Who did what

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When Yoongi went to the store room, he scanned the medicine. He was horrified when he got to know that the medicines were post abortion recovery pills and not abortion pills.
That came down as the first initial realisation for him. He and the others were definitely wrong all along, weren't they?
By now he had definitely realised that there was something which they didn't know, else Namjoon would have never aborted their pup. But it was too late for that already.

'I didn't see him coming to the room after that incident.' thought Yoongi to himself, concluding that Namjoon most probably didn't have these medicines after then. That gave him some strong points to bring out the truth from Namjoon. He was just moving forward with vague assumptions right now, but at least it was better than just sitting and seeing his omega suffer.

Not long after, all of them were in the room. They were seated on the couch, in a semi circular pattern and Namjoon was standing right in the middle under their intimidating gaze, head down in fear.

"Why aren't you taking these medicines?" Yoongi questioned. In an instant Namjoon's head was up looking at the medicine in shock.
"I-I d-did." spoke Namjoon, but it was too obvious.
"Lie. Didn't hyung told you to not miss these medicines?" asked Yoongi, making wild guesses as he remembered Namjoon telling that it was Sehun who made him abort the baby, so he must have given the medicines too.

"So-sorry... I-I forgot to eat master." spoke Namjoon looking down thinking his truth will come out, and they will again kill his baby even before he gets to see him. He was ready to bear any pain if that meant he could hold his angel in his hands.

"Sorry won't do anything Namjoon, tell me why did hyung ask you to eat those medicines,"
"Or do you want me ask it directly from him?" said Yoongi after a pause, observing Namjoon's expression keenly.

Namjoon was panicking really bad. He stumbled towards Yoongi and fell down on his knees, begging him to not ask anything from Sehun.
"N-No no master pl-please... I-I will say everything... Don't ask fr-from Hyung ... H-he will kill my baby... NOOO... PLEASE ST-STOP... M-MY baby... save her pl-please... I-I beg you." he was visibly having a panic attack, the others were shocked trying to digest what he said. Why would Sehun kill their baby? That didn't make sense at all, but now they were sure that Namjoon wasn't lying either!!
So what the heck was the actual thing, everything was just getting more complicated with each passing second.
Jin being able to compose himself, bent down to Namjoon's level and pulled the thrashing boy on his lap. Slowly and calmly, he was able to make Namjoon feel safe. He kept releasing calming pheromones which helped Namjoon further, and soon the tiny omega was asleep sniffing onto Jin's neck.

Jin cooed at him as he softly pecked Namjoon's forehead and with the help of others settled him on the bed in their room.

Once Jin was back they all started discussing amongst themselves.

"Hyung what did Joonie hyung mean when he said that Sehun hyung killed our baby... That's not possible, we all know he had never do that... Arghhh" spoke Jungkook in frustration pulling onto his hair. It all felt like a nightmare, he just wished to wake up from soon. "But Namjoon wouldn't either," continued Taehyung in defence of Namjoon.
"Enough of us being cowards... We did this to Namjoon so we shouldn't be afraid to bear the consequences... We are going to Sehun hyung today and ask the truth from him," spoke Jin, taking up his role of the pack leader. Seeing the looks on other's face he continued, "We of course won't directly go and tell whatever shit we did to him... Or else Hyung would leave us with no chance to amend our wrongdoings. But we need to know the truth." The others nodded in approval, and they all started discussing about how they had ask Sehun about the truth without being too 'obvious'.

Within an hour they were out of the house, heading towards the hospital. As Sehun spent his maximum time over there only, due to the alarming rise in covid cases.

Throughout the ride they all were scared and nervous, they didn't know what the future held for them.
Will they ever be able to hold their omega again without him getting scared?
Will they ever be able to love their omega again without him panicking?
Will they even get to be with their omega again?

All they hoped was for the truth to be something their heart could bear.
Or else even if Namjoon forgives himself, they wouldn't ever be able to come out of the guilt.

Back at home, Namjoon woke up. At first he was a little confused to see himself in their nest. He smiled widely thinking all this was just a dream and he was happy and loved with his mates. But then subconsciously his hands went to his neck as he was trying to fix his shirt.
Once he sensed the collar still adorned on his neck, reality came down at him as it wasn't a dream rather the truth.
He remembered the conversation he had with his matsers before as he frantically got up from the bed and looked for them. Just hoping they all didn't know the truth already.
He had been trying his best to hide his scents so that they don't smell him being pregnant.
But if his mates get to know the truth and talk to Sehun, then it would be a piece of cake to catch that he is pregnant again.

Namjoon searched the whole house, but they weren't found anywhere. He was going mad with each passing second. He was throwing things in anger and desperation.
He hurriedly went to the store room and bought out a pregnancy test kept in a small box, that showed 2 red lines.

Clutching onto the test hardly and desperately he spoke, "Don't worry baby, eomma will run from here and save you... He won't let anything happen to you..."

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So sorry for the late updates, I thought I had get time to write while travelling.
But most of the times my aunt drops me midway for my coaching and in evening after 12-13 hours of studies, I am just too exhausted to write anything. So most of the time I just sleep off in the metro lol or talk with my friends.

But will try to complete the book in April itself!!!
Love ya all!!!
But do gimme comments,okay?

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