~ 007 ~

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Madelyn Rivers loved having moments where she felt like an ordinary teenage girl. She didn't get many of them with all the vampire stuff that happened in Mystic Falls. So even if she was stuck babysitting her suicidal best friend while worrying about her other best friend, who was helping Tyler, she was happy to just lay on Elena's bed and watch Gossip Girl. 

The heretic had tried getting a hold of Bonnie Bennett to tell her that she could siphon the moonstone, but the witch was ignoring her calls. Madelyn suspected she was working with Luka, who had already made it clear that he didn't like the heretic. She was used to witches feeling this way, her own family kicking her out because she was an abomination. Maddie was just worried that Bonnie would start thinking that way. 

So that's why Madelyn was enjoying a somewhat normal day with one of her best friends. After watching Gossip Girl for almost an entire day, the girls headed downstairs to make some actual food. Once the pair got downstairs, they saw Jenna riffling through the cupboard under the stairs, or as Madelyn liked to call it 'the Harry Potter cupboard'. "Hey, what are you doing?" Elena asked her. "Oh, perfect timing," Jenna said, passing Madelyn a box, which the girl took happily. "What is all this stuff?" Madelyn asked her, looking at the box filled with journals and other stuff. "Elena's mom's files from the historical society. I got roped into helping Mrs. Lockwood." Madelyn nodded; Mrs Lockwood had a way of getting people to do stuff; no wonder she was doing a great job of being mayor. "And by roped, I mean I am very excited to participate," Jenna said a little louder, closing the closet door. Madelyn listened earlier and could hear someone else in the hall with them, but expected it to be someone from the historical society. 

So when the door opened to reveal Elijah, Madelyn jumped along with Elena. "Hey, I'm Elijah." Madelyn looked at Elena and could see that she was scared. The heretic wasn't too worried, knowing that if the original were going to hurt any of them, he would have already done so. Jenna came and grabbed the box from Madelyn, "Elijah is in town doing research on Mystic Falls." Jenna walked off to put the box down, and Elijah came closer to the pair, "It's a pleasure." He put his hand out for Elena to shake and then did the same for Madelyn, who rolled her eyes but shook his hand. 

Jenna returned to the room, "You're welcome to stay here and rummage through this stuff. Or Elena, Maddie and I can help you load it into your car?" Jenna stood next to Elena, not noticing the awkward tension. "Yeah, or I can get someone to pick it up tomorrow." Madelyn wished she had stayed upstairs and continued watching Gossip Girl. "Heh, also a good plan," Jenna told him, "Thanks so much for inviting me into your home, Jenna, And Elena, Maddie, I hope to see you again sometime soon." Madelyn could see how he struggled not to say her full name. She smiled, and once he left, both girls headed back upstairs. Maddie went straight into Elena's room, about to call Damon, while Elena checked on Jeremy. 

As soon as she had clicked on Damon's contact info to call him, Elena walked into her room with Elijah following. Madelyn sighed, putting down her phone. Elena wasted no time in asking him, "Why'd you kill those vampires when they tried to take me?" Madelyn sat on Elena's bed while Elijah sat on the window seat. "Because I didn't want you to be taken." Once Elijah said this, Maddie glanced at him, eyebrows knit with confusion. "Klaus is the most feared and hated of the original. Those who fear him are desperate for his approval. Word gets out about the doppelgänger exists, and Madelyn Rivers is alive; there'll be a line of vampires eager to take you both to him, and I can't have that." 

Madelyn was more confused now, "Isn't that exactly what you are doing?" The heretic asked. "Let's just say that my goal is not to break the curse or force Madelyn to be stuck with him," Madelyn glanced at the man, slightly confused. Her memories showed her how close Elijah and Klaus were; what changed? "So, what is your goal?" Elena asked him, clearly frustrated. "Klaus's obsessions have made him paranoid. He's a recluse. He trusts those only in his inner circle -" Elena interrupted him, "Like you?" Madelyn looked between the two, "Not anymore." 

The three continued talking, and Elijah told Elena he was planning to use her when the time was right to draw him out of hiding. Madelyn turned to the original, "What about me?" Elijah smiled, "I could never do that to you, Madelyn." The heretic smiled slightly before looking down at her hands. Elijah and Elena ended up making a deal. Madelyn was not overly happy about it but figured the doppelgänger should be able to do what she wanted. 

Madelyn stood up, "We need you to do one more thing for us." Elijah looked over at her, "We are negotiating now?" Madelyn rolled her eyes. "Yes. I can get Stefan out of the tomb, but I need a way to keep Katherine inside. I am guessing you would have a way to do so?" The original looked at both girls, "Well?" Elena asked, glad Madelyn brought up Stefan. "Yes, I have a way," Madelyn smiled at the man. "Okay, good. See you later, Elena. I will make sure Stefan heads straight hereafter." With that, the heretic and original vampire headed off. 


Madelyn and Elijah stood outside the tomb, and Madelyn walked forward to lift the rock out of the way. Before she arrived, Elijah stopped her, walking up to it and lifting it out of the way, "I could have done that." Madelyn was not the type of girl to let men do something for her, but she sighed and walked up to the barrier. She felt the familiar rush of power once she put her hand on it. Her hands glowing red, she siphoned the spell of the entry. 

Once she had finished, Stefan and Katherine walked into view. Katherine looked scared, which brought Maddie some joy. The bitch did kill her. Elijah was standing behind Madelyn but walked to stand in front of her. "Elijah." Katherine said, "Good evening, Katerina. Thank you for having the good sense to be frightened." Madelyn walked out from behind Elijah, not liking that she couldn't see. "Your release has been requested." Madelyn rolled her eyes at the man. "What? By who?" She huffed at the Salvatore, "Me stupid." Elijah smiled slightly at the girl's comments, "The lovely Elena drives a hard bargain. However, we reached a peaceful agreement, she and I." 

This caused the heretic to roll her eyes yet again. Elijah stepped out of the way, telling Stefan to exit the tomb. When he didn't move, Madelyn spoke up, "Stef. Just exit that bloody tomb so you can go see Elena." The broody vampire exited, coming up to the girl and hugging her. Madelyn smiled at him before hugging him back. They watched as Katherine tried to sprint out, but Elijah blocked her. "As for you, however, you may not exit until I say so. When Klaus comes, he'll want to know exactly where you are." Elijah told her before walking over to Stefan and Maddie. "You are free to go. Elena will explain the arrangement to you. If she keeps her word, I'll keep mine," Elijah told Stefan before walking off. 

Stefan and Maddie exited the tomb together before she hugged the Salvatore. "Thank you, Maddie," He told her. "I missed you, Stef. Now go off and see your girl!" Madelyn smiled, and he laughed before kissing her forehead and leaving to go to Elena's. 

The heretic then decided to start heading back home for the night but didn't even make it out of the woods before Elijah showed up again. "You know, it's quite rude to sneak up on a person while walking in the woods," Madelyn told him as she turned to look at him. He smiled, quite amused by the girl. She really hadn't changed that much. "I wasn't sneaking. You really shouldn't be walking through the woods by yourself." This made Maddie laugh, "I can take care of myself," Elijah nodded, "I wouldn't doubt that." Madelyn felt weirdly comfortable with the original. "Thank you for getting Stef out." Madelyn told the man, who smiled in return, "It was my pleasure. He seems to be important to you." 

Madelyn smiled at the original, "He is like a brother to me, Damon, as well. They are the closest thing I have to family." Maddie didn't want to talk about what happened with her family and was thankful that the original didn't ask. "By the way, those Martin witches are yours, right?" Maddie asked the man, changing the subject. "Yes, they are." She nodded, "Thought so. I don't like them very much. They seem a little prejudiced." Elijah looked at the girl. He knew how she was treated in her past life and could only guess that it was the same in this life. "They didn't say anything to you, did they?" Madelyn looked at the man and saw the concerned look on his face. "No, they said nothing. I could tell," the heretic smiled at Elijah before bidding him farewell and speeding off, ready to sleep for the night. 


Word Count: 1608

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