Second baby?

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Surprisingly, Kai was convinced pretty much easily as he believed in their lie of the prank, knowing how childish all of them could be at times.
After he left, nobody spoke anything to Namjoon for the day, neither did anyone bother to take his phone away after breakfast.

Once Kai was at his home, he straight away barged to Sehun and spoke
"You know what happened babe," Sehun gave him a look of amusement as Kai continued " Jin called me there and asked me to come urgently. I was so damn worried thinking something happened to Namjoon, but turns out those brats pranked me even my Joonie baby. Can you believe it babe, they all teamed up against me" Fake cried Kai, as Sehun chuckled and asked him " Ohh what prank did they pull tho?"
"They had tied Namjoon to the bed and he was just in his boxers, when I saw that you won't believe how close I was to punch all of them, especially Jin" gasped Kai, as Sehun angrily spoke " WHAT? How could you leave Namjoon there then ? ARE YOU STUPID?" Shouted Sehun, as Kai tried his best to calm down Sehun already anticipating such a reaction from him.
" Calm down babe, it was really a prank. Namjoon himself confirmed it don't worry or else you think I would have left them just like that ? Not at least before breaking a few of their bones " Spoke Kai, getting a little offended by the fact that Sehun thought he would leave Namjoon like that.
Sehun, still not convinced spoke " Goshh Kai... He can lie too... How are you so sure he didn't?"
" You do know that he can never lie to anyone of us while making an eye contact?" Sehun nodded and Kai continued " He was maintaining an eye contact while telling about it. Don't worry babe our bear is in safe hands only"
Hearing this Sehun was convinced too but still he wanted to talk to Namjoon once.
Maybe that was the reason they didn't ask Namjoon to return his phone, predicting Sehun would call him.

Namjoon was Sehun's younger brother while Seokjin was Kai's younger brother. Sehun was sent to the USA for further studies to become a doctor where he met Kai, and the two young boys instantly fell in love. They dated for about an year when Sehun had to come back to Korea. He was  22, and Namjoon was just 16 at the time.
He still doesn't know what exactly happened, but apparently their careless parents had flown away leaving the teenage omega all alone by himself amidst the lustful eyes of alphas.
Since then Namjoon had been living with Sehun and Kai and was highly adored and pampered by the two to the point Kai preferred Namjoon more over his younger brother, Jin.

On the other side at BTS dorm

Namjoon was in the store room, clutching the mobile phone in one hand, while the other caressed his flat stomach. All while his tears kept flowing to add up to his misery.
He looked like a beautiful mess.
So eternal, yet so broken

The memories of his humiliation, still so fresh repeating in his mind like a film. Till now he was in denial that his mates were just angry at him, and with the hope of a better future he kept surviving instead of living. But now, the incident was an eye opener for him and broke his delusion. His mates weren't just angry at him.
They hated him!
Nothing could be mended between them know, and even if it could Namjoon doesn't want it anymore. His heart is too fragile now, he has given up on his mates. Now all he wants is to hold his baby in his arms.
The sole reason, he wanna live and not survive.

"W-why did you all do this ... Did I-I really mean nothing to you... I took your everyone blame, every accusation without any protest thinking you will come around soon... You even left me and my wo-wolf alone to suffer... Still stupid me h-had hopes from his alphas... I AM SO DAMN STUPID RIGHT I-I sh-should have never believed in your fake love and fake promises... You are the same like everyone y-you hurted me ju-just like everyone too" Harshly sobbed Namjoon, as he clutched his hair tightly into his fist.

But then harshly wiping off his tears, he kept his hands on his stomach and spoke " Baby... My baby, don't worry. Eomma will protect you... I-I am so sorry baby that eomma couldn't protect your sister, but eomma promises he wouldn't let even a single scratch come to you, hmm...  Eomma loves you my baby, come soon...
Eomma will take you away from here, and w-we will live happily hmm... Eomma won't waste his tears and time on your stupid appas baby... My precious baby... I love you so much. Forgive me for not getting a good father for you baby"

But then he remembered something, he had to check up once that wether he could continue taking the pills or not, he didn't wanted to risk his baby's life.
Grabbing onto his phone, and fumbling messily onto the screen Namjoon managed to search about it on Google. Though he knew, he couldn't trust Google for something this serious, but it was still better than asking his brother about it and getting his baby killed. He couldn't even ask any other doctor, as first he had no one's number and even if he did his brother had a good connection. He would instantly know.

' Should we continue taking methergine if we conceived again' Was what, the Google search said. Methergine is a post abortion recovery pill, the same medicine his mates saw him take the other day and mistook it as abortion pills because of not being able to read the complete text on the label. Which was pretty much expected of them, as they barley believed in anything Namjoon did.

On the other side his mates were equally anxious too, the reality and harshness of their actions sinking to their heart a little late.

"Hyung, we need to stop all this and get our baby back"

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60 votes and 20 comments
And thankyou so much for 1k+ votes.
Also tell me if you need a chapter completely based on Namjoon's POV about all this?
Love ya !!

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