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Madelyn stood before Klaus, and it looked like he was considering it. "Love, I will only partially take you up on that deal." Madelyn furrowed her brows. "What the bloody hell does that mean?" she thought. The hybrid walked towards the kitchen counter. "Trouble is I don't know if you'd be any good to me the way you are now. You're just shy of useless." Maddie looked at Katherine. They both were worried about Stefan. 

Klaus bent down next to Stefan. "I heard about this one vampire, crazy bloke, always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent. 1917, he went into Monterey and wiped out an entire migrant village. A true ripper. Sound familiar?" Klaus had moved and was standing near Madelyn. Maddie looked at Stefan. She didn't know much about his time as a ripper. She knew it was terrible, and it didn't feel right to ask him about it. The heretic knew that the Salvatore hated those parts of himself. "I haven't been that way in a very long time," Stefan told him. 

"Well, that's the vampire I can make a deal with. That is the kind of talent that I can use when I leave this town. Katerina, come here." Katherine did as told, walking up to the hybrid and giving him her hand. Klaus bit her and then forced her to drink his blood. Madelyn watched as the wound healed on the doppelgängers wrist. "You want your cure? There it is?" Klaus told them.  "Your blood is the cure," Stefan said, and Maddie let out a little chuckle and moved beside him. Klaus looked at the heretic, "Gotta love Mother Nature." The hybrid walked over to Stefan. "Now let's talk, you and I."  

Madelyn stood beside Stefan as he and Klaus sat at the kitchen counter. Klaus put some of his blood in a vial. "There it is. You wanna save your brother? How about a decade-long bender? You know I have big plans for you when we leave this town." Klaus said, holding the vial. Maddie looked at Stefan. She wished she could get him out of this deal and save Damon. "I'm not like that anymore," Stefan told him. Klaus didn't like that answer, "Well, that's too bad. You would have made a hell of a wingman." He started to pour the blood into the sink. "Wait," Stefan told him. 

Klaus looked up and smirked, "Now, that's more like it. I want you to join me for a drink." The hybrid slid a blood bag over to Stefan. The Salvatore had a sip of it. "Finish it. All of it." Klaus told him. Madelyn looked over at the hybrid. "Klaus, don't make him do this." He glanced at the girl. "He does everything I say, and I save his brother. That's the deal." Stefan slowly lifted the blood bag to his lips and gulped down the rest. 

Klaus reached over, grabbing another bag. "Again," he told Stefan as he slid it over to him. Madelyn glared at the hybrid. Stefan did as told and quickly finished the second blood bag. The heretic looked over at Stefan. She felt terrible that he had to do this because Klaus wouldn't let him stop. 


Maddie was right about Klaus not letting Stefan stop. Blood bag after blood bag, Madelyn watched the Salvatore she knew fade. "You're very cooperative. It's almost as if you're enjoying it." Madelyn scoffed at what Klaus said. "Or it's almost like he's trying to save his brother. Nik, please heal Damon," Madelyn didn't even realise she called him that. It didn't mean anything, right? Of course, it didn't. It couldn't. 

Klaus looked at the heretic, "Not until we make a deal. It's your choice, Stefan. You can either remain here living your life in Mystic Falls, or you can embrace what you truly are. Leave town with me and save your brother's life." Stefan grabbed the blood bag off of the hybrid and drained it. "That's the spirit," Klaus said. He turned to Madelyn. "I will only heal Damon if you agree to leave town with me and stop pushing down your memories." Maddie nodded at him. 

Klaus walked over to Katherine with the vial of his blood. "Sweetheart. Take this over to Damon and come right back," Klaus compelled her. Madelyn's eyes went wide. Katherine was on vervain, so if she left, she wouldn't come back. "You want me to leave?" Katherine asked, and Stefan protested. "Yes, and if I were you," Klaus said, handing her the vial. Katherine left before he could finish the sentence. "I'd hurry." Stefan was worrying, "She'll never take it to him. She'll never take it to him." Klaus shrugged in reply. Maddie leant beside the Salvatore. "She will, Stef. She owes him, and she may be a bitch, but I don't think she wants Damon to die." Stefan looked at her and nodded, not fully believing the heretic. 


Klaus, Stefan and Madelyn were now standing in a warehouse, ready to leave Mystic Falls. Klaus had put Elijah inside his coffin. "Like I promised, brother, you've been reunited with our family." The hybrid said to his brother before closing the casket. "Put him with the others. We're leaving town tonight." Maddie looked over at the sound of Stefan's phone buzzing. "So. did Katerina make it in time?" Klaus asked him. Madelyn smiled as she quickly read the text over his shoulder. Damon is okay. 

"You won't be seeing her again," Stefan told the hybrid. "Because she's on vervain?" Klaus said. Madelyn rolled her eyes, while Stefan was shocked the man worked it out. "I've been around a long time, Stefan. I rarely get played for a fool. Besides, she won't get very far. You'll help me see to that." Maddie glanced between the two men, and Stefan moved closer to the hybrid. "What is it you really want from me?" Stefan asked him. Klaus put his hand on Stefan's shoulder, "All will be explained in time. Once we leave this tragic little town." 

The heretic sighed. She wished Klaus had let her say goodbye to her friends, but no, she was leaving and would be stuck by his side for eternity. Madelyn thought death would be better. "Then are we done here? Can we go?" Stefan asked Klaus. "Not quite. You see, I have a gift for you," he turned around, "come here, sweetheart. Don't be afraid." A very evidently afraid girl walked up to Klaus. "See, I wanna make sure you honour our deal that you'll be of use to me." He bit into the girl's neck. Maddie glanced over at the Salvatore. "I could have compelled her to behave, but a real ripper enjoys the hunt," Klaus told him, releasing the screaming woman.

 Madelyn watched as Stefan chased after her. The heretic was now alone with the hybrid. Klaus turned to the girl and went to say something, but Maddie decided to find Stefan instead. She did not want to have a conversation with the man. He followed after her, and when they got to Stefan, he drained the girl and dropped her lifeless body. The Salvatore looked at Klaus. "Now we can go." Madelyn huffed. The heretic knew she was in for a long journey, and Stefan would be forced into becoming the Ripper she knew he hated. Maddie decided then, and there, she would do anything and everything to help him. Even if it meant becoming the monster witches feared she was. 


Word Count: 1256

End of season two!! I hope you all like the book so far. We are on to season three, but I think I will have a chapter or two set before the start of S3. 

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