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Madelyn found another bottle of bourbon in the vampire hunter's apartment. So now both she and Katherine had a bottle each and were dancing around, drinking. Maddie still hated the vampire but was having fun. Madelyn had drunk almost an entire liquor bottle and started feeling tipsy. The two frenemies laughed and danced around till they heard a key jingle in the door. 

Katherine sped to sit on the sofa. Maddie rolled her eyes and turned to look at Klaus. She took another large swig of the bourbon. "You mind turning that down?" He asked, and Katherine turned the music down, which caused the heretic to frown. "Party pooper," she told him. The man looked over at her. She could tell he was trying not to smile at the girl. "Why so grumpy?" Katherine asked him. "Well, this body has outlived its usefulness." Katherine and Madelyn looked at him. 

Maddie sighed, took another swig of her bottle and sat down on the Sofa. "Do you want a drink?" Kathrine asked him. "No, Katerina. I don't want a drink." The heretic looked at him and then over to Katherine, who stood up, "Come on. It might loosen you up." She walked towards him with the bottle. He smiled before grabbing the bottle, throwing it across the room and grabbing the woman. Madelyn looked at him, "Not the bourbon!" The heretic couldn't care less about Katherine but that poor bourbon that was wasted. That was a crime. 

"What I want is for you to sit down and shut up," He compelled her. Madelyn had to give Katherine props. She definitely was a great actress. The door opened, and the witch from earlier walked inside the apartment. "Maddox, what took you so long?" Maddie took another swig of bourbon. "You got a lot of luggage." Two men walked inside carrying bags, and then a woman walked in. "Greta. Finally," Klaus said. She walked towards him. "Hello, love." Madelyn rolled her eyes—another witch. 

"Hello," Klaus told her. She looked him up and down, "Nice body, you ready to get out of it." Some more men rolled in a body-sized case, and Maddie looked at Katherine. The heretic put down her bottle of bourbon. The witches got everything ready for the spell, and Madelyn knew that she would have a quick chance to escape while they were doing it. 

They started the spell, and Katherine stood watching them. Maddie hesitated, curious to see what he looked like outside her memories. The heretic shook her head, walking closer to Katherine. "Suurentaa", her neck snapped, and Madelyn gently put her on the ground before speeding over to the door. She went to walk out of it but couldn't. Madelyn put her hand to the barrier and started to siphon it. "Maddie," She heard. The girl turned to see Ric fall to the ground. He was back to being regular Alaric. "Fuck," Maddie said, going back to the door. 

She was seconds from walking out when another voice stopped her. "I wouldn't do that, love," Madelyn turned and saw Klaus standing before her. Her eyes widened before she looked him up and down. The man was hot. Even hotter than in her memories. He smirked at the girl. Maddie sighed before closing the door and walking away from it. "Good girl," Klaus told her, and Madelyn scoffed at him, rolling her eyes. She looked over at the two witches still in the apartment and glared. She really didn't like witches. Bonnie and Sheila Bennett were the exception. 

Madelyn smirked, "Greta, right? Your last name, Martin?" The witch looked over at the Heretic but nodded. "Your dad told us about you. He was looking for you. Until I killed him." Maddie was looking to get under the witch's skin, but the witch only rolled her eyes. "Good. He probably deserved it." Madelyn looked at the girl, not getting the reaction she hoped for. Maddie walked over to her bottle of bourbon and took another swig. Klaus watched the girl. She definitely was Madelyn Rivers. But she wasn't as innocent or delicate. He couldn't help but like the change. 

The two witches left. Klaus walked over to the heretic and sat down beside her. "Madelyn, love. Don't you think you have had enough to drink?" The hybrid asked her. Maddie put down the bottle and looked at the man. "Let's get one thing straight. I am not the same Madelyn Rivers. I don't take shit from people, and certainly not from you. Don't start telling me what to do." The heretic glared at Klaus, who smirked at her. "Okay, love." They sat there in silence for a little bit. 

Maddie looked at him, "I know Katherine had a stupid plan on what vampire and werewolf to use for the ritual." Klaus looked at the girl, "She turned Caroline and made Tyler trigger his curse because Damon and I killed her previous werewolf. Please, don't use Caroline." The hybrid raised his eyebrows, "why not?" Madelyn sighed, looking down at her hands, "She is my best friend. I can't lose her. Especially not since Bonnie is dead and you are sacrificing Elena." Maddie looked back up at him. She just hoped she could save one of her friends. "I will consider it." Madelyn smiled at him and was going to reply, but Katherine jumped up. "Really, Madelyn?" The heretic laughed. "Paybacks a bitch, Kathy." 


Madelyn left her piano lesson with Elijah and was headed to her chambers. The siphon didn't want to deal with an accidental run-in with Katerina. She walked into her chambers, and her handmaiden helped her change out of her dress and into her nightgown. Madelyn turned to the door, hearing it open. Nik walked into the room and excused the maiden. Once she left, he turned to Madelyn. "What is it, Nik?" She asked him, crossing her arms. "Why have you been avoiding me?" He asked her. The siphon furrowed her brows. "You have been spending an increasing amount of time with Elijah." Nik was jealous. 

Madelyn looked at him, "No, I haven't. He's teaching me to play the piano. Most of my time, I am with Rebekah." He scoffed. "You have been avoiding me and spending more time with my brother. Why?"  The siphon breathed in to calm herself. "I have not been avoiding you, Nik. You have been too busy with Katerina to give me the time of day. Elijah is teaching me Piano and keeping me company when Rebekah is busy. That's it."  Nik looked at her, "I don't believe you. What is going on between you and my brother?" 

The siphon put her hands to her head in frustration and stepped towards him. "Seriously, Nik. I thought something was happening between us, and then Katerina showed up, and you barely looked at me. Now you are coming into my room and acting jealous? Don't do this to me, Nik." The angry hybrid looked at the girl, "Do What?!" Madelyn looked at him, "Play with my feelings like this, Nik!" She yelled at him. They were now standing right in front of each other. Klaus stepped even closer to her. "I am not playing with you, love."

They were practically on top of one another. Madelyn couldn't think. She could barely breathe. The siphon glanced from Nik's eyes to his lips. His hand on her waist was all she could think about. He moved the rest of the way forward and kissed her. She quickly kissed back passionately. Nik's other hand moved, cupping her face. Madelyn didn't want to pull away but needed to breathe, so she did. Nik still had his arm around Madelyn's waist. 

Madelyn looked up at him, still breathless. The original slowly pulled away from the girl. They both sat down, and he explained everything. Nik told her about the curse that his mother put on him. About how Katerina was the key to breaking it. The siphon didn't know what to think. Part of her was glad he wasn't interested in Katerina, but the other part felt terrible for the girl. Katerina was entirely unaware of the fact that she was going to die. Madelyn knew better than to tell the girl. Nik didn't deserve to be stuck in the curse placed on him. 

The siphon knew Katerina didn't deserve to die, but she couldn't blame the hybrid for wanting to gain access to his werewolf side. She blamed his parents for being so evil and hateful. He was stuck suffering due to his mother's infidelities. Nik and Madelyn agreed they wouldn't act on their feelings again until Katerina was sacrificed. However, this mainly was Nik telling her rather than her agreeing. Madelyn felt guilty as her last hope was for the sacrifice to happen soon.  


Word Count: 1460

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