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"Madelyn. Madelyn Rivers!" Madelyn's eyes snapped open, disoriented. She scanned her surroundings in bewilderment. "Where the hell am I?" She thought as a woman approached her, seizing her arm firmly. Madelyn attempted to protest, but she couldn't speak. Instead, a voice emanated from her, speaking her thoughts, "Mama, please. You are hurting me," it implored, though she had not uttered the words herself. Madelyn surveyed her surroundings more closely, her eyes widening as she took in the old-fashioned attire and architecture of the house. It was as if she had been transported to a different time. Before she could make sense of it all, a sharp slap across her cheek stunned her into silence. She cradled her stinging face, listening to the woman who must have been her mother, "You abomination. You are not my child." Her mother's words cut deep, and Madelyn could hardly believe what she was hearing. "I found someone willing to take you. You are not fit to be in this family or coven." With those final words, her mother cast her out of the house, leaving Madelyn alone in a strange and distant era. A sympathetic woman extended a hand to help her up and offered Madelyn one of the horses. They silently set off from the village, with no words passing between them.


Madelyn shot up with a gasp, bewildered by the sudden change in their surroundings. She realised she was back inside the Salvatore Boarding House as she glanced around. A strange sensation coursed through them as they struggled to recall what had happened. "Madelyn," Stefan exclaimed. She turned her attention towards Stefan, who wore a concerned expression. "Stef," Maddie stammered, her mind racing to make sense of the situation. "What happened?" Stefan looked down for a second. Not quite sure how to tell her. "You died." 

Suddenly, it all came flooding back to her. Katherine. "That bitch." Madelyn looked at Stefan and sighed, "So I am in transition?" He nodded, "I'm sorry, Mads." She smiled at him, "It's okay, Stef, you're not the one who killed me. There is zero reason for you to be apologising." Madelyn exited the couch, "Do you have a blood bag?" Stefan nodded, "Are you sure you want to become a vampire? You don't need to decide now, Mads." Madelyn closed her eyes briefly, "I don't want to die, Stef. Well, I guess die again. So, can I have the blood bag?" Stefan handed it to her.

At first, Maddie just looked at it. She felt ravenous but hesitated. Stefan looked at her with his usual concern, "What, Stef? It's blood, and yes, it looks good, but it feels weird," She grabbed it, and Stefan laughed. Once Maddie took her first gulp, she realised how good it tasted. She drained the entire bag before she felt a change. Maddie felt powerful. Being a siphon, she knows what a sudden feeling of power is like. This was different, though. She felt magic running through her and hadn't siphoned anyone. Madelyn looked at the unlit fireplace, "Incendia." suddenly, a fire started. "Did you just do that?" Stefan asked her, "Yeah. When a siphon is turned, they can do magic without siphoning from others. They call them Heretics." She told him with a smile. 

Suddenly, Damon entered the house quite chipperly. "Someone quite happy; let me guess, the doppelbitch has been dealt with," Madelyn asked him. He smirked. "Yes, she has. A fate worse than death." "She is in the tomb, isn't she?" Damon nodded. "Good to see you up and moving again," Maddie smiled at him, "Aww, day! I didn't realise you cared." He rolled his eyes. "So Vamp Madelyn. I wonder, will you be even harder to deal with now?" Madelyn rolled her eyes at the raven-haired vampire. "Well, technically, Heretic, please me hard to deal with. I am the one who is stuck babysitting your arse because you do dumb things." Stefan laughed at the pair. 

Madelyn suddenly got an overwhelming feeling of sadness. She realised that Bonnie wouldn't want her to live with her anymore because of her turning. Since Sheila Bennett, Bonnie's grams, died, Madelyn lived with her. Of course, the newbie heretic knew Bonnie would never kick her out because she was a vampire, but knowing how Bonnie reacted to Caroline being turned, she didn't want to burden the witch. Maddie looked at the Salvatore brothers, "Could I stay here for a while?" As if they already knew the reasoning, Damon nodded, and Stefan smiled, "Actually, I have been meaning to ask you for a while. Would you want to move in? There is plenty of room, and you are here almost permanently anyway."  Madelyn smiled, "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be a bother." The Salvatore brothers and Madelyn had become close since the boys arrived in Mystic Falls. Stefan and she hit it off immediately, while it was rocky at first with Damon. To Madelyn, both of them were like her brothers. "Oh god. Mads, just move in," Damon said while grabbing a glass of bourbon. The Salvatore brothers loved having her around, though Damon would never in a million years say it out loud. She was like a little sister to them. "Okay, Day. If you insist," Madelyn stated with a smile. 


Word Count: 880

It's a short first chapter. I'm sorry, but I felt like it was a good start. The chapter lengths are all over the place, but mostly, all will be longer than this. At least, I hope they will be. 

Also, let me know whether you like the book!

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