~ 005~

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Madelyn calmed down after a bit and returned to the apartment. She decided to ignore Elena and just sat on the couch. It was a while before Damon showed up. Madelyn was happy the older Salvatore could help drag Elena's arse home. 

"what are you doing here?" They asked each other as Madelyn and Rose walked into the kitchen. Elena turned and looked at Rose, "You called him, didn't you?" Madelyn interjected, "Actually, Elena, I did. Your stupid plan to sacrifice yourself involved me being stuck with Klaus for eternity, and I didn't particularly want that." The heretic glared at her best friend before walking off to sit down. She knew it could take a bit for Damon to get her to leave. 

Madelyn was correct about that. When they were all finally about to go, the vampires showed up. Madelyn huffed in annoyance. "We are here to meet the Doppelgänger and Rivers girl," Three vampires had burst into the room. Elena tried to step past Damon, "Thank you for coming." Madelyn scoffed at the girl, about ready to knock her out. "There is nothing here for you." 

Suddenly, the middle vampire dropped to the ground, Elijah standing behind him. Madelyn was shocked to see the man she helped kill standing there. Rose ran away, scared of what the man would do to her. "I killed you. You were dead." Damon voiced what the three were thinking. "For centuries now," Elijah replied dryly and Madelyn couldn't help but snicker. She made eye contact with Elijah and quickly looked away. "Who are you?" Elijah and the vampire asked eachother. "I'm Elijah," The vampire looked shocked, "We were going to bring them both to you for Klaus. She's the Doppelgänger, and that's Madelyn Rivers. I don't know how they both exist, but they do. Klaus would want to see them both." Madelyn looked at the original vampire, "Does anyone else know that you are here?" once he said no, Elijah killed them and ran off. 


The ride back to Elena's house could have been more comfortable. Madelyn and Damon were pissed at the doppelgänger, so she stayed quiet. Madelyn was so angry she remained in the car while Damon walked her into the house. Damon got back in the car, and they silently headed to the boarding house.

Once at the boarding house, Damon told Madelyn about Stefan's predicament. "What the hell! Is he okay?" Madelyn was concerned. Stefan was stuck in the tomb with Katherine, the poor guy. Damon tried convincing the heretic to stay home as Stefan made it evident that he didn't want her there, but she decided to go anyway.

That's how the Heretic ended up back outside the tomb, yelling, "Stefan!" The Salvatore walked out of the darkness and looked at Madelyn, "I told Damon not to let you come." Madelyn laughed. "Stef, when do I ever listen to Damon." They looked at each other before Stefan asked her how she was doing. "I'm more worried about you, Stef. I can siphon the spell away," Maddie was interrupted, "No, Maddie. Katherine would get out and go back to terrorising us all." The heretic sighed before agreeing.

They talked for a while before Madelyn decided to leave. She was on her way through the woods when she suddenly had someone beside her. "Madelyn, is that really you?" Turning, Madelyn saw Elijah standing in front of her. "Yes, well, kind of. I don't remember much," the reincarnated heretic was too tired to deal with this. Elijah nodded and followed Madelyn as she continued walking. After a minute of silence, Madelyn spoke up, "Sorry about helping to kill you. At that point, I only remembered meeting you and wanted to protect my friend." Madelyn did feel bad about it, especially since she obviously meant something to him in her past life. "It's alright. How long have you been getting your memories for?" It felt weird to converse with the person she had killed two days prior. "Um, since I turned three days ago," Only that long. With the amount of stuff that happened, it felt like ages ago. Elijah looked shocked, "You seem to be handling it well. I thought you would have turned a while ago with the amount of control you have." Madelyn laughed, "Well, with everything going on, I have to be. It was great talking with you. Truly. I am going home now," Madelyn told the older vampire. She didn't even wait for a reply before speeding off. 


Word Count: 754 

I'm sorry, it's an extremely short chapter. I tried to add more but couldn't think of anything. I promise the next few chapters are longer! 

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