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Hearing Jin, Namjoon scoffed harshly. He had completely given up on them and didn't really expect them to give him food, but still it will take his heart a little more time to adjust to it.
He remembered what Jin had asked him to do the last time he wasn't given food and he started doing that, he was ready to be their puppet now! And no more held the hopes to be their omega again!

Namjoon started licking Jin's feet who flinced with the sudden wet feeling on his feet and backed away. Namjoon thinking he did some mistake came forward too and again started licking Jin's feet as he spoke " Master I am really sorry... Pl-please give this slave some food... Even a little will be fine but your slave is really hungry"
Jin was frozen hearing this, while the others had a hard time controlling their tears. Did he break him so much? That he was ready to do anything just for some food.
Goshh, they were definitely in for a long guilt trip and this was just the start. Their omega whom they used to feed with nothing but love and affection was now even ready to lick their feet just for some bites of food.
They surely failed to be good alphas!

Namjoon kept licking Jin's feet thinking if didn't do it, he would get punished, something he couldn't afford as it would risk his baby's health.

Yoongi was the first one to compose himself and slowly shook Jin back to his senses. They both made an eye contact with a look that said 'We ruined it didn't we?'
Slowly nodding, Jin motioned Namjoon to stop and again motioned him to keep back the trays. Namjoon lost all the hopes, at the same time feeling scared for his baby did what his 'master' told him, he got up and kept the dirty trays back in the cupboard and came back, kneeling beside Jin.

"You can sit and eat on the chair Joon, hmm?" spoke Jin "Just like you should" continued Yoongi for Jin.

Namjoon looked at them dumbfounded as if they were speaking some foreign language, nevertheless crawled towards the empty chair and then sat on it.
Their heart clenched seeing Namjoon still crawling, but wasn't this what they wanted at the first place? Then why do they feel so bad now.

Keeping all those overwhelming emotions buried inside them, they focused on amending things and making Namjoon a little more comfortable with them.
Namjoon looked at the full plate in front of him, making his mouth water. It was so long since he had something tasty, and in so much quantity. But he kept his hands to himself, and eyes down towards the floor.

Taehyung felt so awkward talking to Namjoon, when did talking become so awkward with the same person with whom I used to even share my guilty pleasures thought Taheyung as he tried to gather as much as courage he could before saying "Hyung you can start eating..." he said softly very unlike of what it used to be just a few hours ago.
They thought to take things slow and not make Namjoon overwhelmed, but they were apparently failing to do so as a storm of emotions was swirling inside Namjoon.
He felt angry, betrayed, sad, hurt, weird and many other emotions he couldn't describe but the most overpowering was anger.
Why now? Why now when he had given up on everything and everyone. Why were they acting as if everything is normal out of the blue? WHY?

Namjoon wanted to scream all these questions on their face, but kept quiet scared for the safety of his baby. He couldn't afford losing his baby again!

Namjoon came out of his thoughts, feeling a hand on his shoulder. He flinched in fear and backed away, keeping his hands on his stomach instinctively.
Yoongi, who shook him felt like dying seeing his mate being so scared of him to the point that even touching him felt like he was touching a fragile glass doll ready to break down any moment.

Seeing Yoongi wasn't in a state to say anything, Hosoek motioned his hands towards the plate kept in front of Namjoon and spoke "Eat Joon, it's for you"
Namjoon gazed between Jin and Hosoek and then slowly pointed towards himself and asked "For me?" very timidly, scared to offend them.
Jin nodded with a soft smile and said "Yes joon, for you" ohh how badly he wanted to call Namjoon with sweet nicknames like before, but he had to control all those urges and just focus on recovery of Namjoon for now.

"Thank you" saying this Namjoon lowered his face and started to lick from the plate  just like he did from the tray.

Everyone watched the sight, their appetite stolen by the bitter taste of regret and guilt. Namjoon continued to lick the food off the plate, slouched down in obedience, eyes hollow and haunted.

Jimin couldn't bear to witness this anymore. He got up and walked towards Namjoon.

"Namjoon," Jimin's voice trembled as he reached out to gently touch Namjoon's shoulder, causing him to flinch slightly at the unexpected contact. "Can you... can you please stop?" he asked as softly as he could behind his trembling demeanour.

Namjoon looked up, his eyes clouded with confusion and exhaustion, but he nodded silently, scared thinking he again made some mistake.

"Why don't you... why don't you use these instead?" he suggested softly, his voice barely above a whisper though laced with sadness.

Namjoon looked up confused, why were they being so weird suddenly? Did Sehun or Kai say anything to them? Or did they got to know is pregnant again? Or are they gonna kill his baby?
He was really confused, after three months of eating like a dog, he was forced into a headspace where acting like an actual human felt weird. They wanted him to use the cutlery? Isn't that just for his alphas to use?

"You... you want me to use those?"

Jimin nodded, his eyes brimming with an unspoken apology. "Yes, Namjoon," Jimin said.

Namjoon nodded in fear, eyes down to the plate. With trembling hands,he  reached out and picked up the fork and knife, only for  his hands to fumble upon it and them falling on his plate!
Did he just forget how to eat?

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