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Jin's wolf woke up, and the first thing his wolf took notice of was the scared and distressed pheromones of his omega.

Without caring about anything, he ran out and once he saw Jungkook's blood of Namjoon's hand he started growling.
His wolf assumed that Namjoon was hurt, and all it could think was to save his omega, even if it meant killing his pack mates.

On the other hand, seeing Jin's ferocious wolf growl like that Namjoon got scared, his mind couldn't comprehend things well as he assumed the anger to be directed towards him.

Taehyung and Jimin were aiding Jungkook. While Yoongi and Hoseok stood there dumbfounded not knowing how to get the hold of the situation.

It was a total mess. Everything was chaotic, with no visible way to peace.

Yoongi could see Jin's wolf racing towards them, the only option was to fight with him until Hoseok gets the injection.

"SEOK GO BRING THE INJECTION." screamed Yoongi and jumped on Jin's wolf tackling him to the ground.

Yoongi was having a really hard time controlling Jin's wolf. First of all he was still in his human form, and then above all that Jin was driven by his anger at the moment which didn't let him think sanely.

Namjoon kept shivering in fear, protecting his stomach from his hands until he fainted.
The pregnancy test now on the ground instead of his fist. Though his words had made it pretty obvious that he was pregnant again, but they all still thought that Namjoon was talking about their first baby.

By now Yoongi was badly injured, blood was flowing out of his hands like water and Jin had a strong grip on Yoongi's neck by his paws. Each passing second his nails were just digging deeper into his neck.

"Arghhh" groaned Yoongi in pain but it had no effect on Jin.
"Hyung see it's me, your pack mate... I-I won't cause any harm..." tried Yoongi to convince Jin but to no avail, just when he was at the verge of fainting Hosoek came back and injected the medicine right onto Jin's neck and by the very next second,  Jin's wolf was lying limp over Yoongi's injured body.

"Hyung," cried Hosoek while holding Jin's wolf as he knew how painful the medicine is.

"Shh hoba, don't cry. You carry Hyung to the room, I will carry Namjoon. And you both bring Jungkook to the room too." said Yoongi, taking up his responsibilities as the alpha in the absence of Jin.

It was all too messed up, just when he thought that they got a chance to make everything right and live a happy life with their mate, all this happened.
Things just worsened instead of improving.

Keeping all these thoughts aside, he picked up Namjoon and carried him to the room.
Jungkook and Namjoon were settled over the bed, while Jin's wolf laid on the couch.

"Hyung, you sit. I will bring the first aid kit and treat you both." said Jimin stopping Yoongi who was going to the washroom.

Jimin was soon back with wet towels, cottons and medicines and handed a few of it to Taehyung.

Taheyung started cleaning Yoongi's wound while Jimin did for Jungkook. None of them made a single sound of pain, and endured it as their first punishment.
Hosoek kept shifting between Namjoon and Jin, caressing their head alternatively.

Jungkook couldn't hold it in anymore and started crying. " Hy-hyung see what happened... W-we thought we will make everything fine now and here we are again, back to zero... Infact even wo-worse... He was even scared to be near us." everyone looked at him pity, no one was in the condition to console him as they themselves were going through the same.

It felt as if their life was a maze at the moment, and they were just clueless not knowing where to go.

Jungkook kept crying for another few minutes, but slowly calmed himself and wiped his tears muttering a small sorry. He felt like he was just troubling his hyungs more in the situation instead of helping them.

They all sat there like that, staring at Namjoon's fainted thin body. The fact that their omega was scared of them was a little too difficult to digest for them, but at last they brought it to themselves.
Yoongi felt the most helpless as he could barely sort anything by his own without the support of Jin, when he went to correct one thing the other got ruined.
The fact that he just gave such a painful injection to his hyung was killing him.

Another few minutes passed and Jin's wolf woke up, with a comparatively sane mind. Analysing Yoongi's injured body, he didn't waste a second to shift to his human form and ran to Yoongi.

"Yoonie baby, I-I am so sorry... I-I couldn't control my wolf a-at all that time." hearing this Yoongi cried harder, his hyung was ignoring all the pain that came in because of the injection and still was worried about him.

"N-no hyung it's not your fault... I-I injected y-you that medicine... H-how could I?" cried Yoongi.

Hoseok, who technically bought the medicine couldn't bear to see the scene anymore and excused himself to bring water.

After calming down, Jin one by one came to each of them and kissed their forehead lovingly, even Namjoon who was sleeping peacefully.
His body was really aching a lot, it was covered with small blisters all over as a side effect of the medicine and that was barley 10 percent of the pain the medicine bought.

They all were so lost in their thoughts that they didn't realised that Namjoon already woke up. He didn't say much and just stared at each of them.

Just then his gaze went to Hosoek, who was standing at the door shocked. Before Namjoon could say anything, Hoseok's knees have up as he fell down to the ground and whispered, " You are pregnant?"

Hey guys!!!
So sorry for the delay!!!
But do tell me how's the chapter!!
65 votes for next chapter, the faster you vote the faster you get the update!
Also do you think Namjoon will get to keep his baby this time?

Love ya!!

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