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Madelyn Rivers found herself back in her past life. She was sitting down in a parlour room with Elijah. They were both silently reading. Nik walked inside, seeing Madelyn he walked over to her. The girl looked up from her book, hearing him approach. She smiled and closed it, "Madelyn, I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me? I have something I would like to show you."  The girl smiled larger, "I would love to." She took Nik's arm, and he led her to the stables. 

The two rode till they reached a field. Nik hopped off his horse before helping Madelyn off hers. He then tied the horse's reigns to a tree. They both lay down in the field talking. She glanced at him, smiling. He was in the middle of telling her about his voyage to England from the New World. Madelyn could listen to him talk forever. She loved the sound of his voice. Nik finished off his story and looked at the siphon. "Tell me about your village, love." Her smile faltered a little. "Well, I didn't see that much of it. My mother kept me inside. She didn't want other coven members to see me. But there were a couple of times I would sneak away from the village and into the woods. I had a bow and arrows that a neighbour had given me hidden there. I would practice for hours. It was peaceful."  

Madelyn didn't have many positive memories of her village. She didn't want to share all the bad stuff with Nik. She was worried it would scare him off. She decided to change the topic, "What was life like for you before you turned into a vampire?" The girl didn't think anything of this question. Nik was quiet for a while, tossing up whether to tell the girl. Eventually, he decided to tell her, and she listened intently. He mentioned his father abusing him because he wasn't strong enough. Madelyn sat up and grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry, Nik. No one should have to go through that." 

She felt like they both were the same. She was seen as the weak link in her family, and her parents would abuse her. They constantly tried to marry her off or get rid of her until they finally succeeded. Madelyn was unaware that Nik already knew this. He had seen how the witches around the Mikaelson family would react to her. He heard them call her an abomination, even going as far as saying it to the girl when none of the Mikaelson's were near. However, one of the siblings would overhear, and the witch wouldn't be seen again. 

Klaus could only imagine what her treatment was like before she met them. It made him angry. To him, the siphon was perfect; she mesmerised him. "Madelyn, you know that whatever happened to you. You did not deserve." The siphon looked away from him, "that's not true. I am an abomination." The original vampire lifted her head, so she was looking at him. "You, Madelyn Rivers, are not an abomination." The two stared at each other, and Madelyn never had a single person tell her she wasn't. She smiled at him. She was starting to believe that people could care about her. She was not an abomination. 


Madelyn woke up early the next day. Klaus plaguing her thoughts made her decide to get up and go to school on time for once. She understood why she fell for him in her past life; Klaus was one of the first people to see her for who she was, not as the abomination witches made her out to be. Madelyn was glad to have people in this life who also saw her that way. Klaus was the enemy. He would be nothing more to her.

Once the girl was ready, she left and walked down to her car. She figured they would get themselves there if Stefan and Elena were going to school. She pulled into the school's parking lot and sat in her car for a bit. Madelyn was still feeling guilty for helping kill Elijah. The thoughts mixed with her memory of Klaus made her confused and conflicted. She clearly had a bond with them both, but she knew that her friends were too important to her. She couldn't lose any of them. If killing the people that meant a lot to her in the past meant saving Elena, she would do it. 


Elena and Stefan had rung Madelyn, telling her that Katherine was out of the tomb. The heretic now stood outside Stefan's car that just pulled into the parking lot. Stefan and Elena exited the vehicle, "Why is she still here? She was free." Madelyn walked over to the pair, "she wants what we want, Klaus dead," Stefan answered Elena's question. "Yeah, but she knows we are planning on doing it. She could still run." Madelyn said, which Elena nodded to, "Maybe she is trying to lure you and Damon back into her web. I want her gone." Madelyn hummed in agreement. "So do I," Stefan told the pair. "But you're right, she stayed. Shouldn't we try to figure out why?" Stefan told them. "How? All she does is lie," Elena replied, and Madelyn smirked, "I could try reading her mind, granted it would fry her brain. That sounds like more of a positive, though." Elena smiled at the heretic while the brooding Salvatore shook his head. "No, you would have to get too close to her. She already killed you once. I am not letting it happen again." Maddie rolled her eyes and sighed, "Yeah, you're right." 

"Look, I hate it as much as you do, but she does make a point. We don't know anything about Klaus. She does." Madelyn looked at Stefan after he said this. "I mean, I am slowly knowing stuff. So we could just kill her." They both ignored the heretic. "Right, but that doesn't mean I want her shacking up with you." Elena told her vampire boyfriend before turning to Madelyn, "I don't want you doing anything that will hurt you, Maddie." The heretic smiled at her friend and told her she wouldn't. Seeing as the couple could get very coupley, Maddie left the pair and headed to class. 

She found Jeremy and Bonnie and decided to talk to them at the lockers. Stefan got there not long after her and told the others what happened. "She is out of the tomb?" Bonnie asked, "Yeah. We're dealing with it." Stefan said the pair, and Madelyn sighed. "Just be careful. Alright? She's getting a little too good at impersonating Elena." Jeremy looked at Bonnie, "With Katherine still around, we've got to figure out a way to get your powers back." Madelyn nodded, looking over at Bonnie. "Listen, I want the Martins on our side. I am going to figure out a way for us all to work together now that Elijah's out of the picture." Stefan told them, and Madelyn scoffed. "It's impossible. They hate us," Bonnie told him. "They hate heretics even more. Stefan, they won't work with me, and I don't want to work with them. I'll figure out a way to get Bonnie's magic back. We don't need them," Maddie told him before walking off. The heretic hated the idea of working with the witches who clearly were prejudiced against her based on her siphon abilities. 


Word Count: 1244

I hope this chapter brings insight into Madelyn's past. Again, let me know your thoughts! Not much longer until Klaus shows up into Mystic Falls. Also, not many chapters are left until the end of Act One! 

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