Let our fate decide!

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Namjoon on the other side was sitting in his new room and talking to his baby, the others gifted the room  to him a few months back after his pregnancy was revealed when a panting Jungkook came inside.

"Hy-hyung please come... Sehun hyung is really angry... I-I am scared," sobbed Jungkook, despite being an alpha he was pretty soft and sensitive  and all the chaos he witnessed right now downstairs was freaking him out.

"Hey hey it's okay," soothed Namjoon as he wasted no second in hugging Jungkook. Surprisingly his body didn't shiver in fear rather enjoyed the long felt warmth.

"What happened?" asked Namjoon

"I-I don't know... Sehun hyung just keeps at screaming at everyone saying we are so stupid and that everything i-is ruined..."

With that Namjoon and Jungkook walked downstairs, even being so panicked Jungkook made sure to take care of Namjoon as they ascended down the steps.

The moment they reached the ground floor, Namjoon's collar was clenched in an angry grip by Sehun harshly shaking him while Jungkook tried to intervene but Jin managed to stop him.

"Why did you do it Namjoon. WHY?" screamed Sehun while Namjoon was confused, what happened to his hyung out of no where.

"You fooled me right? You intentionally got pregnant again. What do you even want to prove by doing all this, HUH? TELL Me!"

Understanding why Sehun was behaving like that Namjoon gave out a smirk and said, " Betrayal hurt Hyung doesn't it?"

The words angered Sehun further, his hand rose up in the air ready to come down across Namjoon's face.

"Hyung," screeched Jungkook. "He's pregnant, you can't raise your hand on him." Slowly he pulled Namjoon behind his back who lowered himself in fear. Undoubtedly Namjoon was getting scared of his brother.

"Let's sit and talk please," pleaded Jin and Sehun agreed too, seeming to understand what he just did and he already felt guilty.

Jungkook quickly came with water and made Namjoon drink it. Once they all were calm, and seated on the bed Sehun continued.

"Why did you do it baby? It might cost you your life." cried Sehun.

"What life hyung? It's better to die than live like this. Since our parents abandoned me hyung, I always wanted to have a baby and give them all the love I could never recieve and you wanted to take away that sole happiness away from me. You killed m-my baby Hyung... You are a killer..." hearing Namjoon the others looked down in shame for causing so much misery to their mate to the point he felt dying was better. While Sehun, though a bit confused tried to understand his brother.

"Baby we could have gone for surrogacy, or you could have waited till your treatment to conceive again right?" asked Sehun helplessly.

Hearing him Namjoon chuckled humorlessly and spoke," Really hyung? You still want to lie? When were you planning to tell me that I can't conceive after laser treatment? After my treatment,huh? Please at least you don't betray me again," sobbed Namjoon miserably, Namjoon was talking in puzzles and Sehun was getting confused but that wasn't his main concern right now.

"So-sorry... But I can't lose you..." cried Sehun.

"Hyung let our fate decide for us. Things don't go the way we want anyways now do they?" spoke Namjoon.

"Did something happen baby? Why do you keep talking like this... Did they say anything to you? Just tell me! Hyung will fix everything for you." said Sehun glaring at others. Jin and Yoongi were sweating profusely afraid their truth might come out, and God knows if Sehun will tear them apart right here without any second thought.

"N-no hyung nothing happened... You want to stay here tonight?" asked Namjoon hopefully, wanting to sleep with his brother tonight.

"Ahh baby, I am so sorry but I can't stay today. I need to go to the hospital and arrange things for your further treatment... We just can't leave everything on fate you know." teased Sehun, and after bidding goodbye he left the house and Namjoon left for his room with Jungkook following him like his tail.

Jungkook waited outside for a few minutes, trying to gather his courage and talk his heart out to Namjoon. He was no fool, he could easily sense how his hyung was way more comfortable with him than with any of his other mate and that filled Jungkook's heart with pride. Maybe his actions didn't go in vain at last, Namjoon still believe him.

"May I come in hyung?" asked Jungkook peeking his head from the door.

Namjoon smiled at the adorable bunny and asked him to come in. Jungkook was really nervous at the moment and Namjoon could easily sense it. He sat at the other corner of the bed far away from Namjoon and started speaking shakily, "Hyung I-I wanted to ask you something." getting the approval from Namjoon he continued.

"Hyung do you hate me too?" he asked abruptly, and Namjoon was bewildered.

"Wh-hat? No... I-I mean I don't hate any of you..."

"You don't? REALLY!!" exclaimed Jungkook and Namjoon nodded. After that he didn't wait even a second for further approval and kept his head on Namjoon's lap while his feet dangled out of the bed.

For a few minutes they sat in silence with Namjoon caressing Jungkook's hair and Jungkook staring at Namjoon.

"I-I missed you," sobbed Namjoon out of the blue. Jungkook wasted no time in getting up and pulling Namjoon to his lap. He was pretty keen while doing so as he observed whether Namjoon was fine with the proximity or not.

"Hyung, you know I always used to feel bad for animals that they can't express their feelings their emotions their thoughts like we humans can. But then I realised we humans are no different, despite being blessed with the ability to speak we never express our sorrow our feelings our pain to anyone and just expect them to understand us... W-why are we like this." ranted Jungkook, he was feeling frustrated with himself that why did Namjoon just forgive  him so easily. He didn't deserve it, at least not so easily.

For another few minutes nothing was said when Namjoon finally decided to break the silence.

"You are right Kook we are indeed blessed with the ability to speak. But tell me don't you understand bam even though he can't speak? It's never about words baby, it is always about actions. In a relationship there is always this one person who does a lot for the other person, they fill their cup with love and care until it overflows but then they are also the one who get hurt the most because of it. All those things they do for the other person raises their expectations and they wish to be treated the same way by them too. The feeling that if I can understand them without them telling me about it then why can't they? It's always about our expectations kook.
The people who really love us don't need us to tell them our feelings to understand them, it's all about how much effort someone wants to put in the relationship.

Now for example see, you didn't tell anyone about how Taehyung blackmailed." spoke Namjoon and Jungkook could feel his soul leaving his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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