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Madelyn Rivers was too good of a friend. All she wanted to do that morning was lay in bed, but here she was with Alaric crashing Jenna and Elijah's tour of Old Mystic Falls. "Uh... Elijah, this is my friend Alaric Saltzman." Jenna introduced the two, glancing at Maddie with a confused look. "I got your message about walking Elijah through the property lines. I thought I would tag along. You know, being a history buff and all." Ric told them both. Madelyn could see that Jenna was uncomfortable, and the heretic felt terrible. "Where to next?" the vampire hunter asked. 

Elijah said, "I am pretty curious about the freed slave property owners. Some say the descendants of slaves are the true keepers of American history."  Jenna told him she had the list in her car and left the three to grab it. "Alaric Saltzman. You're one of those people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect." Madelyn watched the pair. "Yeah, so is Jenna," Alaric told him. "You don't have to be jealous. I rarely pursue younger women." Madelyn snickered at the original's comment, but Ric was not amused. "It's a joke, Ric. Lighten up," Elijah told him. "You're funny," Ric said, and Madelyn rolled her eyes at the two. 

"So what are you doing here, Madelyn?" Elijah asked her, "I guess they all think you won't kill them if they drag me along." He smiled slightly, and the heretic laughed before looking at Alaric, who rolled his eyes. 


After a boring tour around Mystic Falls, Madelyn and Ric met Damon and Andie at the Grill. "Other than your lecture on Mystic Falls, get anything out of Elijah?" Maddie shook her head, taking a sip of her soda. "No, it was boring. Of course, Jenna thinks he's charming," Ric told them, and the heretic rolled her eyes. "You sound a bit jealous. Does he sound a bit jealous?" Damon looked at Andie, who said, "Kind of do." Maddie laughed, "he definitely is." 

"Maybe we shouldn't talk about this here," Alaric said, looking from Damon to Andie. "Andie? She has been compelled not to divulge any of my secrets. Haven't you?" Madelyn grimaced as the two kissed. "My lips are sealed," Andie told him. "This is too weird," Alaric said, and Maddie hummed in agreement. Damon huffed, "I just need the right opportunity." 

As if on cue, Jenna and Elijah walked into the Grill. "Ah. There's Jenna with her new boyfriend." Madelyn rolled her eyes at Damon and watched as he waved them over. "Hey guys," the heretic smiled at them and said, "Hi." Alaric looked uncomfortable. "So I heard you had quite the meeting of historical minds." Madelyn looked back at Jenna. "Yeah. I guess you could say that," Jenna said to them, looking at Elijah. "Well, as much as I would like to continue this, I have papers to grade." Ric got up. 

"You know what? We should continue this. Let's have a dinner party," Andie said. Madelyn looked at Damon, knowing he had something to do with this. "Ooh, my girl. Full of good ideas. I'll be happy to host." Damon told the group, "Say tonight, maybe?" Madelyn looked around the group, hoping she wouldn't be dragged into joining. "It's good for me, Jenna?" Andie asked, and Ric tried saying it wouldn't work, but Jenna interrupted, "Yeah, I'm free." Madelyn looked at Ric, who was unhappy about spending the night with Elijah. "It would be a pleasure," Elijah told them. "Great." Madelyn thought she safely got out of going, but then Elijah turned to her, "Madelyn, will you be coming?" Before the heretic could say no, Damon spoke up, "Of course she will be." 


Madelyn was pissed off. She wanted to spend the night with someone her age, but she was stuck at a dinner party where Damon planned on killing Elijah.  The heretic knew keeping anyone close to her from dying was necessary, but she liked the original. She was getting to know him again and upset about him dying. Maddie hoped that Damon would keep her out of his plan for once. It seems the one time she wanted to be discluded and left in the dark the Salvatore was hell-bent on her helping him.  

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