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Namjoon was in hysterics. His worst nightmare was coming true, out of all the inhuman things his mates did to him. He never expected them to go as far as exposing his vulnerable self to some third person, a sight he thought was reserved just for his mates was now exposed to others. He felt utterly defenseless, as he lay there exposed at the mercy of Jin. One thing he was sure of was that Kai would side with him even if it meant going against his biological brother. But that didn't help to fix the heart of Namjoon which was completely shattered this time, leaving no scope to be healed. 

His mates finally broke him!! Beyond repair! 

Though Namjoon couldn't bring himself to look in the eyes of Kai, feeling ashamed and exposed but by hearing the gasp that left Kai's mouth, he knew he was safe from his mates. 

"WHAT THE HECK JIN?" Exclaimed Kai, as he witnessed the sight of an almost naked Namjoon, tied! And Jin sitting beside him. He was confused about the whole situation, though his face screamed fury. 

Jin stepped forward, attempting to explain, but Kai cut him off with a sharp glare "I did not ask for an explanation," turning towards Namjoon he spoke softly "Untie him" One glare from Kai, was enough to get Jin into working without any arguments. Namjoon, still reeling from the humiliation of being exposed in such a way, felt a flicker of relief as the ropes fell away. Once Jin was done with untying all the ropes, mustering up his courage he spoke " Hy-hyung it was just a-a prank" Stuttered Jin, trying to downplay the situation while Namjoon who was rubbing his skin looked up at him shocked. His sounds of protest were silenced by Yoongi pinching him underneath the sheet Kai covered Namjoon with. 

Hearing the commotion, Kai turned towards Namjoon and raised his eyebrows to confirm whether it was true or not. Compelled by fear, Namjoon nodded his head hesitantly as Kai just gave him a not-so-convinced look. Everyone could sense Kai's anger as Jin scolded himself mentally. Out of all the people he could call, he called Kai for Namjoon's punishment! Definitely the stupidest decision. 

"Umm we will discuss it later hyung... let Namjoon dress up, till then let's sit in the living room... hmm" Spoke Taehyung, as he dragged Kai out of the room and the others huffed a sigh of relief, though Namjoon remained there filled with fear, not knowing what would happen to him next. 

Today, his human gave up on them too. Now even if the universe asked him to forgive them, he would never. Neither would he crave their forgiveness. He thought the most extreme they could go was leaving him like a rag during his heat. But they very well proved him wrong, by exposing such a vulnerable sight of him in front of his father like hyung. How would he ever face him, after this?

Breaking his thoughts, by the pain he felt from the collar in his neck Yoongi spoke " Hear wear them, and downstairs show as if everything is like before between us. If hyung gets even a little suspicious then no one would be worse than us," Hearing this Namjoon mentally chuckled as he thought ' I have no expectations from you guys no, nothing you would do can affect me now '

" And yeah, look into his eyes as he won't belive it" Saying this they all left downstairs to Kai, where they saw Taehyung struggling to convince Kai and keep him in his place. 

"Hyungg, I missed you" Screeched Jin, as he tried to hug Kai only to be pushed away by him. 

"Stop diverting my mind, and tell me what the fuck is happening here" Spoke Kai, in a stern voice as everyone shivered in fear and glared at Jin, for being so seemingly stupid. 

"Hyung, we swear it was just a prank... We were too bored by just staying at home, so decided to do that... You can ask Namjoon, he is just coming down in a moment..." Spoke Jin. Kai was still not convinced and waited until Namjoon came down, which was within 2 minutes. 

As Namjoon came down, Jungkook pulled him on his lap and backhugged him. This time, Namjoon's body didn't reach he wasn't happy with the hug he was just a broken doll, switching his expressions as per other's convenience. 

"Joon, baby... tell hyung is everything fine... hmm?" Softly spoke Kai, but he could see the hesitation in Namjoon's eyes but his words spoke otherwise. 

"Yes hyung, it was really just a prank... Though I am embarrassed now, Ha ha !" Spoke Namjoon, looking straight into Kai's eyes just the way he was instructed. 

Kai hummed in response and spoke, "Ohh okay, as you say. I would still like to talk to you alone," and then looked at others "Leave!" His voice, now sharp and stern as everyone retreated to the nest scared. They just wished Namjoon wouldn't say anything or else they would be dead by the hands of Namjoon's hyungs. 

Once Kai was sure it was just two of them, he slowly pulled Namjoon over his lap sideways and again asked the same question " You sure Namjoon? Tell me if there is any problem, I and your hyung will make sure to punish them for it... Just tell me baby what happened. You don't look like my koya bear at all. " Namjoon was having a inner battle, he don't know why but he didn't want to tell about this to Kai, that would be a huge chaos but still to convince Kai he looked up 'cutely' and spoke " Even jinnie hyungiee?" Kai chuckled at that and spoke, " Yes, even your jinnie hyungiee" 

Namjoon hummed at that and spoke "Ohh, but don't worry right now it's nothing hyung... Really it was just a prank" Squeaking at last, to make it appear more realistic. While Kai seemed convinced now

' Should I ask him, if I should stop taking the medicines now? But what if he tells hyung? They will kill my baby... No no I won't tell anyone, I will just google it. I can't risk my baby's life again' Thought Namjoon, though outside he appeared all normal and the happiest person alive. 

How's it? 

Do vote and comment, 60 votes and 15 comments. I wanna see who can write the most wholesome comment, ha ha ! 

And also we are so close to 1k votes, yeah! Thankyou so much !

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