Ran away?

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Wiping off his tears quickly, Namjoon ran off to pack a few essential things. He also stuffed in his savings which he had with him as cash not having much time to waste on searching his cards.
The pregnancy test was still in his hand, as tightly and securely he could.

"I won't miss the happy memories I made here." spoke Namjoon, sighing as tears made their way down his face. He was too overwhelmed thinking he would finally be free, he would no more live with the fear of his baby getting killed.

With one last glance, Namjoon turned his back and twisted the door knob.
With a deep breathe he turned it again, only for the door to remain stoic and unopened. He was to close to be free but why was destiny being so against him?
It felt as if the heaven's door were closed shut at his face.

"Why isn't i-it opening?" cried Namjoon still desperately trying to open the door.

Realising that they all apparantly locked the door from outside, Namjoon sat there defeated for a few minutes until he remembered about the back door.
Rushing there quickly, he tried to open the door and make his escape but it was closed too.
Namjoon tried as far as jumping out of the windows but all of them were locked shut, leaving him alone and trapped.

At last, Namjoon broke down defeated and started crying all along caressing his tummy.
His mind played games, making him think that these were the last moments he would have with his baby and then he and his baby both would be killed by those alphas.

"M-my baby... Someone pl-please save us...She is in-innocent... Don't harm h-her." Namjoon kept mumbling things, totally losing his sanity. His packed bags lying beside him waiting to belong to another place.

On the other side, they all reached the hospital. Their heart throbbed with fear and nervousness. They don't know what future held for them, or how things will turn out for them after the conversation.
All they could do was hope.
Hope for a better future, hope for a chance to amend themselves, hope to have a baby with their omega and live happily.

Thankfully, Sehun had just got finished with his check up rounds and was sitting in his cabin.

"Hello hyung... How are you?" asked Jin on behalf of everyone. Sehun chuckled and spoke, "Not at all tired you know..." while pointing towards the big stack of files.
They all managed to laugh fakly at that and took their seats when Sehun asked, "You all say... And where is my baby?"
"We are good too hyung, and welp your baby... He is scared of you after the prank we all pulled... So he sent just us to bring these medicines" lied Yoongi effortlessly showing the same medicine box to Sehun.
"Aishh, that brat is definitely gonna get something from me... I was missing him so much... But why did you all come? You could have just texted me and I would have asked someone to get them delivered to your dorm" spoke Sehun.

Yoongi and Jin looked at each other not knowing what to reply, Sehun was asking a lot of questions and they definitely didn't prepare for so many of them.

"We wanted to apologise to you and Kai hyung for the prank we pulled. But Namjoon was still scared thinking you are angry so we ourselves came to take the medicines." spoke Hoseok making Yoongi and Jin sigh in relief.

"Ohh, but you guys are being extra now... As long as it was a prank I am fine with it... Else you know." said Sehun his tone getting a little scary at last making each one of them nod their head without realising.

"But Hyung do you know what these medicines are for? We keep asking Namjoon but he never tells... He just says that these are just supplements." spoke Hoseok. Jin mentally facepalmed himself as if any educated person could tell what the medicine was for by reading the label. But thankfully, maybe too tired to think in that direction Sehun didn't catch on it and exclaimed " OHH GOSHH! Don't tell me he still didn't tell you about it."

Seeing Sehun's reaction they all stiffened at their place ready to know the heartbreaking truth.
"Tell about what hyung?" asked Taehyung, desperation evident in his voice.

"Goshh I am so stupid. I shouldn't have believe that idiot. I should have told you all about it myself... ARGHH." screamed Sehun in frustration, pulling his hair. While the others remained their dumbfounded not understanding what was happening.

"Hy-hyung... You are scaring us... Please tell what happened." asked Jin too close to crying.

"I-I had to abort your baby... O-or else Namjoon would have died..." sobbed Sehun, covering his face with his hands reminiscing how his brother had begged him to not kill his baby and he still did it without his consent.
"I-I had t-to force him to do i-it...Sorry" sobbed Sehun in guilt. Telling someone that he had to kill their baby was something he never even imagined to do. Call him selfish, but he loved his brother more than anything and couldn't bear to lose him for some unborn pup.

The others stood their shocked and frozen. Not even in their nightmares they expected Sehun to actually kill their baby, no matter what the reason he had no right to kill their baby without them even knowing about it.

Jin couldn't control his anger as he came towards Sehun and pulled him up by his collar.
Forgetting their relation with each other, Jin harshly punched Sehun over his face and spoke " WHY! JUST WHY? H-HOW COULD YOU?" however his questions remained unanswered. Jin stood there for good 2 minutes, looking down still holding onto Sehun's collar.

He then looked up, straight into Sehun' eyes with his red ones and asked "Why and when?"

Hey guyss
How's it???
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If i get a lot of votes and comments then will give you another update by this week
Love ya all!!

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