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Madelyn was getting sick of having memories return. She woke up after having a memory with Rebekah. She didn't know who the vampire was, but she liked her. Maddie swore that the two would be just as close if she met her in this life. Yet the heretic still wanted her memories to go away so she could have a decent night's sleep. 

Bzzzz Bzzzz  

Madelyn quickly grabbed her phone and answered it, "Hello." Caroline enthusiastically spoke over the phone. "Madelyn! How are you doing? I haven't talked to you in a bit. Tonight is the full moon, so I am busy with Tyler-" Maddie interrupted her, "What?! Care, that's not safe... You know what the legends say." Caroline was too caring for her own good. Yes, the blonde vampire could be a raging bitch, that's why she and Madelyn got along, but when someone needed help, Care would be there for them. Tyler was no exception, much to Maddie's annoyance. "I know, and I will leave before he turns. I promise," Caroline tried reassuring the girl, "Fine, but you have to text me every hour." With that, the girls ended their conversation, agreeing to check in with eachother. 

Madelyn looked forward to the day in bed, with no one disturbing her. That was short-lived, as Bonnie texted her to go to Elena's. So Madelyn got up, showered, dressed, and headed out of the boarding house. Once she arrived at the Gilberts, she ran into Bonnie, who was leaving. "Hey Bon," Madelyn looked at the witch, "I spelled Elena into the house. She can't leave, I have to go." Maddie was beyond confused by her friend but walked into the house anyway. When she walked in, Elena looked at her, "Could you siphon it?" Madelyn smiled, "No." She went and sat on the couch with Jeremy. 


Madelyn was not thrilled to be stuck on Elena's babysitting duty. Especially since she was still pissed about what happened the day before, she felt awkward, but luckily her problem was solved once Damon arrived. "You should really lock your door." Madelyn snickered, looking at Elena, who was highly annoyed. "Oh, come on, pouty. At least give me two points for ingenuity." The doppelgänger looked even more annoyed, if that was even possible. "Do you think this is funny?" Elena asked, "A little bit," Madelyn replied. "Yes, Elena. I find hilarity in the lengths that I have to go to to repeatedly save your life." Elena scoffed at Damon, "What did Stefan say about this?" Madelyn looked over at her, shocked that she would think Stefan would be on her side when she was trying to get herself killed. "We had a good laugh." 

"What did he say about Elijah still being alive?" Madelyn asked after telling Damon to tell him last night. Damon came and sat down on the couch. "Yeah, that. I didn't tell him," Damon said. Madelyn rolled her eyes, "Of course not." Elena looked at the heretic before returning to Damon, "Why not?" Damon looked at the girl like it was the most obvious answer. "Well, A. he can't do anything about it, and B. what I just said," Madelyn rolled her eyes. "Where, Bonnie?" Damon asked, looking at Madelyn before turning to Jeremy, who just entered the lounge room. "Thought she was meeting you?" Jeremy said. "No, she is on Moonstone duty, and I'm on Elena patrol," Madelyn looked up, not knowing about the moonstone. "Who's on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?" Jeremy asked them all. "Vampire Barbie asked if she could handle it. And I said, why not? If she screws up, he'd bite her. Then I'll be rid of two of my problems." Madelyn glared at Damon, "She gets bit. I'm killing you." The older Vampire just rolled his eyes. 

"Hold on a second. Tonight's full moon?" Elena asked, which made Madelyn roll her eyes. "Yep, but you're too absorbed with all your suicidal tendencies to notice," Damon told her as he got up to answer his phone. Madelyn was too lazy to listen on the call, still confused over the moonstone. She knew they were planning on getting it out of the tomb, but Madelyn figured they would use her when it came time to de-spell it. After all, she was a siphon and could siphon the spell away. 

Once Damon got off the phone, Madelyn stood up, wanting to go with him. The older vampire looked at her, "Change of plans, you babysit." Madelyn scoffed, "Or an even better idea, you babysit, and I go to the grill." Damon gave her a look, "Hmm, how about no." Maddie huffed and sat back down. "Hey, you know, you should get out and enjoy the sun. Oh, wait. You can't." Damon told Elena, which caused her to throw a cushion at him. Jeremy and Madelyn laughed, and then Elena pushed Jeremy off the couch, which made the heretic laugh more. 


Madelyn and Elena didn't know how to start a conversation with each other after the events from the day before. Elena wanted to apologise and didn't want the raven-haired girl to be mad at her anymore. Maddie was angry at the girl but didn't want to fight, so they sat there silently when Jeremy left the two alone until Madelyn decided to break it. "Elena, look. I am still mad at you. You had no right to bring me along and get Klaus to find me. You should have talked to me first." Elena looked at the heretic, "You would have stopped me from going." Madelyn smiled, "Of course I would have, Elena. I understand why you are doing it. You are scared that we are all going to get hurt. We all love you too much to let anything happen to you. We are going to protect you. You have to let us." It was quiet for a little while before Elena spoke. "I'm sorry, Maddie; I shouldn't have dragged you with me. I love you, and it was a dumb, selfish thing to do." 

Madelyn got up and moved over to the sofa beside Elena, crushing her in a hug. "I'm glad that awkwardness is over. Do you want to watch Gossip Girl now?" The doppelgänger nodded, and both girls went to Elena's room to watch it. 


Word Count: 1056

A little longer than the last chapter. I hope you are enjoying the book so far. The more I write, the more Maddie's personality shines through, which you will see in future chapters. I am ahead in writing, but I don't know when these chapters will be published. I might even end up posting all the chapters I have written. 

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