn't reject me yet. Means they are still ready to mend things, or else they would have definitely rejected me...
I-I will get my alphas soon ... Th-they will lo-love me soon . They wi-will... Th-they have to ...

Namjoon's pov end

Namjoon remained there tied in the cold, with all these thoughts having a strom in his mind. He knew he was being so unreasonable by still having hopes, but he couldn't control his heart. Despite being the most mature in the band and pack, his heart was way out of his league to control. It could only be soothed and calmed by his alphas.

He needed another temporary escape from the pain in his heart as he once again remained there tied , this time reminiscing the happy memories he had with his mates, when he was loved , pampered and cared by them .

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45 votes for the next chapter!
This is a filler chapter and a little short  but I am sure you all will like the next few chapters a lot.
And dk about Namjoon but you all definitely raised my hopes by giving 45+ votes on the last chapter so today's Target is 45 votes , do it fast fast ! 

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