~ 009 ~

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Madelyn, Damon and Elena walked into the Grill, immediately spotting John talking to Ric and Jenna. Well more like annoying them. Maddie walked over to them while Elena pulled Damon back to speak to him. "Hey Ric, Jenna," She said, ignoring John's presence, which made Jenna smirk. "Hey, Maddie, what are you three doing here?" Jenna asked, but before Madelyn could reply, Damon walked over. 

"John, buddy. How have you been?" Madelyn prepared herself for the awkwardness that was bound to come. "I've been alright, Damon. It's good to see you," John told him, and Maddie almost laughed at how annoyed the man looked. Damon and John walked off to talk while Maddie and Elena sat down somewhere else. 


Never had Madelyn been so ready to kill. Jules, the werewolf that bit Rose, kidnapped Caroline. Maddie was freaking out; she couldn't lose her best friend and hated seeing her in harm's way. The heretic and oldest Salvatore arrived at where the wolf was; Stefan had already got there with Tyler. "My brother, the peacemaker. Since Stefan got here before me, I'll try this his way before resorting to my way, which is a little bloodier." Damon told her as they walked up to them. Maddie glared at the wolf, "Give us Caroline." The wolf looked at her, "let go of Tyler." Madelyn was close to just ripping Jules' heart out. 

"Give us Caroline. Without a full moon, it's not a fair fight, and you know it." Damon told her, "We will take you," Madelyn added. "I'm not so sure about that, tough guy." Jules then whistled, and a lot more wolves showed up. "I thought wolves howled, not whistled," Madelyn said, which earned an eye roll from Damon. "Let's try this again. Give us Tyler," Jules told them. Madelyn looked at Stefan, and Damon looked at Tyler, "You heard her. Go. Get over there." Tyler walked over to Jules, and Madelyn glared at the boy. "Which one of you killed Mason," One of the wolves asked, "Uh, that'd be me." Damon pointed to himself, and Madelyn huffed, knowing they would need to fight them all. "Boy's, make sure that one suffers."

Madelyn looked around them to see how many wolves there were. "We can take them, right?" She asked the brothers, but neither replied as they started fighting. Madelyn kicked one of the wolves, sending them into a tree, before seeing a guy with a crossbow pointed at her, "Relaxa rena!" she shouted as he shot the arrow, which stopped just in front of her. She grabbed it before throwing it at the wolf, landing in his stomach. Madelyn then quickly spun around, catching another arrow before it hit her. "In the back. Really?"  The heretic held her hand, "Le specto tre colo ves bestia." The wolf's heart landed in her hand, and the heretic dropped it quickly, "Gross." 

Madelyn headed towards the caravan, ready to get Caroline out herself. The heretic saw as Jules shot Damon; another wolf ran at her before she could get over there, thinking he would have the upper hand. As soon as he grabbed her, she started siphoning him. He screamed in pain, the heretic muttered, "Somnus," and the wolf fell to the floor asleep. Maddie turned back towards the van and saw Jules push Caroline into it. Tyler stood at the door, not moving or saying anything. 

Suddenly, all the wolves started screaming out in pain. Elijah's witches were here, and Madelyn was, for once, glad to see them. "What's happening?" Caroline asked, and the heretic ran over to her friend. "Elijah made a promise to Elena. I'm here to see it's upheld. You need to go." Dr Martin told the vampires, which did not need to be repeated. 

Caroline refused to let Madelyn drive her home, which upset the heretic, but she knew she would go to the blonde vamp's house anyway. Madelyn headed through the woods towards the boarding house to get the blood off herself before going to Cares. "Madelyn, are you alright?" Elijah asked her as he showed up next to her. The heretic smiled, "Not my blood. Thank you for sending the witch." Elijah looked at her again, ensuring she was alright, "Well, I am glad you are unharmed." Madelyn looked at the man, "I can handle myself." He laughed before looking at her with a more serious expression. "Is your friend okay?" Madelyn sighed, "She will be. Caroline is strong."


Madelyn arrived at Caroline's right as Tyler was leaving her front door. The heretic glared at him, and he looked down before leaving. She then knocked on Caroline's door, and when the vampire answered and saw who it was, she opened it and hugged the girl. "Maddie, you don't need to be here. I am okay." Madelyn hugged her friend tighter, "I am not going anywhere." The immortal best friends went inside and sat down on the couch. 

It wasn't long until the door knocked again, "Do you want me to answer it?" Caroline shook her head and headed to the door. Madelyn followed behind her and saw Stefan standing at the door. The heretic stayed back and let the two talk. Stefan moved aside, and Bonnie and Elena walked into the house. The three of them hugged. Bonnie looked at the heretic and motioned for her to join, which she happily did. Maddie was happy that Bonnie was talking to her since the pair hadn't spoken much since she became a vampire. 

The four best friends decided they were going to watch a movie, so Maddie headed into the kitchen to make popcorn. Bonnie walked after her, "Hey, Mads." The heretic looked at the witch and smiled, "Hey." Bonnie started grabbing drinks for the girls, "I'm sorry I have been a little distant with you. I just wanted to talk with other witches but should have called you." Maddie looked down, "It's okay, Bonnie. As long as you don't see me as a witchy abomination, it doesn't matter." The witch stopped what she was doing and looked at Maddie. "I could never think that Mads. You are not, and your power is just different. It does not make you an abomination." Both girls hugged before grabbing the drinks and snacks and taking them to Caroline's room. 


Word Count: 1048

Sooo, this is the first proper fight sequence that I have written. I think it's pretty good. I used spells from the TVD wiki page, so I think they are accurate, but if not, please let me know. 

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