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Klaus left Madelyn alone to look after the recently awoken hybrids while he went after Stefan. Maddie was annoyed. She really did hate babysitting duty, but she was glad to be away from Klaus for a little while. The heretic looked around at all the wolves waking up in transition and spotted Klaus walking towards her. "Is Stefan okay?" Madelyn asked him. "He's fine, love," Klaus told her. Maddie walked over to the woman who had completed her transition and saw she was also not doing the best. The heretic sighed. 


It was now dark, and the rest of the hybrids had completed their transitions. All of them looked terrible. Madelyn stood next to Klaus as he killed the human blood bag. "Nik," she said, seeing the hybrids circling the pair. "Careful, love," Klaus told the female hybrid. "There's only one alpha here." The hybrids didn't seem to care as they continued to circle them. Maddie sighed before looking around at them all, ready for them to attack. "Bloody hell," Klaus said. 

The hybrids started to attack. Madelyn stepped away from Nik more and quickly pulled out the heart of the one closest to her. She saw another running at her, so she pulled her hand out, "Le specto tre colo ves bestia." The Hybrid's heart flew into her hand, and she quickly threw it on the ground before another hybrid came. This one was behind her, and she turned quickly, but not fast enough. The hybrid bit her on the neck, and Madelyn groaned before throwing him over her shoulder and pulling out his heart. 

Once all the hybrids were dead, Klaus turned to the heretic. He saw her bite and quickly ran to her. Madelyn could feel the power from the bite. She furrowed her brows in confusion and promptly put her hand over the bite. She could feel the power running through her veins. Klaus watched her in awe. Madelyn was siphoning the bite. When she removed her hand, Nik examined her neck to see that the bite was gone. The heretic let in a quick breath. He was standing right in front of her, and she could feel her stomach doing backflips. Maddie tried to ignore it as she looked into the man's eyes. "I'm sorry, Nik. I know how much you were wanting for it to work." She told him before moving back a step. 

The heretic and original hybrid stared at each other before they heard Stefan walk into the clearing carrying a dead Ray. "They went rabid. Some of them we killed. The others just bled out." Madelyn watched Stefan holding his arm and vamp-sped towards him. She removed his hand and saw the hybrid bite. It looked like it had been there for quite a while. "In the end, they are all dead," Klaus told him, and Maddie sighed. He screamed and threw a beer bottle. "I did everything I was told! I should be able to turn them. I broke the curse. I killed a werewolf. I killed a vampire. I killed the doppelgänger." Madelyn looked down at the floor. Surely, Elena being brought back from the dead didn't affect the spell. 

Maddie looked up at the hybrid to see him already looking at them. "You look like hell," Klaus told Stefan, and the heretic rolled her eyes. "Last I checked, I'm dying. You don't want to heal me." Stefan told him, and Madelyn quickly grabbed his arm. "I just found this out the hard way." She said as she siphoned his bite. The Salvatore's eyes widened as the pain depleted and the venom left his system. She smiled up at him before looking down. "Sorry. I could have saved Damon if we had known, and you wouldn't be stuck here. I could have saved Rose," Maddie hated that she couldn't save the female vampire, and now that she knew it was possible, it made her feel even worse. 

Stefan hugged the heretic, smiling at her before they both turned back to Klaus. "It appears you're the only comrade I have left," Nik told Stefan before walking away. Madelyn quickly followed him. She grabbed his arm to stop him, "What, Madelyn?" Klaus said to her. She said nothing and hugged him. The original hesitated for a second before hugging her back. "I'm sorry, Nik." She mumbled into his shoulder. 


Madelyn, Stefan and Klaus pulled into a warehouse. "Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan," Nik told him, and they all stepped out of the car. Maddie huffed before following Klaus with Stefan. "What are we doing here?" Stefan asked him. "I know how much you loved it here. Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days?" Klaus replied, not really answering Stefan's question. "Blacked out most of them. Lot of blood, lot of partying. The details are all a blur," The Salvatore told him. 

The heretic looked out the door and saw the skyline of Chicago. "Well, that is a crying shame. The details are what makes it legend. Word was the Ripper of Monterey got lonely. So he escaped to the city for comfort. It was Prohibition. Everything was off-limits then, which is what made everything so much fun. Chicago was magical," Klaus said, and Madelyn huffed. She didn't fancy taking a stroll down Ripper Stefan's memory lane. "Yeah, well, I'll take your word for it. Like I said, I don't remember most of it," Stefan told him. "Down to business, then?" Klaus asked, and Maddie nodded. "Why am I still with you?" Stefan asked, "we had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on?" Maddie looked at the original hybrid. 

Klaus looked at Stefan, "we're going to see my favourite witch. If anyone who can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her." Madelyn sighed, "Well if you are going to see a witch, can I just stay here?" He turned to her, "No. I want to see if she can help you get your past memories back quicker." The heretic scoffed, "I highly doubt a witch will help me with anything, Nik." Maddie didn't get a reply, so she hopped in the car. 


They walked into a Bar called Glorias, and Madelyn looked around nervously. The witch was clearly powerful if she could help Klaus. What if she carries the same hatred of Siphons and heretics as most other witches? The heretic let out a huff. "Looks familiar, doesn't it?" Klaus asked, and Maddie turned to look at the pair. "I can't believe this place is still here," Stefan replied, and the three walked up to the bar. "You gotta be kidding me." Madelyn turned to see a woman she presumed to be Gloria walking towards them. "So a hybrid walks into a bar and says to the bartender-" Klaus started, but Gloria interrupted, "Stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny." Maddie snickered. "I remember you." The witch said, looking at Stefan. "Yeah. You're Gloria," Stefan said, and Gloria said, "Mm-hm." Stefan looked bewildered at her. "Shouldn't you be," he started to say, but she interrupted, "old and dead? Now, if I die, who's gonna run this place, huh?" Maddie looked around the bar. 

The heretic did not want to be there. "Gloria's a very powerful witch," Klaus said, and Maddie rolled her eyes. "I can slow the aging down some. Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day." The witch told them, finally looking at Madelyn, "Klaus. Heretics aren't welcome in my bar." The heretic turned to the hybrid and gave him an I told you so look. "Gloria, this is Madelyn Rivers." Gloria looked over distastefully at the girl but nodded. "Stefan, why don't you go and fix us up a little something from behind the bar?" Klaus told him. Stefan walked off to the bar with Madelyn behind him. 

 Once they got to the bar, Stefan looked over at the heretic and gave her a small smile. "You all good?" She just nodded before listening to Gloria and Klaus' conversation. 

"Don't. I know why you're here. A hybrid out to make more hybrids? That kind of news travels." Gloria told him. "Yes, but first, I want to ask for your help with Madelyn," Klaus said, and Maddie rolled her eyes. It wasn't necessary. She had remembered a decent amount already. She just wasn't about to share that with anyone. "She hasn't gotten all her memories back yet. How long is it supposed to take?" The original hybrid said, and Gloria sighed, "I'm not sure, Klaus. I can have a look at the memories she has had and see if there is a way to speed up the process." 

The heretic looked at Stefan, who squeezed her hand.  "Love, come here, please," Klaus said, and Maddie stood up. "Nik, It's not necessary. I am getting them back." He gave her a look, so she walked over to the pair sitting beside the Hybrid. Gloria held out her hands, and Madelyn hesitantly grabbed them. The bar was slowly getting darker to the heretic before all she could see was black. She felt like she had a lifetime of memories hitting her at once. 


Word Count: 1540

Hello! I haven't updated this story in ages but had this part sitting in my drafts. I am going to start writing again soon. Probably when I have finished Uni for the semester because assignments suck!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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