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Madelyn sat in the study with Alaric and Damon, yet again drinking bourbon. She really liked her Bourbon. "Well, today was a bust," Damon said. Madelyn laughed, and Alaric said, "Yeah." The heretic looked at the older vampire, "Aren't you glad I was there, or you would be complaining about having a pencil shoved in your throat." Alaric laughed while Damon glared at the girl. "Yeah. Elijah's one scary dude. But with nice hair," Alaric said before getting up. "Hey, you want another one?" Alaric grabbed Damon's glass and went over to get more Bourbon, "Not you, Mads." The heretic rolled her eyes at him. 

"Ugh. He's going to be hard to kill," Madelyn looked down at her hands when Damon said this. She still was conflicted about killing him. Her past life memories with Elijah made her start to care for him. However, he did threaten to kill Damon, who was too important to the heretic. "Yeah. I'd think twice before I'd trust that dagger and some ashes to do the job," Alaric told them, and Maddie nodded in agreement. "We need to get more information on it," Madelyn said as she looked at Damon. "I'm out of sources," the vampire told them, and Maddie sighed. 

Alaric then changed the subject, "What's up with you and this news chick?" Madelyn leaned back into her chair, almost ready to call it a night. "oooh. She's got spunk, huh?" Damon told him, which caused Alaric to sigh, "Just don't kill her, please." Maddie looked over at Damon; she was also worried for the woman. "If I did, who would report her death?" Damon told them, and the heretic laughed. "Just don't do it, alright? She's friends with Jenna, and it's bad enough that I'm lying about everything else. I hate the lies." Ric looked at his phone, "Oh, god, I gotta go. I gotta pick Jenna up. Don't worry. I'll, uh, show myself out." 

Maddie stood up and said goodbye to Ric before heading up the stairs, ready to go to bed. She stopped when she heard a crash and walked back down the stairs. The heretic saw Ric lying on the floor with a knife in his stomach. Before she could run over to him, her neck was snapped.


When Madelyn awoke, she was chained to a chair and groaned. The heretic felt weak and dizzy. She looked around the room to see Alaric on the floor, dead, and Damon chained to the chair beside her. "Morning sunshine," Madelyn looked to see a guy holding chains attached to the collar around Damon's neck. "I saw this movie once, some torture-porn flick. Anyway, they had this collar device that was really cool, so I just modified it with some wooden nails, and when I pull," Madelyn winced, hearing Damon grunt in pain. The guy grossed her out, "We didn't need to hear about your torture kink, dude." The guy looked at Maddie, walking over; he stabbed her in the leg with a wooden stake. Madelyn grunted in pain. She had never been tortured before and had never been stabbed before. It hurt like a bitch, but she wouldn't show them that. "Fuck you," Maddie said to him.

Before he could say anything, Jules spoke up, "So, I hear you have the moonstone." Damon chuckled, "Oh if only you knew the irony of this moment right now." Madelyn laughed, knowing what he was talking about. "Let me tell you how this is going to go. You're going to torture me. I don't talk, someone loses a heart. Last time, it was your boy Mason." Damon told them, which seemed to anger the wolves as they stepped closer to him. "This time, it'll be you," Jules told him and the chains were pulled again. Still groggy and in pain, Madelyn couldn't concentrate enough to spell the chains off of herself. 

Madelyn was getting sick of hearing the wolves torturing Damon. Even more annoyed with hearing Jules talk. "You know what the great thing about buckshot is? It scatters through the body. Maximum damage." Jules lifted the gun, pointing it at Damon, "Where is the moonstone?" The Salvatore looked at her, "Get over it, honey. You're never gonna get it." Jules then pointed  the gun at the heretic, "Where is the Moonstone?" Maddie laughed at her, "I'm not telling you shit, bitch." 

Just as the wolf went to pull the trigger, Elijah showed up, "you looking for this?" The wolves all turned around, seeing the original leaning against the door frame, tossing the moonstone in his hand. He walked towards them, putting the moonstone down on the desk. "Go ahead. Take it." Madelyn smirked, watching as one wolf ran forward and was killed. Two more ran at Elijah and met the same fate. Jules ran off, and the wolf that was torturing Damon tried to hide under his hoodie. Maddie snickered, looking at Elijah, who walked over to him. 

"What about you, sweetheart, huh?" Elijah pulled the wolf up, "Wanna take a shot? No? Yes? No?" The original looked over at Damon and Maddie, "Where's the girl?" Madelyn shrugged, "Ran off, I think."  Elijah looked back at the wolf, "it doesn't really matter." He knocked the wolf out before walking over to Madelyn, pulling the stake out of her leg and breaking the chains. "Thank you, Elijah," Maddie smiled weakly at the guy, who was now breaking Damon's chains. "So you realise this is the third time I've saved your life now?" Elijah told the Salvatore before exiting the house, grabbing the moonstone on his way. 

The heretic and vampire cleaned the house and dealt with the dead wolves. Madelyn decided she was done for the night and left Damon to finish the cleaning. She headed to her room, going straight into her bathroom to shower. Once she was clean, she got changed and got into her bed. Damon walked into her room, "You okay, Mads?" Madelyn nodded, too tired to talk. "Good. Bonnie called. Elijah was planning on using Elena in the sacrifice." The heretic groaned, "So we are killing him then?" Damon nodded before walking out of the room. 

Madelyn sighed before lying down in her bed. The girl was still conflicted but knew that regardless of what she thought, Damon was set on killing him. Maddie knew then that she would help Damon, only to make sure he didn't die in the process. 


Madelyn opened the door to Nik's study and walked inside. She felt the need to talk to him and apologise. Madelyn had spent the past two days avoiding the man and felt guilty. "Nik?" She asked as she entered. He stopped painting and looked at the girl, not saying anything. "I apologise for avoiding you. I was shocked and wanted to make sure Rebekah was okay." Madelyn told him. They stared at each other, and Madelyn looked down at her hands. 

"I don't blame you, love. I never wanted you to be scared of me." He spoke and she walked towards him. "I was startled, Nik. But I am not scared of you. I just-" Madelyn tried to find the words to explain why she wasn't scared of him. "I trust you. I do not think you are going to hurt me. So I am not scared." The man looked down at the woman and smiled, "I could never hurt you, Madelyn."


Word Count: 1232. 

Madelyn is like my spirit animal.

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