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Madelyn was getting sick of being stuck in Alarics' apartment. She had attempted to leave three times that prior night, and each attempt led to her neck being snapped. The heretic was desperate to change out of her stupid '60s costume. She wanted a shower and, even more so, to sleep in her own bed. After complaining about it, Klaus got Greta to bring her some clothes. Madelyn was still not happy but decided to give it a rest. 

The heretic and Katherine were bored. Klaus had gone out. There wasn't much to do in the apartment. All the bourbon was mostly gone, and there were zero blood bags in the fridge. They heard someone at the door, and Katherine quickly zoomed into it. The door opened, and Alaric stood in front of them. "Look who's dumb enough to come back," Katherine told him. "Well, somebody had to invite him in." Alaric looked behind him, "Damon, would you like to come in?" Damon walked into view and then entered the apartment. 

Madelyn rolled her eyes at the pair, "Did you have to be so dramatic about it?" Damon ignored her. Katherine vamp sped over to him, pushing him against the wall. "Are you trying to get me killed?" Damon then pushed Katherine against a wall. Madelyn rolled her eyes at the pair. "I gave you vervain, and now I'm here to collect. I got it from here, Ric," Damon said. "You sure?" The vampire hunter asked him. "Yeah, only one of us needs to get blamed for this. Get back to the house. Keep Elena from handing herself over." Madelyn furrowed her brows at the vampire. "Get blamed for what?" she asked the vampire as Katherine pushed him off. 

Damon looked over at the heretic, "I need to know where Klaus is keeping his werewolf." Madelyn looked over at Katherine. "Why, what are you gonna do?" The doppelgänger asked him. "A dead werewolf equals no ritual," he replied. "No. You can't interfere, Damon," Katherine told him. "She is right, Damon. Klaus will kill you," Madelyn told him before Katherine added, "and everyone you've ever met." Damon looked at the two, "I just need to delay this thing." The heretic rolled her eyes. Of course, Damon had done something stupid. "No. No way," Katherine walked away from him. 

Madelyn was hesitant to tell the vampire. She wanted Caroline safe and wasn't sure whether Klaus had listened to her pleas. But on the other hand, she didn't want Damon to get hurt. The raven-haired vampire turned to Katherine. "You should like this. It's gonna buy another month of your life," Damon told her. Maddie looked at him, "Damon, he's sadly not planning on using Katherine. He has Caroline and Tyler in the tomb. Just don't get hurt, please. If need be, kill Tyler before he turns." Damon looked at the heretic and nodded, "I'll be fine, Mads." 

He went to leave, but Maddie stopped him. "What did you do?" Damon huffed at the girl's question, "I gave Elena my blood." Madelyn's eyes went wide. She couldn't imagine Elena taking it willingly. The human did not want to be a vampire. She went to say something, but Damon quickly left the apartment. 


Madelyn never liked being unable to help when her friends were in trouble. So, to her, being forced into the apartment and unable to leave was hell. Being forced to stay in an apartment with Katherine Pierce was even worse. Maddie was sick of having her neck snapped, so she stopped trying to leave. Instead, the heretic was pacing around the apartment. She was worried about Caroline getting sacrificed. She was concerned about Damon getting himself killed. 

Katherine was getting annoyed with the girl's pacing, "would you stop?" Madelyn stopped but glared at her. Both girls turned towards the door, seeing Klaus enter the apartment. He looked around the room, "Is everything okay?" Katherine asked him. "What have you been doing?" Klaus asked her. Madelyn looked over at Katherine, "making coffee. Do you want some?" he clearly didn't believe her as he zoomed over, holding her off the ground by her neck. "Tell me what you've been doing," Klaus compelled her. "Making coffee," Katherine choked out. 

The hybrid seemed satisfied with her answer and dropped her. Katherine went to walk away from him but stopped as he said, "wait."  Madelyn looked at the pair worriedly. "Take off your bracelet," Klaus told her, and Katherine did as told. "Now. I want you to walk to the window and stand in the sunlight." Klaus was testing her, and Maddie was positive she wouldn't do it. "But I'll burn," Katherine said. "You don't have a choice," He told her, and the heretic watched as Katherine turned around, heading towards the window. The vampire screamed out in pain as she started to burn. Madelyn watched in astonishment. She had to give Katherine props for going through with it. 

"That's enough," Klaus said, and Katherine quickly sped over to the wall and out of the sunlight. "Hmm. Guess I was wrong." The man then turned towards the heretic. Madelyn stood her ground. She knew he wouldn't hurt her and couldn't compel her. "Now, love. You wouldn't know anything about my missing vampire and werewolf, would you?" He already knew she did but wanted to see if she would be honest. "Uh, not sure about a werewolf, but I know Caroline is safe." Maddie smirked at him, "I do recall politely asking for her to be spared." Klaus sped before the girl, "Well then, this is your fault." 

He then turned to Katherine, "I need you to do something for me." Katherine stood and walked over to them. "Call Jenna and get her to leave the boarding house." Madelyn's eyes widened, and she tried to get him to stop. He handed Katherine a phone, and Maddie went to grab it off her, but Klaus grabbed the heretic around the waist, holding her in place. "Please don't do this, Klaus." The hybrid said nothing, but he covered her mouth when Jenna answered. Madelyn kicked and tried to get out of his grip. She tried screaming out, but nothing worked, and Jenna was lured out. 

When the phone call ended, Klaus finally let go of her. Maddie turned to face him with tears in her eyes. "Why? You could have used any random person in Mystic Falls or, even better, could have used Katherine." Klaus looked at the girl but didn't say anything. Madelyn walked over to the kitchen and grabbed out the bourbon.


The heretic had snuck over to the door, about to try and escape again. It was night now, and Klaus had left to collect Elena. She pulled open the door and came face to face with Klaus. "Dang it." Madelyn groaned before turning around and walking inside. Klaus smirked at the girl before stepping inside. "Where's Maddox? he should be back by now." Madelyn shrugged, while Katherine said, "I don't know." The hybrid sat down and pulled out his phone and laptop. Maddie walked towards him, "What are you doing?" He ignored her question, which made the heretic roll her eyes. "Where's Elena?" Katherine asked him. 

Without looking up from his computer, he told her, "I sent her off with Greta." Madelyn huffed before sitting on the sofa. "It's almost time," Klaus said and then the door opened, and Damon sped into the apartment. "I wasn't aware you'd been invited in." Maddie looked at Damon. God, he was an idiot. "I've come here to tell you to postpone the ritual," Damon said. "Didn't we already have this conversation?" The heretic looked at her friend silently, wishing he would leave. "Yeah. But that was before I rescued your werewolf and vampire and killed your witch." Madelyn put her head in her hands. "Excuse me." Klaus got up and walked towards Damon. 

Maddie stood and sped in front of the raven-haired vampire. "And you can kill me for it. I don't care." Damon said. The heretic stared down Klaus, who was now right before her. "You wanna kill someone for it? Kill me. I told him where they were." Madelyn didn't want any more people she loved getting hurt tonight. Klaus looked at the girl, "I'm sorry for this love." Madelyn furrowed her brows but couldn't respond as the hybrid broke her neck. 


Word Count: 1396

Madelyn is becoming even more of an alcoholic but who can blame her. Let me know your thoughts on the book so far! 

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