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Madelyn walked with Klaus up to the house. They were in Memphis, Tennessee, and the hybrid decided that Maddie and he would pretend their car broke down in hopes of being invited into the women's house. One of the women had walked out of the house looking for their dog. Klaus and Maddie sped up to her. The woman turned and jumped in fright. The heretic smiled at the woman. "I am so sorry. We didn't mean to scare you." Klaus said in a fake American accent. "Can I help you?" She asked, and Klaus answered, "Yeah, our car ran out of gas a few miles back. My wife and I have been walking forever." He grabbed Madelyn's hand, and she gave a fake smile, "Your house is the first one we have seen," Maddie said in her best American accent, "could we please use your phone?" The woman looked between the two of them. 

"Don't you have cellphones?" she asked them, and Maddie smiled, "I unfortunately left mine at home and this one here." She leaned into Klaus, "didn't charge his." Klaus wrapped his arm around her and pulled his phone out of his pocket to show it was flat. She gave them a small smile. "Look. I promise we aren't serial killers. We just want to use your phone." Klaus told the woman, and Madelyn gave her a comforting smile. The woman huffed, "Sure." Klaus stepped forward, "So.. I can come in?" The woman turned to look at him. "No. I'll get the phone and bring it out to you." Madelyn looked at the girl and then to Klaus. "I thought you country folk were supposed to be more trusting," the hybrid said, dropping the fake accent. 

The woman looked at him. "I'm from Florida," Madelyn smirked. "Well, that explains it," Klaus sped forward and grabbed the woman by the throat. "Now show me a little southern hospitality. Sweet pea," He compelled the girl, and she invited the pair inside the house. "I bet you $100 that dog ran off to a house with air-conditioning." The woman in the kitchen turned around and saw Klaus holding onto her friend, who looked terrified. "What's going on?" She asked them. "Please don't be alarmed. I'm told Ray Sutton lives here," Klaus told her, and Maddie looked down. "He's almost never here. He's on the road mostly." Madelyn sighed. Of course, he isn't there. "But, I expect he makes it home once a month. That's what I thought. Where is he now?" She stayed quiet. "If I have to make you, tell me. It's going to be infinitely more painful for you." Klaus told her with a smirk, and the woman glared before turning to run out the front door. 

Madelyn groaned and walked out after her. The woman screamed as she came face to face with Stefan. "Nice try, sweetie." Maddie told her, and Klaus said, "I love it when they run." She looked at them, "He's in Tulley. It's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort, It's off Highway 41." The woman told them, "Thank you, my love. Now, may my friend come in and play?" Klaus asked the blonde, "Yes." Madelyn sighed. She hated this part. Stefan walked into the house. "Kill this one quickly. Make that one suffer. We'll be in the car." Klaus told him, grabbing Maddie and walking out of the house. 

The heretic shrugged his hand off and walked quickly to the car. They still hadn't talked about the night before, and that was all Maddie could think about. Madelyn leaned against the car. "Wife? Was that necessary?" She looked at the hybrid as he walked towards the car. He smirked and looked her up and down. He was standing right before her, and she tried looking away. "Oh, come on, love. I see the way you react when I touch you. Stop pretending," He told her, and Madelyn scoffed, "You're delusional, Nik." he smirked at her and got even closer to her. She was now pinned between him and the car. Part of her wanted to kiss him, but she ignored him and stared into his eyes. "Sure, love. I'm the delusional one." Once he said that to her, he moved away, and she missed the warmth of having him that close to her. Madelyn sighed. She could not get feelings for him. She would not have feelings for him. 


They pulled up to the divy little bar. Madelyn needed a drink. She got out of the car and headed inside the bar. Completely ignoring the protests from Stefan and Nik. She walked up to the bar and ordered a glass of bourbon, and she gulped it before hearing, "What's up, Ray?" She looked around to see someone walking over towards the bar. She smiled as he sat beside her, looking her up and down. God, men were way too predictable. She didn't even want to deal with the wolf. "Hey. Hey Red. Let me get a beer, and whatever this lovely lady is having?" Maddie looked up at him, "Thanks." Klaus was quickly beside the man. "Ray? Ray Sutton?" The man looked over at him. "Who wants to know?" Madelyn smirked. "We have been looking everywhere for you." She told him, and Klaus continued, "We started in Florida. Pensacola. I met a young chap there who you worked with before you moved to Memphis. Now, he directed me to two lovely young women. And they led me here. To you." Ray looked at Klaus, "I think I'll be going." 

He went to walk past the hybrid, but Klaus grabbed his arm. "Not so fast, mate. You only just got here. Now, your type is tough to come by." Ray turned around to run but came face to face with Stefan. "I wouldn't do that." The ripper told him, pushing him back. "Vampires." The wolf said with a sigh. "You're swifty-swift, Ray," Klaus said. "Yes. My friend here is a vampire. He's compelled everyone in this bar. So don't look to them for any help. Madelyn here and I are something else." Maddie rolled her eyes. "she is a vampire with witch powers, a heretic," as he said this, she smirked over at Ray and then returned to her drink. "I am a different kind of monster. I've got some vampire. I've got some wolf." Klaus told him. "You what?" Madelyn rolled her eyes at the wolf. "He's a hybrid, Ray." She told him. 

Klaus looked over at her before turning back to Ray, "You see, I want to create more of me. Now, you being the first werewolf I've come across in many a moon. Pun intended, Ray." Madelyn glanced over at the hybrid and rolled her eyes. "I need you to direct me to your pack. So, where can I find them, Ray?" The wolf shook his head. "You can't compel me. It won't work." Madelyn sighed as Stefan and Klaus looked at each other. The torturing was about to begin. "Tell you what, Ray, we're going to play a little drinking game. Something I like to call truth or wolfsbane." Stefan told the wolf as he pulled some of the herb from a little pouch. "Oh. this is going to be fun, Ray." Klaus said, and Madelyn looked over at him. She hated this part. Why couldn't they just tell them before the torture so she didn't have to hear it? 


Stefan and Klaus had chained the wolf so he was standing in the middle of the dartboard. The vampire was soaking darts in wolfsbane and throwing it at Ray. It was creative, that's for sure. Madelyn sat next to Klaus and watched Stefan throw the darts, "Please tell me you aren't aiming for his head, Stef? Because I thought Vampires were meant to be better at sports?" Madelyn told him as the dart landed in Ray's neck. The Salvatore ignored her, "Ray. You can end this right now. Just tell me where your pack gathers for the full moon." Ray panted, "I can't." Madelyn sighed and took a sip of her drink. "I know. I know. You live by a code and all that. But see, he's not going to let me stop until you tell me. And I do whatever he says. That's the way it goes around here." Stefan told the wolf. 

Suddenly, a woman walked up to Klaus. "Hello, Mr. Klaus." Klaus leaned forward to the woman, "I have some information for you. You told me to tell you if I saw anything. I saw that guy's brother, Damon, at the farmhouse." Madelyn looked over at Stefan. "Well, thank you, Claudine. You just tell your friends to keep up the good work with the neighbourhood watch, huh?" Madelyn watched the woman leave, and Stefan came and stood in her place. "My brother's still on our trail?" Stefan asked the hybrid, "he's getting closer. I'm going to have to deal with that." Madelyn grabbed Klaus' arm as Stefan told him, "No, no, no. Let me handle it." Klaus looked at the vampire, "why should I let you leave?" Stefan glanced at Maddie before returning his attention to the hybrid. "Because you know I'll come back." Klaus wasn't satisfied by this, "Do I?" 

Madelyn looked at the pair and rolled her eyes. "You saved my brother's life. I'm in your service." Stefan told him, and Klaus huffed. "Oh. It all sounds so tedious and indentured. Aren't you even having the least bit of fun? Huh?" Stefan didn't answer. "I'll make sure that my brother doesn't bother us anymore." The Salvatore walked off, and Madelyn sighed. The hybrid looked over at her, "Are you at least having some fun?" The heretic rolled her eyes, "I'm not big on torture, so not really." She decided to go over to the wolf. "Ray. Just tell us where they gather. Stefan was going easy on you, and well, Nik won't be as nice." The wolf glared at her. She sighed, "Well, I tried." Maddie walked back to the bar and drank more of her bourbon.  


Word Count: 1686

Here is a new chapter! I have been slow with writing the past week. I have been writing a new fanfic. It's a Derek Hale one, and I plan on writing the first entire season before publishing it. I am also excited to write season three and explore more of Madelyn and Klaus.

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