Good news or bad news?

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Namjoon cried out loudly, due to the pain in his cheeks and jaw while Taehyung left to call Kai. Namjoon didn't know to be happy or sad. Kai could be both, good news or a bad news. Standing up with the motive to defend himself for the last time, each moment a battle with pain Namjoon slowly gathered his strength and stood up with the support of Jin's legs. 

"Master, do you really think I would do something like this?" Was all Namjoon asked, looking dead into Jin's eyes. Namjoon's eyes were void of its usual warmth. They  were no more the carrier of the spark that would always soothe his alphas, they were now just deep vast oceans of emptiness.  

Listening to Namjoon, Jin laughed sarcastically and spoke " Did you give me any chance to believe you Namjoon?" He paused for a moment, taking in the cold empty face of Namjoon which hurt his heart a little, though he continued and spoke "Tell me, what logical reason could a mother possibly have to kill their child? TELL ME!" 

Namjoon didn't say anything as he kept looking at Jin, his silence creating an uncomfortable stretch in the room, after about a good five minutes he turned to the others and asked them the same question. With each rejection, Namjoon felt a piece of his heart crumble away. Each reply just hurt him further and further to the point where their denial about them believing him stopped piercing his heart like a dagger. Once he was done with giving them the last chance, he turned back to face them, a broken smile lingering on his face as he spoke " Master," His voice trembling and strained. " Did you ever try to listen to me and give me a chance to explain?" Saying this he started walking out of the room. But to his ill faith, the moment he opened the door to walk out, Taehyung came in and at this stage, anything related to Namjoon just angered him to the peak. 

As Taehyung came into the room, his expression twisted from a happy one to that of an angry one. Namjoon flinched at the sight of angry Taehyung. Though he was all brave just a moment ago, but his wolf was getting weak due to the angry pheromones from Taehyung. "Pl-please listen t-to me" Whimpered Namjoon, too scared of Taehyung. 

"Ohh sure, let's listen to your so-called reason for once. So that if you die, you don't blame us later. Right hyungs?" Spoke Taehyung, mocking Namjoon but for Namjoon it appeared as a new life, maybe now they would forgive him. Though he had completely broken down after all the rejections, his heart was still ready to be re-pieced and give his mates another chance. Nodding with contentment Namjoon spoke, "Tae, I didn't know... Hy-hyung forced me to d-do it... I-I wanted t-to tell you all but-" However he was cut off mid-way as Jungkook, filled up to the brim now punched him. "How much will you lie? JUST HOW FUCKING MUCH?" Screamed Jungkook, as he was now seated on top of Namjoon, throwing punches on his face. 

"AHH pl-please no..." Cried Namjoon, trying to protect himself from the pain with his hands, but all futile. "How can you still blame others, huh? No one! I say no one can force you to do that if you don't want to... Or you are really that pathetic? Tsk" And with the last blow he got up, after sensing that Jin wanted him to get up and had something else planned for him. 

"How long until Kai Hyung comes here?" Asked Jin turning to Taehyung. " About 30 minutes hyung" Replied Taehyung and Jin just nodded. After about another minute, he spoke " Take him to the nest" Saying this he left the room, leaving a struggling Namjoon in Taehyung's and Jungkook's hold who was trying his best to get out of their grip. Though he was dying to be in their nest with his mates, right now he knew he wouldn't get the desired things in the nest. 

"PL-PLEASE... NO I-I am so sorry... let m-me go" Cried Namjoon helplessly, but to no avail as by now they were in front of the room. Yoongi opened the room to find Jin already there with a few ropes and that just scared him more. Namjoon attempted to run away and he was almost down the stairs before he was yanked by his hair onto the railing of the stairs which immediately formed a deep cut and started bleeding. 

"Gosh! Such a bitch you are " Exclaimed Yoongi dragging Namjoon back to the room, his body hurting because of how awkwardly it was dragged over the stairs. " See hyung, our little bitch thought he could escape after ruining our lives" Fake gasped Yoongi as he threw Namjoon onto the bed where Jin was already settled. 

" Taehyung and Jungkook wait outside for hyung" Spoke JIn, as the two left with a hesitant nod. Jin knew how impulsive the young alphas were, thus sending them out was the best option. 

Jin took his time, to tie Namjoon up with all the ropes. Namjoon made no attempt of protest. He was just too tired, not physically but mentally. He just wished for all of it to end soon, he wished for his life to end soon! He didn't want to live such a pathetic life anymore. All he wished for was to meet his angel soon and live with her happily up there, without the torture of his mates, without the hatred of his mates. And with just love !

Once Jin was done, there laid a tied-up broken Namjoon. His all clothes, except for his boxers were discarded onto the floor, carrying his dignity along with it too. All he did was stare at the ceiling, praying for this torture to end. But it appeared as if it were never-ending.

About 15 minutes passed, and the silence of the room was broken by the soft pats of feet. Namjoon thought it would be just Taehyung and Jungkook but to his nightmare it was 


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55 votes and 15 comments. Honestly, the votes on the last chapter were so wholesome. 

Love ya !

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