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Madelyn was still shocked by seeing the man from her dreams. She was quiet the whole car ride, and once Damon and she walked into the boarding house, Madelyn quickly went over to the bourbon. Damon came up next to her, grabbing himself a glass, "You knew him?" Madelyn sighed, dropping herself onto the couch. "I. God, this is going to sound weird. He was in my dream last night. I have never met this guy before in my life." Madelyn looked up at her raven-haired best friend. "We will figure it out, Mads," he told her before they sat silently and drank. 


Madelyn was sitting in a library. She looked down and saw her attire. "great, another dream," Madelyn thought. She looked around the room and saw a piano, walking over to it, she was interrupted. "Ah, Madelyn! There you are," she turned around and came face to face with Elijah. She felt herself smile, "I apologise, I was trying to find Rebekah and well-" Madelyn spoke. Elijah just smiled at the girl. "It's quite alright, Madelyn. Do you know how to play?" He pointed to the piano in the corner of the room. Madelyn shook her head, "No, I do not, unfortunately."  Elijah sat down at the piano, gesturing for Madelyn to follow, "Here, let me teach you." 

Madelyn woke up the following day confused. She needed to work out what the hell was going on. Damon suddenly opened her door, "Get dressed and come downstairs now." Madelyn sighed, doing as he said. She didn't even have the mental energy to say something snarky back to him. 


"What the hell is the kidnapper doing here?" Madelyn was pissed. She glared at the women about ready to attack her. "Chill Mads. She has information that you and Elena need to hear," Damon told her, and Maddie sighed before she sat down next to Elena. "Go on then." 

Rose told them about Klaus and why he was after Elena. Madelyn was shocked, "What about the information I needed to hear?" The heretic asked the older woman, "Madelyn Rivers. This is not your first life." Maddie was annoyed, "Get to the point," Rose sighed. "You had a life before this. You had the same name. Even look the same." Madelyn put her head in her hands, "You must be getting memories of it?" The newbie vampire looked up at the older one yet didn't say a thing. Rose continued, "Klaus loved you, and you loved him. I don't know how you died, but you must have done a spell and returned." Damon scoffed at this. Madelyn looked at Salvatore, "So I had a past life where I somehow fell in love with the oldest vampire, and now that I died, I am getting memories of it. Great." Madelyn just wished her life would be a little more simple. 


Madelyn had somehow let Elena drag her into her plan to talk to Katherine. The heretic did not want to spend her day talking to the doppelbitch, but Elena convinced her. Katherine had information that both of them needed to hear. So that is how Madelyn ended up standing outside the Tomb with Elena Gilbert, looking at a very thirsty Katherine Pierce. Madelyn grabbed one of the blood bags she had brought, taking a huge gulp. She smirked at the vampire, "Oh, sorry, did you think this was for you?" Elena rolled her eyes at her friend. "Nice to see you, Madelyn. Tell me, how are those memories?" Katherine was always 12 steps ahead. She knew why the pair had come to see her.  "We came here to talk about Klaus," Elena told her. Madelyn walked a little away from the pair as Elena showed Katherine what she brought for her. 

Once Elena pulled the plastic bottle of blood out of her bag, Katherine gasped. She is hungry. Madelyn smirked before walking closer to the pair. "You don't look so good, Katherine," Madelyn told her. Elena glanced at Madelyn before returning to her ancestor, continuing, "How long before your body shuts down? Ten, twenty years? It must be painful to desiccate and mummify. I can't even imagine." Madelyn smirked, proud of her best friend's bitchiness. She had clearly learnt it from Caroline and Madelyn. Elena poured some blood into a cup, and Madelyn used her magic to push it over the boundary of the tomb. "You have that Petrova fire," Katherine took the shot of blood and put the cup back down. Elena grabbed a stick and moved it back over the barrier. 

"It's a long story. Klaus and I. Madelyn as well. It goes all the way back to 1492 after I had left Bulgaria." Madelyn listened as Katherine started to tell the story. Though the heretic really did not want to be stuck talking to the bitchy Elena look-alike, she could admit Katherine was good at telling a story. After a while, Madelyn got bored and told Elena she would check on Caroline. 


Madelyn was now sitting in the Mystic Grill with Caroline and Stefan. She quickly regretted her decision as Caroline awkwardly ate a salad, trying to keep Stefan occupied. The blonde vampire was not good at lying. Madelyn could tell that Stefan was suspicious, "Sorry to drag you here, but if I don't eat, I get those kill innocent people urges. Tyler has those, too, by the way." Madelyn grabbed a fry off of her plate and sighed. She loved Caroline and how much of a kind heart the blondie had, but she did not trust Tyler. Not because he was a werewolf, though that was something she could add to the list of reasons she disliked him, but because he was a dick. 

"Yeah, what else did you say to him?" Stefan asked her, "Not much. I was trying to keep the questions to a minimum." Madelyn and Stefan made eye contact, annoyed that Caroline told Tyler about her being a vampire. "Are you mad?" Caroline looked at the pair, "No," Maddie told her while Stefan said, "Yes, Caroline. As a matter of fact, I am a little mad. You put yourself at risk. if Damon finds out-," Caroline interrupted the Salvatore,  "but you're not going to tell him." Madelyn looked at the pair. Stefan was not telling Damon, "No, of course not. He would kill you." Madelyn snickered, "Always looking out for me," Caroline told him. "You don't make it easy on him, Care," Madelyn said with a smile, "I mean, look at these stress lines; I didn't even know a vampire could get them." The heretic poked Stefan's forehead before her, and Caroline laughed. The brooding Salvatore pushed Maddie's hand away and rolled his eyes before smiling. 

"Why are you such a good friend to me?" Caroline asked him, "I don't know. I guess you remind me of someone. My best friend, Lexi." Madelyn looked at Stefan and gave him a small smile. "You have a friend?" Care asked; at this point, Madelyn decided to get a drink from the bar. "Hey, Matty!" Madelyn said to her blue-eyed friend. Matt Donovan looked at his friend with a smile, grabbing her a coke. After saying thanks, Madelyn saw Bonnie enter the Grill and walked over to her. 

When she arrived, she saw two strangers talking to her, "Hey Bon!" Madelyn smiled at the other two, though they didn't look like they appreciated it. "Maddie, I didn't know you would be here." Madelyn could tell that Bonnie was worried about her. She had become a vampire less than 48 hours ago, and Bonnie didn't want her friend to lose control. "Madelyn, this is Luka, a new student and his father, Dr. Jonas Martin." Madelyn smiled at the two, "Hi, I'm Madelyn Rivers," Both men looked nervous as Madelyn went to shake their hands. Neither moved, feeling awkward; the heretic smiled at her witch friend before she decided to leave and go back to the boarding house. 


Work Count: 1330

Madelyn definitely gets bored a lot. It's totally not because I can't choose where I want her to be at particular points... 

Anyway, let me know your thoughts, please!

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