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"I think we should first work on making our bond with him a little better, and then after a few days we can ask hyungs about it, when things are much better... So that they don't kill us" advised Yoongi, whispering the last part in fear and nervousness. All he could do was imagine the worst possibilities if Kai and Sehun got to know the truth.
It was still fear and not guilt directing their actions.

"But how do we even do it?" cried out Taehyung desperately. "Haven't you seen how afraid he is of us now?" he yelled, the pent up frustration of seeing his omega like that, all miserable coming out.

"Do you have any better plan, huh?" spoke Yoongi harshly, he was himself frustrated with all that was going on.

"N-no." spoke Taehyung crying. With each moment things were just getting more were up instead of being sorted. Jin took up his role as the pack leader and managed to send all of them to bed.

Jin though didn't sleep the whole night. He was just recalling each and everything he, they did to their omega. From day 1 till now and sadly he couldn't recall any good one.
All they did was torment that poor soul, without even knowing the truth.
The whole time he wished for Namjoon to be not right, because if he is right then he would never be able to forgive himself for whatever he did to his innocent omega.

Soon the morning sun rolled in, and Jin was in the kitchen cooking just the way he used to do earlier. He was making all of Namjoon's favorite dishes, in the hope to melt the heart they broke a little.

With a heavy heart, Jin couldn't help but question the authenticity of his intentions. Was all this merely a superficial gesture, a futile attempt to appease their  guilt and fear? Or did they truly long to repair the damage they had wrought upon their omega?

Not long after, Namjoon came to the kitchen with messy hair and eyes almost close. He still didn't notice that Jin was in the kitchen too and yawned cutely saying "Ahh eomma I wanna sleep more." Jin stood there silently, admiring the hoarse morning voice of his baby. He was seeing Namjoon talk without fear or stuttering after so long, that the sight looked like some miracle.

Once Namjoon was all done feeding Jin's heart with his cuteness, he opened his eyes and the sight just made his eyes widen seeing Jin there.
Jin stood there with uncertainty, trying to calculate how Namjoon might react.
But to crush all his hopes, Namjoon didn't waste even a second to sink down to his knees, the charm on his face all gone and all he could see now was fear and submission.
"Sorry ma-master for waking up late..." apologised Namjoon, head down in respect. But did Jin even deserve it?

Jin knew they wouldn't be able to get Namjoon back to the track like this. Namjoon had to stop doing all those things he did in the past three months for that, but seeing his current situation that didn't look easy. So leaving Jin with no option he spoke "Didn't I tell you to stop kneeling, huh?" " And go and sit on the chair." saying this he dismissed Namjoon harshly, and went back to cooking while his heart ached for being so harsh with his mate.

Namjoon kneeled there for about another two minutes, he just woke up and was already getting so many surprises. To comprehend whether Jin was being the same or he was being kind appeared a little difficult to Namjoon.
But nonetheless, he got up and sat on the farthest chair, and tried to get as small as possible.

Soon the others came down too, and the sight made their heart warm. They looked at Jin who gave them a small smile and nodded.
With new found determination to mend things, they all setlled themselves on the dining table with Jungkook trying his best to be as close as he could be to Namjoon.
The others smiled lightly at his behaviour, but Namjoon was clearly horrified which they didn't notice.

When the food was served, Namjoon remained there seated. Heck! He forgot how to eat.
Yesterday he couldn't eat because Jimin started crying, but today he didn't know what was gonna happen to him, what if they punish him for not being able to use the cutlery.
"Eat Namjoon." ordered Jin, Namjoon flinched slightly and spoke "I-I don't know how to master" he wasn't scared for himself anymore, he was scared for his pup. They had already done the worst they could to him. So technically there wasn't much left except for killing him.
Jungkook took the initiative and spoke, "It's okay hyung I will feed you." though Namjoon didn't let the expressions come to his face, but the word 'hyung' was so triggering for him. Wasn't he their slave? Then why was he being called hyung now?

When Namjoon didn't open his mouth, too engrossed in his thoughts, Jin spoke "Didn't you listen to him? Or do you want him to even open your mouth, huh?" scolded Jin. "Sorry master." muttered Namjoon and then let Jungkook feed him.

The others looked at Jin, because scolding Namjoon or still being harsh with them clearly wasn't in their plan.
Jin ignoring the looks, just focused on Namjoon being fed.

Once they were done, Namjoon was dismissed off to wash the clothes and others were settled in their nest.
"HYUNG!" Yoongi screamed at Jin "Why would you scold him like that? Do you want things to even worsen, huh?"

"Shut up Yoongi," scolded Jin and continued "If I wouldn't have done that, he would have just starved himself today too like yesterday, or just sneak some food when we aren't noticing. How do you think I convinced him to sit on the chair?... By love ? Heck no! I had to order him for that as well... We need to know the truth, this won't get us anywhere." spoke Jin, taking in a deep breath at last.

"You are right, I have a plan. You all just don't interfere in that." spoke Yoongi as he went to the store room and brought back the pills he saw with Namjoon earlier.

How's it?
So sorry for the delay!
But do vote and comment, 60 votes!! And a lot of comments!!
Love ya!
And what do you think is the plan of Yoongi?

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