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Madelyn hated having to see Nik with Katerina. It had been a week since their kiss, and it was all the siphon could think about. She did her best to avoid them, spending more time with Rebekah, but dinner was the one time she couldn't. She sat at the table, eating and trying to avoid looking at them, which was nearly impossible since Nik sat opposite her. Rebekah kept glancing over at her. 

The siphon couldn't keep the fact that she kissed Nik from Rebekah, though she definitely regretted telling the original. Rebekah told them all some of the gossip, "Someone has an interest in our Madelyn." The siphon looked over at her, really hoping she would stop talking. She didn't. "He is a friend of Samuel and quite the catch." Samuel was a nobleman who took an interest in the blonde. Madelyn glanced over at a tense Nik before looking at his sister. "Who?"  She didn't care, but if she was stuck watching Nik and Katerina, she might as well try to make him jealous. It was working, too. 


Madelyn jumped up. She looked around to see Katherine sitting on the sofa. "You were out a while. Another memory?" Katherine asked her, and Madelyn groaned. She walked over and sat on the couch. "How long till he's dead and we can leave?" The heretic asked. Katherine just shrugged in response. Maddie stayed up that night, and by the time the sun rose, she was sick of waiting and headed towards the door. "I guess this is one way to test that compulsion." She said as she grabbed the handle of the door. Katherine sped over to her and broke her neck. 


It had been a week since that dinner, and the siphon had created a game. Nik and Madelyn constantly were trying to make each other jealous. Both had succeeded, but Nik had gone to lengths to ensure Madelyn would not see the guy Rebekah talked about. He compelled the guy never to set foot near their home. The siphon did not have that luck. She was stuck enduring the torture of watching Katerina Petrova flirt with Nik. Rebekah wasn't much help in distracting Madelyn as she was off with Samuel most of the time. Elijah was distant as well. She presumed that Nik and he had fought about how much time he spent with Madelyn. 

Rebekah dragged the siphon with her as the Mikaelson siblings planned on playing a pallmall game. "It is okay, Rebekah. I was going to read in the library," Madelyn told her friend, not wanting to be stuck with Katerina and Nik. "Nonsense, Maddie. You are coming with me." The girl didn't argue; instead, she let herself be dragged by Rebekah. They got to the lawn and saw Elijah, Nik and Katerina already there. 

"Madelyn. Glad you decided to join us," Elijah said, smiling at the girl. "Yes, well. I do love a good game," Madelyn said. The siphon watched as, one by one, the Mikaelson siblings took their first shots, each one going through the first hoop. Madelyn stood next to her ball, ready to take her first shot. "You do know how to play right, love?" Nik asked her. He was trying to distract her, but she ignored him. She took the shot and quickly got it through the first hoop. 

Everyone clapped, and the siphon glanced at the original, "Yes, Nik. I know how to play."  Katherine then had her go and got it through the hoop. They all clapped, though Rebekah and Madelyn looked at each other, both only doing it because it was polite. The game continued with Nik, Elijah and Rebekah having a clear advantage, but Madelyn was not far behind them. Poor Katherine was not good at the game. Or she was pretending to suck at it.

Madelyn lined up to take her shot; she hit the ball, which managed to hit Elijah's, then kept going and landed just short of the hoop. Elijah's ball went to the side, making it hard for him to get it through the hoop. They all clapped, and the siphon smiled. Katherine took her shot and got it through the hoop. Her ball landed just short of Elijah's. Everyone clapped, and the game continued. Nik and Madelyn were in the lead, up to their final shots. It was Rebekah's turn, and the siphon looked at her friend with pleading eyes. The blonde automatically knew what her friend wanted her to do and smirked. She hit her ball straight into Nik's, knocking it further away from the hoop. They all clapped, and Nik looked slightly annoyed. He turned to the Siphon, who smiled innocently at him. 

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