I give up!

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"Al-alpha" Moaned Namjoon, feeling the slick dripping down his legs as his body along with his wounds continued to burn. His body was already shrunk so that he could accommodate himself in the room and now all the pain and the stickiness of the slick was making him even more uncomfortable. 

"ALPHA" Screamed Namjoon again, his alphas already knew that his heat started. They could feel and smell it!

But blinded by revenge, they stopped themselves from not jumping on the whimpering omega and devour him. Jin and Yoongi the only sane ones, were having a hard time controlling the feral wolves of Jungkook and Taehyung. 

With a collective effort, Jin and Yoongi managed to herd the others into a separate room, locking them away to prevent any impulsive actions that could harm Namjoon or their plan of revenge. 

Both of them sat in Jin's room, with tension weighing upon them. The dilemma of what to do with the omega downstairs hung heavy in the air.

"We can't leave him like this," Jin finally spoke breaking the silence. Yoongi stared at him for a moment as Jin continued " But we can't directly help him either, it will make him think we are going weak for him"   They both again sat in silence not being able to choose between listening to their wolf and their heart or listening to their human and brain. The scent of Namjoon's heat permeated the air, acted as a constant reminder.

" You're right we can't afford to appear weak, especially now when our revenge is at its peak but we can't leave him like that either in his heat. It could be fatal " Finally spoke Yoongi, by now the tempting fragrance of Namjoon was getting too much for their wolf to be sane. 

" You go and bring him here, I will bring some of our clothes for him" Jin spoke and Yoongi nodded ready to leave the room when Jin stopped him and ordered " Don't appear soft" The tone Jin used, made even Yoongi shudder in fear despite being an alpha himself. 

As Yoongi descended the stairs, the soft peachy fragrance became unbearable, his wolf was growling to take over and just claim the leaking omega but he was well trained to control his wolf, at least yet. 

'forget your revenge, your omega needs you' his wolf screamed in his inner conscience but ignoring all of it he just walked further until he got to the source of the addictive fragrance. The same fragrance that always calmed and soothed him. 

"Alpha... Al-alpha" Seeing Yoongi, Namjoon tried to laugh in happiness but it only came out as a painful chuckle. 

'Our alpha is here, he will help us. Alpha loves us' Howled Namjoon's wolf in excitement, thinking their miseries gonna end now and they would be taken care of by their alpha. 

"Get up" Ordered Yoongi, as he cringed at how small the room was. He wondered if he could fit in it, let alone the tall lanky omega. 

Listening to what Yoongi said, Namjoon looked at him dumbfounded. He was so close to fainting from the pain, that standing was something very difficult for his fragile body at the moment. Seeing Namjoon making no effort to get up Yoongi harshly spoke" Okay then, keep suffering here. Don't complain later" 

The words seemed to give Namjoon some motivation as he tried to get his limps into some action and do what Yoongi was asking him to do and probably, just probably they would take care of him and his wolf.  He tried to get up, but his body was withering on the floor, his wounds were burning at the same pace that his strength was dying. And it was becoming too much. With all that he was seeing as well as feeling, he knew he couldn't do it.

"No...n-no I can't " Screamed Namjoon. "I can't...ta-take it..."Namjoon began to scream louder and more desperately as the slick became thicker. The heat his body gave off was growing even stronger, making his skin harder to hold on to. He didn't want to miss the chance. 

Yoongi despite trying to maintain his cold stoic, could feel his heart clenching at the vulnerable sight of his omega on the ground whimpering and withering in pain, wanting nothing but a little love and relief.
Ignoring Jin's words he wordlessly bent down and pulled Namjoon out of the tiny room under the stairs. And once Namjoon was out, he with a little hiss carried him, while Namjoon melted in the much lost warmth. His wolf was happy, finally getting his alpha back.

On entering the room, Yoongi made sure to not ignore Jin's words this time and harshly threw Namjoon on the bed as he looked up with teary eyes, confused with the sudden change.
On the other side he could see Jin coming to him with chains in his hand.
He was scared !
He wasn't happy anymore, he and his wolf were scared, Just scared!!!
"Al-alpha... Wh-what happened" stuttered Namjoon, as his heart raced in fear, adrenaline peaking.

"Aww, baby thought we would actually help him? So bad " Fake cooed Jin. He wanted to help Namjoon but at the same time he didn't wanted to. It was his man ego, that didn't let him listen to what his heart was saying. He didn't wanted to show Namjoon that he still cared for him and would go all soft but at the same time his wolf couldn't see his omega like that. And so here he was, indirectly helping Namjoon yet making sure he breaks the omega's heart.

"Wh-what do you mean al-alpha?" Asked Namjoon in uncertainty as Jin smirked at the question.

" Baby wants a release,hmm ?" Spoke Jin as Namjoon eagerly nodded, not having enough strength to speak more.

"Ohh of course alpha will help you " Spoke Jin swaying the chains infront of Namjoon and it didn't take him long to realise what jin meant by 'help'. His wolf tho, was still in denial thinking his alpha is gonna help him.

"Pl-please al-alpha... Hurts ... Kn-knot me pl-please al-alpha ... Can't ta-take it .... Too mu-much " Cried Namjoon helplessly exchanging glances between Yoongi and Jin. Jin was having a hard time controlling himself but he did, and continued tying Namjoon's hands and legs making the boy completely at his mercy while Yoongi stood their inexpressive . A lot of things going through his mind. As if his heart and mind were having a inner war and clearly his mind was winning.

"Don't worry baby, you will get your release" Spoke Jin, as he shoved the silicon dildo into Namjoon and he gasped at the sudden intrusion. It wasn't painful as he was literally leaking but he wanted his alphas not some plastic toy.
Saying this Jin got up and left the room " Enjoy baby, cum as much as you want !"

"N-NO ALPHA... PL-PLEASE... DON'T LE-LEAVE.... ARGHHH ... MA-MASTER PL-PLEASE. " Namjoon tried everything but his mates remained unaffected as they left him in the room, all tied and whimpering in pain.

'They left you'
'Your alphas don't care about you anymore '
'They hate you'
'You have no chances with them'
'They would never forgive you'
'Give up on them'

Screamed Namjoon's wolf in agony. His wolf couldn't believe that his alphas really left him alone, unattended despite being in heat.
He gave up on them , he doesn't care about getting their forgiveness anymore. His wolf was over his denial. If not even by his heat, nothing could melt his alphas.

But what about his human side ?

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