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Ray was not speaking, and Madelyn was getting sick of hearing the torture. Also, she was bored. The heretic huffed, walking towards Klaus and the wolf. "Ray, Tell us where they are, or I'll have to get the location out of your head myself. Which is a total invasion and really painful for you, so please don't make me do this." The wolf groaned out. "You are not going to do it, bitch" She huffed and put her hands on his temples. "Dic mihi, hva du vet," The heretic repeated and heard the wolf scream in pain. She stopped after a minute. "Do I have to keep going, or will you just tell us?"  Ray looked at her wide-eyed, "Okay, I will tell you." He told them the location, and Madelyn looked over at Klaus. "God, you both suck at this torture thing. ten seconds with the guy, and he tells me." The hybrid rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile at the girl. 

Madelyn walked back over to the bar and went back to her drink. Klaus started giving Ray a speech about what would happen next. The heretic rolled her eyes but watched as the hybrid fed Ray his blood.  Stefan walked back into the bar, and Madelyn smiled at him. "What are you going to do now?" Ray asked Klaus. "It's time for step two, Ray." He told him before reaching forward and breaking his neck. Madelyn walked over to him. "You're back," Klaus said. "Did you doubt me?" Stefan asked him. "Not for a second. I knew you'd pass the test. You still care for your brother, for your old life." Madelyn looked at the hybrid and rolled her eyes. So dramatic. Stefan scoffed, "No, I don't care about anything anymore."

The Salvatore walked over to the bar, and Madelyn watched as Klaus followed him. "You put on a good show, Stefan. I almost believe you. Let's hope for your brother's sake he does. You never stop caring about family, do you?" Maddie once again rolled her eyes. "But every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go," Klaus told him before walking towards the heretic. She glanced at him before looking at Stefan. Madelyn didn't know what to say or do as she watched him walk out of the bar. She sighed, and Klaus looked down at her. He was extremely close to her, with his hands on her waist. "Nik." She said, and he smiled at her. "I like hearing you call me Nik, love," he said, and she rolled her eyes. He was moving closer to her, and she wanted to kiss him. "I can't, Nik." She said, looking away from him. "Why not love?" Madelyn turned to look at him, "Because I can't let myself feel anything for you." She quickly walked away from him and to the car. 


Madelyn glared at the hybrid who was walking ahead of her. She hated hikes and tried to stay in the car, but Klaus said she had to go. Stefan walked next to him carrying a dead Ray Sutton. He had yet to wake in transition. Klaus looked behind him at the heretic, "What's wrong, love?" Madelyn scoffed, "I hate hiking and didn't think I could hate it anymore. Now I'm hiking a mountain full of werewolves on a full moon." Looking at the hybrid, she glared, "Don't worry, love. I would heal you if you got bit." Maddie rolled her eyes. "What? So I would owe you? I'd prefer the werewolf bite, Nik." She told him before walking off ahead of him.


 "Are you okay? Is Ray getting heavy?" Klaus asked him, "I'm fine." Stefan replied. "You sure about that? We've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down?" Madelyn rolled her eyes at the hybrid. "You know, I get that we're stuck together, but if we could skip the chitchat, it'd be great," Stefan replied, and Madelyn snickered. "So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend." Klaus told him. "Maybe it's because I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all summer." Stefan told him, and Madelyn huffed. She really hated hiking. "Thanks to our pal, Ray. We've found ourselves a pack," Klaus said, and Maddie stood beside him, seeing the pack of wolves in front of them. 

As Stefan walked forward, the pack turned and stared. He dropped Ray on the floor, and a woman came running over, "Ray. Oh, my God. What's going on?" The woman looked up at Stefan, "Who are you?" Klaus decided this was the perfect part for his dramatic entrance. "The important question is, who am I?" Madelyn rolled her eyes at him before standing beside Stefan. "Please, forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus." The man standing beside the woman pulled her up and moved in front of her. "You're the Hybrid." She said, and Maddie looked over at Klaus. "You've heard of me. Fantastic." 

As Klaus talked to the wolves, Madelyn sat beside Stefan on a tree stump. "It's fascinating, actually.  A werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon. A vampire that doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid." Maddie looked over at Stefan and rolled her eyes. He smiled slightly. Ray shot up dramatically, gasping for air. "Excellent timing, Ray. Very dramatic." Klaus said. Ray looked around, "What's happening to me?"  He asked, and Klaus turned to Stefan, "Stefan?" The vampire stood up, looking around at the pack. "Are any of you human? Your friend here needs human blood to complete his transition to vampire. If he doesn't get it, he will die." Madelyn looked over at the wolves. "Doesn't take much. Just a sip," Klaus said. "Anyone? A boyfriend, a girlfriend along for the ride." Madelyn got up and looked around, "You." she said, pointing at the guy standing before the woman earlier. 

Klaus ran forward and bit his arm, throwing him to Stefan. Stefan pinned him to the ground. "No," the woman screamed, and Klaus grabbed her before she could run to the guy. "You don't drink it, Ray, I will. Problem is, I don't know how to stop." Klaus turned to the woman. "It's a new order, sweetheart. You join us, or you die." Madelyn sighed, sitting back down. "I'd rather die than be a vampire." The wolf told him. "Wrong choice," he told her, forcing his blood down her throat, then killed her. Madelyn turned her attention back to Ray, who started drinking from the guy. "She will thank me for that later," Klaus said, and the heretic rolled her eyes. He dropped the wolf and then turned around. The hybrid showed his vamp face, "who's next?" Madelyn sat and watched as Klaus fed all the wolves his blood before he killed them. 

She leant down to the human and fed him her blood. "There we go, no longer bleeding to death. Stay calm and stay here." Maddie compelled him before she smiled at him.  The heretic got up and looked at the hybrid. Who was walking over to Ray? "They're dead. They are all dead," Ray said. Maddie walked over to him and touched his shoulder. "Isn't he meant to be feeling better now?" she asked Klaus. The newly formed hybrid was not doing the best. "He should be." He replied. "So this is your master plan? Build an army of hybrid slaves?" Stefan asked, and Madelyn turned her attention back to Ray. He didn't look good at all. He looked like he had rabies. He was convulsing. Maddie sighed, standing up. "No, not slaves. Soldiers. Comrades." Klaus told him, and the heretic looked at him. "For what war, might I ask?" Stefan asked the original hybrid. "Well, you don't arm yourself after war has been declared, Stefan. You build your army so big that no one ever dares to pick the fight." Klaus told him, and Maddie walked a little away from the pair. 

"What makes you so sure that they'll be loyal?" Stefan asked him. The Salvatore was asking a lot of questions today. "It's not difficult to be loyal when you're on the winning team. Something you will learn once you shake that horribly depressive chip off your shoulder." Madelyn snickered and looked at Stefan. "That's why you're keeping me around? To witness my attitude adjustment?" Stefan said, but Klaus was distracted by Ray, who was bleeding from his eyes. "You'll know why I'm keeping you around when I've decided that I want you to know. Somethings wrong." Madelyn scoffed, "No shit. He's bleeding from his eyes, Nik." The hybrid gave her a look, and Stefan moved closer to Ray, looking at him. "Huh. That shouldn't be happening, should it?" The Salvatore asked. "Well, obviously." Klaus deadpanned. 

Maddie stood beside Stefan and stared at Ray, "You said it was going to feel better. Why doesn't it feel better?" Ray asked, turning to Klaus, who crossed his arms. "Some master race," Stefan said, and Madelyn snickered before coughing to cover it up. "Lose the attitude," Klaus told him before glancing at Madelyn, who looked down. The woman suddenly gasped awake. "Derek. Come feed your girlfriend." Ray took that as his opportunity and roared before running away. Stefan turned to Klaus. "Go get him." Stefan did as he was told, and the heretic went to go after him. "No, love. You stay here." She huffed but did as he said. 


Word Count: 1586

Soo I haven't been updating regularly. I'm sorry I just haven't felt like writing recently. I am hoping to get back into this book soon. But for now, updates might not be regular. 

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