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As Namjoon was trying to sit on the chair , Taehyung stopped him and spoke " Where do you think you are going " Namjoon lowered his eyes and spoke " Umm , to s-it ... For breakfast master " Trying his best not to anger Taehyung but maybe he did as Taehyung shouted " WEREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE ON YOUR KNEES , HUH ?" Namjoon shuddered in fear as Jin stepped in and calmed down Taehyung while Namjoon sank down to kneeling . 

" Go and take out Yeontan's food tray from the cabinet " Ordered Jin as Namjoon crawled over his knees and elbows and brought it back within 2-3 minutes . It was a bit difficult to hold it so he somehow balanced it over his back with great difficulty and then crawled back to them . But nowhere in the world, he was expecting the next words spoken to him . " From now on , you will eat food from the same tray in which Yeontan eats " Told Yoongi as he without any affection threw some food toward Namjoon in the tray . It made Namjoon feel like , his value was even less than a dog now for his lovers  . But having no room to protest he just obeyed them " Yes master " He had no idea how he would bring himself to eat from it without puking , he couldn't !! It was a dog's tray for god sake and that too the one used on the daily basis .

As he slowly brought his hands down to the tray to pick up the food and then brought it near his mouth , he was harshly stopped by Jimin pressing his shoes on his knees . " Ahhh " he moaned in pain . " You dumb bitch  , who told you that you could use your hands ? Eat like a dog does , got it ?" With the painful pressure still over his knee he muttered  a " Yes master " and with utter humiliation , bent down to the level of the ground and somehow managed to pick up a few bites by his mouth without touching the unwashed tray . More than the feeling of gross , he felt humiliated . The same mouth that was fed with love by the hands of his lovers just until two days back was now eating from the tray of a dog .  While eating he could hear Taehyung mock him and say " Hyungggg , my tannie will get sick now because of him "  whined Taehyung .

Did they all start hating me so much just within a day ? Did I hurt them this much , I am so stupid . Thought Namjoon as he sank down further eating the pieces he could without touching the tray . He would die out of hunger but not eat the way they want him to . 

After he was done , though a few bites were still left . Hosoek asked him to bring the knife from the kitchen . He again painfully crawled to the kitchen , this time a few blood drops trailing behind as a few spikes from Jimin's shoes managed to pierce through his skin . And the same way he returned back while balancing the knife . The two minutes of bliss he got while standing to pick up the knife was pure heaven . He never imagined a day , where he would be grateful that he could stand for a few moments . But that's how life is , way more unpredictable than we can ever imagine . 

Too caught up with the pain , Namjoon didn't notice the way he was handing over the knife . He had the sharp side of the knife towards Hosoek , which cut his skin a tiny bit . The cut was very tiny , and barely two drops of blood came out of it but that was enough for them to have a reason and punish their omega . " Tsk tsk , the first day and you can't live without punishment right ? CAN YOU " Spoke Hosoek evilly , flexing the barely bleeding finger . Namjoon could only mutter up enough courage to look up for a second and when he did , he regretted it . His sunshine looked too evil , he had never seen him like that . He was scared ! Scared of his own mate !

"I-I so-sorry ... Master ... Really sorry " Spoke Namjoon while shaking but Hosoek showed no mercy as he asked Namjoon to bring his hands forward " Awww my baby , your sorry won't reverse it right ? Show me your hands now baby " Spoke Hoseok , his voice getting sickeningly sweet . Namjoon didn't know what to do , the sweet voice was just further creeping him out and scaring him but he had no option . He had to make up for his sin , and that was only possible when he would obey them . With hesitation he forwarded his hands , but feeling something cold on his hands he wasted no time as he looked up in horror . Hosoek was tracing the same knife over his hands . In fear, he pulled back his hands , while Hosoke just chuckled . " I thought to go a bit easy on you but you don't just like people being kind with you right ? Always taking advantage of their care. " Namjoon well understood what else it meant and looked down in shame as Hosoek continued " So here have it the hard way . I will slice your skin with the knife , your hands will be free but you won't pull them . GOT IT ? " Flinching at the loud noise , Namjoon messily nodded his head only to get a hard slap on his face by hosoek . The pain hurt , the sting hurt, and most importantly the hate hurt . " Don't you know how to use your mouth ?"  Namjoon wiped the blood off his lips and spoke " Yes master ... I-I will d-do as you say "  

" Good " praised Hosoek raising a tiny bit of hope in Namjoon's broken heart . But even before he could let the happiness reside , a pain shot through his whole body , starting right from his hands . " AHHHH Ma-master ... Sorry " 

" N-no more master ... pl-please , hurts ... " Sobbed Namjoon with the last bit of energy as Hoseok finally stopped after making around 6 cuts in total over his hands . His hands were totally covered in blood , just blood ! What hurt even more was the others saw all of it while laughing and none of them , not even one of his lovers made any attempt to stop that . 

The incident made him realize one thing , quite earlier than expected . His lovers weren't gonna melt anytime soon and this is how his life was gonna be till god knows when . 

His injuries weren't tended and neither was his heart . The rest of the day passed a little simply as he was just supposed to do the chores . Cooking dinner was a bit difficult as they intentionally asked him to marinate the chicken and all the salt and spices burnt his wound badly . But at last the day ended and he was glad to have some relief now . Or maybe he was wrong .

" Strip " Ordered Jin as he looked at Namjoon , hawking like an eagle . 

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