Betrayal hurts

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They all left the room, when suddenly Jungkook remembered something and dashed back to Namjoon's room.

"Urmm hyung," called out Jungkook standing at the door frame. Namjoon looked at him a little startled but nonetheless motioned him to continue.

"If you don't mind can you please tell me whether hyung did the laser treatment or not?" asked Jungkook looking down ashamed. He knew how painful laser treatments usually are, and if Namjoon already had it he couldn't even imagine the amount of pain his omega must have went through, all without their support.
Namjoon smirked at how stupid they all were, it was a good chance to take advantage of their guilt and succeed in his plan.

"Yes, he did that 2 days after my abortion." replied Namjoon and Jungkook squealed in happiness.

"Means you don't have that tumor in your womb anymore? Means we won't have to lose you right?" exclaimed Jungkook, happy tears brimming his eyes. He was really stressed thinking how they will convince Namjoon to abort the baby, but now that the tumor wasn't there, he won't lose his hyung right?

"Yess master," replied Namjoon with a soft smile. Jungkook rushed inside, kissed Namjoon's cheek and then ran out, probably to tell others about the happy news.

"I won't let anything happen to you baby." spoke Namjoon resting his head on the headboard while his tears flowed without any restriction.

Another month passed, and now it had been 4 months since all this started and Namjoon's first baby was aborted and 1 month since they all got to the truth.

A lot of changes took place in their life as a pack in the past month.
Their actions had completely shattered their dreams of pampering and spoiling their omega during his pregnancy.

Namjoon wasn't ready to accept even a single thing from them. He had even started paying Seokjin for the groceries.

"Please let me stay here until I deliver my pup master, after that this slave won't ever trouble you." was what Namjoon had said to them the very next day they got to know the truth.
The sentence had shook their soul to the core. It was already 1 month and they still weren't over from that mere sentence. They could barely imagine, if it was taking them this much time just to get over a sentence how much time it must take Namjoon to get over the trauma they gave him and finally forgive them.

Each day Jungkook would cry himself to sleep, as he blamed himself for being such a coward. Only if he wasn't so scared of opposing them, maybe Namjoon would be with them all happy and sound.

Taehyung was no better, in the rage of revenge he overlooked each and everything and just focused on hurting Namjoon, not just this he forced others in his plan too going as far as threatening Jungkook about something he really cherished.
He wasn't even able to look at himself in the mirror because of how ashamed he was.
All he could do was regret.

The older alphas were no better either  if not worse.

"W-we are sorry Joon... So sorry for hurting you... But baby pl-please give us just one chance... Let us at least make your pregnancy beautiful and memorable." cried out Jin holding the positive pregnancy test of Namjoon, his mind went back to the memories of how Namjoon had always been so enthusiastic about their pregnancy. He had a long list of how he had trouble his alphas day and night. But now he was doing none, he just sat at the couch whole day like a lifless doll.
No tantrums, no cravings, no mood swings. Absolute Nothing!

How badly Jin and the others wished to get troubled by Namjoon at the moment.
His body was still not over the side effects of the medicine, and due to all this chaos nobody was able to take care of him.
'It's okay... I deserve this. I did worse to my omega, this is the bare minimum I can suffer for causing him pain.' would think Jin, every time his muscles would twist in pain, or his body will burn in heat.

All of them were just sitting in their room, except for Namjoon. The room had no source of sound as all of them just stared nowhere out of guilt. They had stopped feeling any emotion except for guilt. No happiness, no sadness, no anger, just guilt and pure guilt.

"Huh," spoke Yoongi startled as his phone started ringing. It was really odd for someone to call him this time so without checking the I'd he hurriedly picked up the call.

"Hey Yoongi-ah, how are you? When are you guys coming for Namjoon's treatment?" spoke the person at the other side of the call, Yoongi quickly glanced at the I'd and it was indeed Sehun but what treatment was he talking about now?

"Hey hyung, I am all good. What about you? And umm... What treatment are you talking about hyung?" asked Yoongi cautiously, scared of getting caught.

"The laser treatment of Namjoon, Yoongi.  After the abortion, he told me he wanted to wait for 4 months before proceed with the laser treatment. Maybe he wanted you all to come and spend some peaceful time before, as laser treatment has a lot of side effects." replied Sehun, all of them being completely oblivious.

"Wh-what?" said Yoongi baffled, he looked at Jungkook as he was the one who told them that Namjoon's tumor was already removed.

"But hyung, Namjoon himself told us that you removed his tumor... H-He is pregnant again," Yoongi  whispered the last part shakily. He could sense from Sehun's voice that something was terribly wrong, all he hoped at the moment was the safety of their omega.

"WHAT?" gasped Sehun loudly, making the others flinch badly.

"What happened hyung?" asked Jin, now taking the phone from Yoongi.

"God damn it, you all don't go anywhere. I am coming to your house." screamed Sehun loudly as he understood what his brother did. The  others nodded in fear not even realising it was not a video call.

"Betrayal hurts hyung, doesn't it?" spoke Namjoon , while Sehun continued shaking him by the hold of his collar.

Hey guys!!!
How are you?
Do vote and comment, a lot of comments okay?

And tell me these two things, I need them for the next chapter

1. Do you want Namjoon to forgive at least Jungkook?
2. Do you think Namjoon should at least have a few beautiful moments in his pregnancy, even if he doesn't forgive them?

And read-go here you go with your chapter!

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