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Madelyn Rivers had been with the original family for quite some time. She was happy. Niklaus and her were getting closer and closer. She had fallen head over heels for the vampire. The siphon-witch headed towards the ballroom. It was Nik's birthday, so obviously, there was a ball. The doors opened, and she walked in. Looking around, she spotted Rebekah dancing. Madelyn smiled at her before looking around the room more. She was looking for Niklaus. When she spotted him, he was already dancing with a woman. Madelyn sighed. She should have known better. 

"Madelyn," she heard Elijah say from behind her. The siphon turned around and smiled at the man. "Hello, Elijah." He smiled at the girl before extending his arm. She took it happily. Elijah escorted her over to where he had been talking with people before. Madelyn wasn't paying attention to the conversation. She couldn't help but look at the dancing couple. The song had finished, and Nik and the woman walked towards Elijah and the siphon. Madelyn faked a smile as she looked over at the pair. "Ah, Katerina. May I introduce Madelyn Rivers ." Madelyn looked at the girl and smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Katerina told her. 


Madelyn jumped up. "I am getting bloody sick of my neck being snapped," she said. Once she looked around the room, she noticed that she was at Elena's place. Stefan and Elena walked into the house. "Thank god," Bonnie said. Madelyn walked over to the pair, seeing Jeremy and Bonnie doing the same. "It's not over yet," Elena told them all. "What's going on?" Madelyn looked over at Jeremy. "He'll explain," Elena told them before heading upstairs. 

Stefan looked at them all, "when did you guys get home?" Madelyn shrugged, looking at the other two. "A few minutes ago," Bonnie told them. "Did you check the house?" Stefan asked them all. "And why would we check the house?" Jeremy asked in return, and Madelyn groaned. "Because if you were after someone, the first place you would go to wait for them is their house." Madelyn looked at Stefan, and then they heard noise from upstairs. Stefan, Bonnie and Maddie all ran upstairs to see Katherine with blood all over her face and Jonas on the ground. "You're welcome," Katherine told them, and Madelyn rolled her eyes. 

Bonnie moved towards the dead witch, "You didn't have to kill him." Madelyn sighed as Katherine told her, "Yes, we did." The witch moved closer to Jonas, going to pull his eyelids down. He jumped up and grabbed Bonnie. Madelyn quickly moved towards them as Bonnie screamed, "Get off." The heretic put her hands around his neck and twisted. Jonas fell back down on the floor, dead. 


Madelyn decided she was done for the night. She was lying in her room, wishing she could have one normal day. Her door was opened and then closed again. The heretic huffed, "Stefan, there is a thing called knocking; try it sometime." She sat up and saw Katherine, "great, it's you. Get out." The vampire laughed, "Always so polite, Maddie." She came and sat down on the bed next to the heretic. "What do you want, Katherine? Isn't there a Salvatore brother you can annoy?" Madelyn said snarkily. "Yes, but I would prefer to talk to you," Katherine told her, "how are those memories?" Maddie glared at her, "Get out before I make you." Katherine laughed again, "You are forgetting I am much older and stronger than you, Maddie." Madelyn scoffed, grabbing the doppelgängers arm and siphoning. Katherine groaned out in pain, and the heretic vamp sped over to the door, throwing her out of the room. "Bye, Katherine," Madelyn shut the door with a smirk before lying back in bed. 

The heretic sighed, thinking about the memory she had when taking her forced nap. She didn't understand why, but she could feel a pang in her chest. How could she feel anything towards this man? He wanted to kill her best friend. He was a stranger. She has never met him. All she had were these memories from over 500 years ago. Madelyn sighed, deciding to ignore it. 


Stefan, Damon and Madelyn headed down the stairs, "Isobel just showed up at the front doorstep." Stefan told the two, and Madelyn looked at him. "What's she doing here?" Damon asked him, "I don't know. That's what I'm gonna go find out." The three got down the stairs and saw Katherine walk out. "I don't think you should tell her I'm here," Katherine told them. Madelyn scoffed, looking at Stefan and Damon. "What, why?" Stefan asked her. "It's better if she and John not know I stayed in town after I got out," Katherine said. Maddie looked at her. The heretic knew she was up to something. Damon seemed to think the same, "You're the one in cahoots with them. You made a deal with John and almost got me killed."

"I did what I had to do to get out of the tomb. Now I'm reconsidering my alliance," Katherine told them, and Madelyn rolled her eyes, "What do you know?" Katherine turned back around to face them. "I know that I want Klaus dead, which puts me squarely on team You. Well, maybe not team Madelyn. You don't want him dead, right? All those memories." The heretic rolled her eyes again. "Besides, if you ever need me to swap places with Elena again, the less people know that I'm here, the better. Think about it, Stefan. Come on. Be smart." Maddie was about ready to kill the bitch, she looked at Stefan. "Tell you what, why don't you call Alaric and let him know that his wife just showed up on his girlfriend's doorstep?" Stefan told Damon as he walked out the door. "This is going to be a long day," Madelyn thought. 


Madelyn followed Damon, Bonnie and Jeremy into the Martins' apartment. "Yep, everybody's dead," Damon said as he entered the entry, and Maddie smiled. She thought it was great she would never have to see those witches again. "We should pack up the Grimoires. They spent years collecting them. I wanna make sure they're safe." Bonnie told them, and Madelyn nodded. "You know, we could just get another match and cremate him," Damon said, and the heretic snickered. She then read the room and coughed to try and cover it up. "Don't be disrespectful. Not to him," Bonnie told him. 

Madelyn sighed, "Fine. We'll bury him." Damon looked over at the heretic and huffed. "I'll do it. You stay here." Maddie smiled, happy not to have to dig a grave and bury a body. "What exactly are we looking for?" Jeremy asked Bonnie. Madelyn started looking at all the grimoires. "According to Luka's dad, one of these contains a spell that will let me harness the energy left when a witch dies violently," Bonnie told them.  "I didn't know you and Father witch were so close," Damon said to her, "We weren't. But when he gave me my powers back, he gave me a message. If I can find the spot in town where the old Salem witches were burned, I can harness their energy to use when I need it." Bonnie told them all. 

Madelyn looked over at the Grimoires. She saw one that looked familiar. "Great. We'll put that on our list of things to do today: Harness ancient dead-witch power," Damon told her. Maddie had picked up the grimoire. "You know where the witches were burned?" The heretic heard Bonnie ask the vampire. "Did I forget to mention that?" Madelyn looked over at him but didn't say a thing. She knew where she recognised the Grimoire. It was her mother's. Her past life's mother. 

Maddie was staring at the grimoire in disbelief till Jeremy spoke up. "Are we going to have to read every one of these till we find the spell?" Bonnie walked towards the books, "Not exactly." She put her hands up and muttered a spell. A few of the grimoires flew off the shelf and onto the floor, one opening up to the spell they needed. "It's this one," Bonnie picked it up. "Great. Grab the rest. Let's go." Damon told them, and Maddie helped Jeremy and Bonnie pack up all of the Grimoires. Jeremy went to grab the Grimoire she set aside. "No, Jer, that one is mine." He looked over at Bonnie and the pair, then turned to her, "What do you mean?" Madelyn sighed, "It was my past life's mother's grimoire." They nodded and handed it to her. The heretic could tell that they were still curious but thankful that the pair left it alone. 


Word Count: 1453

This grimoire will have more importance later on in the story. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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