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Hearing the words of Jin, Namjoon jolted from his place pushing Jin away in the process.
'I was right about these filthy alphas' thoughts Namjoon as they once again thought of killing his baby.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME," screamed Namjoon, his voice getting a little shaky and breath uneven. Jin startled, tried to console Namjoon but to no avail.
Though he did know that Namjoon still might be affected by the loss of their first baby, but he had now idea of how deep the trauma was for Namjoon, that drove him to act like this.

"Namjoon, shh... calm down... please, let's talk calmly, hmm..." tried Jungkook, as he was apparantly the most trustable person for Namjoon out of all six of them.

"N-no please... You will kill my baby too." cried Namjoon in despair, the anger long gone leaving behind a fragile mother in despair.

"No, I promise. No one will harm your baby, hmm? See we will sit on the floor away from you okay? Can we talk now?" asked Jungkook, settling himself as well as the others on the ground while Namjoon was on the bed still shaken.

"Okay," mumbled Namjoon.

"Will you pl-please tell us what exactly happened when we all were at our hometown?" asked Taehyung, as much as he hated to listen to the truth, the truth of their cruelty, the truth of their betaryal and the truth of their relation. They wanted to know each and everything, from the very start till scratch though they were really late to do so.

Hearing Taehyung, Namjoon gave out a tiny sarcastic chuckle, and all of them looked down ashamed.
Just how fast the table turned, almost till the last week, Namjoon had been kneeling infront of them out of fear and now they were kneeling in front of him in shame.

"Aren't you too late to ask it, master?"asked Namjoon, though he intentionally used the word 'master' while referring to Taehyung, but it was also because of the fear that was still buried in his heart.

"So-sorry," chocked out Taehyung, too overwhelmed to even look into his omega's eyes. The same eyes which earlier used to hold his whole world.

"Anyways," spoke Namjoon. " You all remember when you all went to your hometowns for vacations? And I stayed here, because apparently my parents abandoned me and I have no where to go..." told Namjoon, as tears made their way out of his eyes, while the others nodded.

"After a few days, I found out that I was pregnant and hyung took me to his hospital for tests and stuff. There while scanning, he found out that there were some complications in my pregnancy as I had a tumor in my womb, that wouldn't effect our baby much as it is non cancerous, but hyung told that as the baby would grow bigger, the pressure on the tumor had increase to the point it would burst.

It could be treated, but only by laser treatment not any operation and for that it was necessary to abort the baby.

Hyung told me to tell you all about it soon, because he had to abort the baby maximum by 2 weeks as I was already in my second month.
I-I really needed you all at that time... I couldn't handle it alone, b-but you all... You all shrugged me off everytime I tried telling you saying 'My talks aren't much important right now as I am at out mansion only, and I should let other's share what they did with their family.'
Heck! You didn't even know that I wasn't at our mansion, rather I was living with hyung... Did you even try to think once before speaking those words to me? I-I know my parents abandoned me b-but that doesn't mean my heart doesn't wish to have the love of a family..."

Jin was about to interrupt Namjoon, and apologise for his words however he was stopped by Namjoon mid way as he continued speaking.

"Hyung used to ask me everyday about what we decided and whether you all will be coming back, but from what mouth I would have told him that my mates don't even consider my talks to be important... I-I get that you were meeting your family after so long, and so you all were just so excited but maybe, just maybe if you would have listened to me we wouldn't have been here.
At the end of the second week, Hyung did something really unexpected... I never thought he had do something like that, I-I never forgive neither him nor you all... He mixed sleeping pills in my food and after that without my consent he killed m-my baby... He had no right to do s-so..." and saying this, Namjoon broke down as he covered his face and strted crying.
Jimin was coming up to him, to hug him and to comfort him, when Namjoon again stopped him.

"DON'T! Please don't... I-I know how to handle myself." spatted Namjoon harshly, while Jimin looked down in shame.

"After that, rest you all know. You came back and saw my abortion reports, and as you all chose to trust the papers more than your mate, you lost him forever." spoke Namjoon, finally getting a tiny bit of closure. He wanted to say a lot more to them, but does they approval even matter for him now?"

They all sat in silence for the next 5 minutes, when Jin stood up and spoke lowly, " Will you please not tell hyung about whatever we did in the past three months?" asked Jin scardely, too ashamed for still being so selfish while others looked at him shocked too.

But standing in his shoe, he wasn't wrong too. All six of them still had a hope that they would amend the things they completely destroyed and get back to normal soon, and for that they needed time which was only possible as long as Sehun didn't know about all this.
Till then they would convince Namjoon to abort the baby too, or get a surrogate mother instead.

Namjoon looked at them with betrayal. But somewhere he was happy too, thinking now his hyung won't know about his secret and the others won't know about just how easily he fooled all of them.

"Sure, master." said Namjoon.

Hey guyss!!!
Again long time no see right? Sorry for making you all wait so much, my studies have been really hectic and the free time I get, I usually spend it with my mother.
But now here it is, do vote and comment!!!
I wanted to write a longer chapter, but I guess this sums up the chapter better, the journey of them convincing Namjoon should be from a new chapter!!

Also do you know, if you gimme a lot of votes and comments I might get the motivation to give the next chapter a lot quicker. Ha ha!!!
Love ya!!
Also also tell me, what secret do you think Namjoon is still hiring?
See you soon.

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