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Madelyn, Elena, Bonnie and Caroline stood around the kitchen bench of the Gilbert's residence, "Chinese food or Pizza?" Caroline asked the other three girls. "Hmm, like you have to ask." Maddie looked at the rest of the group and smiled. "I will get it," Care told them, going to order what the heretic hoped was pizza. 

The blonde vampire had stopped and was staring at her screen. Madelyn looked over to see it was a picture of her and Matt. Bonnie and Madelyn looked at each other. "I'll do it," Bonnie said, grabbing the tablet. "Do you believe that Jonas was being sincere?" Elena asked Bonnie. 

Even after Madelyn asked Stefan not to try and work with Jonas, he still did it. Maddie was mad at them, to say the least. Though there wasn't much the heretic could do about it. "I don't know what to believe," Bonnie told her, "I think he is at a loss. He's not sure who to trust." Madelyn looked over at Elena, who scoffed, "Join the club." 

Madelyn huffed and decided to change the subject. "Well, what are we doing about this movie situation?" Caroline glanced at her, "What about the Notebook?" The heretic groaned, "No." Elena decided to join in, "Caroline, how many times have you seen that movie?" Madelyn smiled at the girl while Care scoffed, "That is so not the point." Madelyn laughed. "Well, yeah, I mean-" Elena didn't finish what she was saying as Jenna walked into the room. "Hey," Elena told her. "What's going on?" Jenna asked them. "Girls' night," Elena answered, sitting on one of the chairs.  

Jenna nodded and looked down. Madelyn was concerned for the woman. She was about to ask her if she was okay, but Elena beat her to it, "How are you doing?" "You heard about my fight with Ric," Jenna replied. "He feels terrible," Elena told her, which Jenna interrupted. "Is this some kind of an attempt to cheer me up?" Madelyn gave her a small smile before shaking her head. "No. No, this is about us girls hanging out." Elena told Jenna, "and, you know, we'll be here if you happen to want to talk or-" Caroline interrupted, "Because I am a winner when it comes to successful relationships." 

Madelyn looked at her friend beside her and gave her a small smile. She knew how much Caroline was struggling with Matt. The heretic just wished her vampire best friend would allow herself to be happy. "You too?" Jenna asked her, "You have no Idea?" Jenna then decided she would join the group of teens. "It's this whole Isobel thing. He's hiding something from me." Madelyn looked over at Elena. She needed to tell her aunt. Maddie knew that the woman was going to figure it out eventually, and it would be better if she were just told rather than finding out by being attacked. 

"To play devil's advocate, maybe there is a great reason why he's not telling you. Maybe he is just trying to protect you." Caroline told her, "Well, that's not his call to make. I mean, I deserve the truth. Everybody does." Jenna had a point, Madelyn sighed. "Sometimes it's harder than that," the vampire told her. "Not if it's somebody you care about, it isn't," Jenna replied, and Maddie looked over at her. "Maybe he just doesn't want to talk about what happened in his past. I mean, that's gotta be a hard topic to talk about," the heretic wasn't just talking about Ric. She was in the same boat. Not wanting to tell her friends about anything in her memories. It was just too hard to put it all into words. 

Elena, Bonnie, Caroline and Jenna glanced at Maddie; the three who knew about the supernatural could tell what she was talking about. Jenna, however, could not. "Maybe. But sometimes it's easier to deal with those things if those around you can help," Jenna told her. The room got quiet, and Madelyn looked down at the kitchen bench. Caroline seemed to have an idea to cheer all of them up, "you know what we need? Dancing. There is a band at the Grill." They all agreed and headed to the Grill. 


The group walked into the very packed Grill. Madelyn was excited to have a night out dancing with her friends. Surely they could have one night without any supernatural attacks happening? Madelyn put her arms around Caroline and Bonnie, the three slightly dancing. "Wow," Elena said, and the heretic smiled at her friend. 

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