~ 008 ~

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Madelyn looked around to see she was again in one of her past-life memories. This time, she was sitting in a lounge reading a book. Suddenly, somebody walked into the room. Madelyn looked to see that it was Elijah and Klaus. "Madelyn, there you are!" Klaus walked over to her, and Madelyn felt herself smile. He took the book from her and threw it to Elijah, "I was reading that!" Madelyn said, annoyed. "I was wondering if you would accompany me on a walk through the grounds?" Klaus asked her with his hand out for her to grab. Madelyn grabbed his hand with a smile, "Of course." 

Madelyn and Klaus walked around the gardens, discussing many different things. Madelyn couldn't help but understand how her past self fell for him. He was charming and handsome. He was in the middle of telling her about some of his travels, and Madelyn was in awe. "Have you travelled much, love?"  Maddie felt herself blush at being called 'love'. "No, I have not. I have always wanted to, though."  Klaus stopped walking and turned to face her. The pair were so close, staring into each other's eyes. "Well, Madelyn. I promise one day, I will show you everything the world has to offer."  The pair stood there staring into each other's eyes. Madelyn was lost for words but smiled at him. "I will hold you to that, Nik."

Madelyn groaned as she woke up. This was the first memory she had with just Klaus, and the heretic could not stop thinking about it. She hated to say it, but the man was hot and charming. Maddie pushed herself out of bed, knowing she had to go to the school to help with the barbecue, or else she would never hear the end of it from Caroline. It would provide her with a nice distraction from her thoughts. 


When Madelyn arrived at the school, she saw Caroline talking with Tyler, so she decided to stay where she was and listen in. Care did a great job of not letting the werewolf know about the other vampires in town, which Maddie was happy about. Matt soon joined them, and Tyler walked off. Maddie stayed where she was, not wanting to get involved with the couple's drama. She was shocked to see Matt kiss Caroline, though even more shocked when Caroline pushed him away and walked off. 

The Heretic followed after her vampire best friend, eventually catching up to her. "You okay, Car?" Caroline nodded at her and smiled. Madelyn knew that just meant she didn't want to talk about it. The two girls walked around the school, helping to set up. Madelyn had missed hanging out with Caroline, and the two would usually hang out every day, but with all the vampire stuff that started happening, they hung out less and less. 

"So, how are you doing, Maddie?" Caroline asked her. Maddie smiled, "Well, I mean, other than the fact that I am being plagued with memories that involve a vampire trying to sacrifice Elena, I am doing okay." Care stopped what she was doing and looked at her, "If you want to talk about it, I am here, okay? I promise a no judgement zone." The heretic laughed, "No judgment?" The vampire rolled her eyes, "Okay, a low judgement zone. I will try my best." The two girls laughed, "Thanks, Car."


Eventually, Madelyn got sick of helping and decided to go, letting Caroline know she headed outside and to her car. She was stopped by Sheriff Forbes, telling her to go back inside. "Wait, what?" The sheriff gave her a look, and Madelyn sighed, helping get other people to go inside. Before she walked to her car when, she was sure Liz wasn't watching her. "Maddie, I thought I told you to go inside." Madelyn sighed, caught in the act, "Please, Liz. I just want to go home. I will sprint to my car and lock the doors," The older woman laughed, "I will walk you to your car." 

Liz Forbes always treated Maddie like her own child, so ensuring she got to her car safely and wasn't attacked by the vampire was important. Little did she know that Madelyn could handle herself. Once Madelyn got in the car and thanked her, she left, heading home for the night. 


Madelyn Rivers was shocked to hear about Rose. The heretic had no idea the older vampire was bitten and was even more shocked to hear that she was dead. Maddie grabbed a drink and sat down next to Salvatore, "I'm sorry I wasn't here, Day." The heretic knew she probably couldn't have been much help but hated that she wasn't here to help Damon. They both sat in silence before heading their separate ways. 


The following day, Madelyn woke up happy. She had zero memories resurfaced and actually got a decent sleep. The heretic got ready and headed to the basement to grab a blood bag. Once she entered the pallor room, Stefan and Damon were already there. "You brought back John Gilbert?" As Damon said this, Madelyn coughed on the blood she had just drank, "Wait, you did what?" She turned and stared at Stefan. "That was your big "save Elena" move." 

Damon and Madelyn both seemed to be on the same page. John Gilbert was annoying and would not be any help. "I went looking for Isobel and found John instead. He said he could help us, and we're desperate." Madelyn sighed; he did have a point. "Not that desperate. That guy tried to barbecue me." Deciding to skip the rest of this conversation, Madelyn grabbed her keys and went to see Elena. 

Once she arrived at Gilbert's residence, Ric was leaving. "Yeah, I would not go in there if I were you," the vampire hunter told her. Madelyn sighed, "John?" Alaric nodded. Madelyn walked through the front door, "Yeah, about that. Um, Elena, do you want me to explain the situation, or do you want to do the honours." The heretic sighed, walking to where she could hear them, "What's going on?" Jenna asked. Elena spoke up, "I'm sorry, Jenna. I should have told you earlier, but -" John interrupted, "I'm Elena's biological father. There. Now you know." Madelyn stood at the kitchen doorway, ready to punch the man, "Madelyn, I didn't hear the door knock." John told her as he headed out of the room, "Because I didn't knock." Madelyn said nothing else to the man, who had just left the room. She stayed in her place, staring at the women before her. Jenna scoffed, "What?" looking at Elena. While she explained, Madelyn went to the lounge room and sat down. 


Jenna left, and Elena came and sat down next to Maddie. The heretic just hugged the girl. She looked like she needed it. "So Johns back. How are you doing?" Madelyn asked her, knowing her best friend didn't want him here. "Not good. I don't want him here." Maddie sighed, and both girls just hugged. 

Damon knocked on the front door, and Elena got up to answer it. "Where's John?" He walked into the house looking like he was going to kill him. "He's not here. He left. I don't know where he went. He just blew in. Announced to Jenna that he's my dad and then took off." Damon looked back at Elena as she said this, and Maddie got off the couch and walked over to the pair. "That's public knowledge, know?" "Apparently." Damon walked closer to Elena, "you okay?" Elena looked down, "Yeah. Jenna's head is spinning, but I'm okay." 

Elena grabbed her coffee, and Madelyn sighed, "Did he tell you what he's doing here?" The heretic asked, and Elena turned to her, "No. Stefan thinks he's telling the truth about wanting to help me." Damon looked at the doppelgänger, "do you believe him?" Elena put down her coffee and looked at the older vampire, "No. I don't believe him for a second." "I don't either," Damon told her, while Madelyn nodded, "I also don't believe him." Elena sighed, walking closer to Damon, and Madelyn started to feel like a third wheel with the pair. "What are we gonna do?" Madelyn looked at the both of them, already knowing Damon's answer, "Kill him." 

The heretic couldn't help but snicker; she was all for the plan. "Damon." The vampire looked back at Elena, "I'm joking." Madelyn laughed, "You are a little serious." Elena looked at her friend, giving her the 'you're not helping look'. "I'm not going to hurt him, Elena. I'm the good guy now, remember? I am going to have a civil conversation with your father." Damon then walked out the door. Elena and Maddie looked at each other before following him out. 


Word Count: 1466

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