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Namjoon found himself lost in the memories, how his mates had never let him cook, especially that one time when he accidentally burnt his hand, and for the next whole week they all didn't let him do even a single thing. But now? Everything changed, things were no longer euphoric, and his mates didn't care about him anymore. The stark contrast was killing him.

Now, the warmth of those cherished moments seemed like a distant memory. The nostalgia of better days served as a bitter reminder of how everything had changed.

They all had a very stressful week, and finally, now that they had a day off for themselves, Namjoon wanted nothing but to help his hard-working and worn out alphas as much as he could. So here he was awake at 5 in the morning trying to cook, not even the Sun had made its way through the sky. 

Namjoon knew it was a bad idea in fact very bad idea to cook but he wanted to lessen the work of Jin so that he could just relax. He messily fumbled over the ingredients as he scrolled through the recipe on his phone. 

" Ahhh, this is so frustrating... How does Jin hyung cook daily for us " Screamed Namjoon in annoyance pulling his hair out to the maximum. 

As Namjoon struggled with the ingredients and the recipe, he didn't notice the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through his frustration. "Namjoon, what are you doing up so early?" Yoongi's voice, though groggy from sleep, held a note of concern.

Startled, Namjoon turned around, his messy hair falling over his forehead. "Oh, hyung. I just thought I'd give Jin hyung a break today and cook for everyone. But ahhhh this is so damn frustrating"

"It is trusfrating " Joked Yoongi as they both chuckled at the joke when Yoongi continued. 

 " But Namjoon ah, You're a genius with lyrics, not kitchen utensils." Teased Yoongi, as Namjoon outed in response. 

" If you want to make fun of me, then go out. I will cook a tasty meal, just wait and watch." Sassed Namjoon as he turned back to figure out things, while Yoongi walked out of the kitchen.

Another hour passed, and so far Namjoon had managed to cook without any blunder when he heard the sound of another pair of feet coming towards him and right before they could reach him Namjoon turned back with an evil glint. 

" What are you trynna do kook ?" Questioned Namjoon as Jungkook awkwardly scratched his neck and said " Umm... I  thought I'd surprise you "

 "Well, you've definitely surprised me by being up this early." Teased Namjoon as Jungkook whined in embarrassment. Their life was happy, something too good to be true. They made sure to tease each other all the time, but at the same time never failed to express their unconditional love. Taehyung and Jimin joined too, sharing laughter and jokes.

 Jin the last one, awakened by the delicious scent, made his way to the kitchen with a smile."Looks like I'm getting a break today" Jin teased, glancing at Namjoon, who sheepishly scratched the back of his head." Our joonie was just trying to be thoughtful you know." Yoongi explained, shooting Namjoon a fond yet teasing look. Jin walked over to Namjoon and ruffled his hair. "Well, I appreciate the sentiment, Joonie... But you know how clumsy you are right baby... What if you get " " AHHHH "  Jin's sentence was cut mid way by Namjoon's scream as he didn't realize he was holding the hot pot bare hand, too engrossed in the praises he was getting. 

"Ohh God!" Screamed Jin in horror as he took the pot that Namjoon was still holding so that he wouldn't waste the food and put it back on the slab. While Namjoon kept crying in pain and disappointment thinking he just increased his lover's work instead of reducing it. 

The kitchen suddenly filled with chaos as Jin hurriedly got a bowl of cold water, instructing hoseok to grab some ice. Yoongi, Jimin, and Taehyung rushed to Namjoon's side, concern etched on their faces. Namjoon tried his best to not let the pain show in his face, he didn't want to worry his already stressed boyfriends more. 

" Hyung you okay ?" Questioned Jungkook, too close to crying himself. Namjoon didn't like seeing tears in his maknae's eyes as he forwarded his burnt hands to rub off the tears, but Jungkook softly held his hand before he could.  "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Dont cry please " 

" Why do you always do this, huh? Do you like getting yourself hurt hyung? Don't you know you can't cook, hmm ? Why do you always do this " Scolded Jungkook while he himself cried all along, Namjoon wanted to laugh at the cute site but controlled himself while Jin returned with the bowl of water, guiding Namjoon to dip his burnt hand into it. The cold water provided some relief, but the redness was still evident. 

"I told you, Joonie, you're a genius with lyrics, not kitchen stuff. Let us handle this, okay? " Yoongi said, trying to lighten the mood.

Jin took over the first aid, gently placing the ice on Namjoon's burnt hand. Namjoon tried his best to not wince at the burn. The atmosphere in the kitchen shifted from playful banter to a more serious and caring one as all his mates had their attention on his burnt hands. Jin was observing Namjoon's face. He knew what his omega must be thinking, but getting his hand treated was more important right now. As JIn finished bandaging Namjoon's hand he started speaking.

" Joon, baby I know you wanted to help us but believe me baby you already make our life a lot easier. Not everyone can do everything, just like you can't cook. But don't take it to heart, you help us in other ways where we are of no use. That is how a family exists right? Helping and embracing the flaws of each other. I can't compose or write lyrics as well as you do, right? I help you all with what you can't do and the same way you help us too in what we can't do... So never think like that my baby, hmm? " Reasoned out Jin, as Namjoon hugged him tightly and started crying. 

"Shh shh ... easy boy what happened hmm ?" Soothed Yoongi as Namjoon messily babbled . 

"Sorry... I-I just wanted you to have a peaceful holiday but I probably added more to your work... S-so sowry" Cried Namjoon as they all facepalmed at his stupidity. 

" Yahh,  I just spoke this much for nothing? Does this koala over here needs a punishment? Baby really, it's okay... And I am really excited to eat my Joonie's handmade food, right ?" 

And a chorus of "Yess" was heard as Taehyung and Jimin set up the table, while Namjoon sat on Jin's lap as Hosoek and Yoongi fed him. 

He looked at everyone with adoration, realizing how lucky he is. 

Reminiscing the memory, Namjoons started crying more hardly. Everything changed because of his foolishness and greed. All those happy moments were now just in his memories and not his reality. The room was getting suffocating as he wished for nothing but to get out of it as soon as he could. 

How's it ? 

45 votes for the next chapter . 

I thought to add around 6 flashbacks, each kinda centered around each member. And did you all check my new book ' Despertae Dreams'? It's again a Namjoon centric one alone with Jinkook . Do check it out !

Love ya all ! 

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