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As expected Namjoon could only withstand the position for around half an hour before he fell on his face, now hurting his chin as his whole weight came down on his chin and elbows. Even before he could pick himself up, his so-called mates walked into the living room, almost as if they were waiting for him to make some mistake so they could dish out more punishment.

"Look, hyung, the baby can't even keep his balance," Taehyung taunted, pointing at the omega who was now whimpering on the ground. This wasn't enough, Taehyung craved more. This wasn't sufficient for him; he yearned for Namjoon to beg them to stop, to plead for forgiveness, and he intended to relish every moment of it.

"Come on, Joonie, you need to learn your place," Jin sneered, crossing his arms as if ready to dispense some harsh lesson, which he already planned with the others. 

"Oh, hyung, don't you think it's our duty as his mates to refine his pathetic flaws? How about we teach this dumb baby how to maintain his balance, right bitch?" Jungkook sneered, fixing his gaze on Namjoon, who trembled in fear at the anticipation of what torment awaited him in the coming minutes. His mind could barely comprehend the limits his mates would cross. 

"I-I am so-sorry masters ...Pl-please forgive me this time " Pleaded Namjoon, his voice shaky as he regained both his composure and position. He clung to the hope that perhaps, against all odds, he could escape the inevitable punishment. Deep down, he knew that no matter what he did, the torment wouldn't cease, but he could still at least try right?

"Strip before we come back" was all he heard, before he heard the footsteps retracing and the room emptying. 

For a solid five minutes, Namjoon remained frozen, attempting to process the bewildering events that happened to him.  As the rhythmic pattering of footsteps drew near again, he hastily and fumblingly removed his clothes, a mix of urgency and anxiety propelling his movements.

As the smirking faces of his so-called mates revealed, Namjoon's heart sank. He stood bare and exposed, the weight of their cruelty pressing down on him.

Namjoon's plea echoed in the air, lost in the shadows of their cruel intentions. The room became a stage for his torment, and with each passing moment, the boundaries of his endurance were pushed to their limits.

Yoongi cracked his knuckles, the comparatively quiet one "Let's start with a lesson in balance, shall we?" he suggested, a wicked grin playing on his lips. The atmosphere tightened, signaling the beginning of a nightmarish ordeal for Namjoon.

Namjoon could only bow in response and say "Yes master" he didn't want to add more to his head. 

It was Hoseok and Jimin doing the main work as they came forward and slowly pulled Namjoon up to his feet, having a bruising grip on his shoulders as they pulled him, while Namjoon only moaned in pain. 

They refrained from demanding him to stifle the sounds of his pain because they were like a closure to their broken heart, the pain of their omega subsided the pain of their heart and they wanted nothing but to get rid of the pain of their aching heart, forgetting that they were hurting their soul in the process. 

Jimin tightly gripped Namjoon's hand, seemingly oblivious to its trembling nature, while Hoseok ruthlessly clamped onto Namjoon's nipple with the firm pinch of his thumb and forefinger of each hand and started tugging on it almost as if it were some rope amplifying Namjoon's screams. Continuing the torture for about five minutes, all while the screams of Namjoon echoed in the room, Hosoek then proceeded to fasten the nipple clamps over Namjoon's now red and purple nipples. Yet, the climax of exquisite agony awaited its unveiling.

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