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Madelyn's eyes opened, and she could automatically tell she was in one of her memories. She was sat underneath a large tree with Rebekah, talking. "Oh, Madelyn. He is just perfect, isn't he?" Rebekah had a suitor she was falling for, and she would spend every minute she wasn't around him talking about him. "It's nice to see you so happy, Rebekah," the siphon was not a fan of the man but didn't want to tell her friend that. 

Both girls looked up as they heard someone approaching them. "Speak of the bloody devil," Madelyn thought. Rebekah's suitor, James, looked at the pair. "Would I be able to join you both?" Madelyn looked over at Rebekah, who nodded her head. "You are most welcome to."  James sat down next to Rebekah, and Madelyn felt awkward, not wanting to leave the girl but not wanting to be stuck with the couple. The couple flirted, and Madelyn smiled over at Rebekah. At least she was happy. 

Madelyn wasn't stuck with them for very long as Klaus came charging over to them. He looked angry, something that Madelyn had not seen before. "Rebekah. There you are." Madelyn looked over at the girl, "Yes, Nik?" Rebekah seemed displeased with her brother. "Come with me. You too, Madelyn." Klaus held out his hand to Madelyn, helping the girl stand. "No," Rebekah told her brother, which made Madelyn's eyes widen. "Rebekah. Now." Just when Madelyn thought it wouldn't escalate, James stood up. He stood in front of Rebekah, "The lady said no." Rebekah stood up and tried telling James to back off, but it didn't work. 

Everything happened very quickly. Madelyn was shocked. In the blink of an eye, Klaus had grabbed him and ripped his heart out of his chest. The siphon had never seen a person die in such a violent way. Rebekah screamed out and started crying. She then ran off, leaving an angry Nik and shocked Madelyn. The hybrid turned to the girl. He could see her terror as she stared at the body. "Madelyn..." She snapped out of shock and looked at Klaus before shaking her head and running after her friend. 


Madelyn groaned as she woke to the noise of her friend's phone. "Go away," Caroline groaned as she kicked Elena out of the bed. "Ouch," Madelyn groaned as Elena fell on her. The heretic decided to take the floor last night and was growing to regret her decision. Elena muttered a sorry before grabbing her phone. Maddie sighed. She knew she would not be able to get back to sleep. 

Her past life memories had only shown her positive parts of Klaus, but last night, she saw the person who would be going after her friend. The heretic was confused about how her past self fell for the man even after witnessing that. Madelyn knew that if she were to see someone do that now, it wouldn't bother her that much unless it was a person she cared about dying. The girl did rip out the heart of a werewolf last night. But she felt all the emotions running through her past self's mind, and the girl was scared. 

Elena got off the phone, and Madelyn walked over to her. "So you and Stef are going away for a bit?" Elena nodded, and the heretic smiled, "Well, have fun. You both deserve a break from everything." Madelyn told the girls she would talk to them later before heading home. 


Madelyn was too good of a friend. So when Damon asked, more like demanded, that she go to the Historical Society High Tea, the heretic agreed. Damon convinced her that Elijah was less likely to kill him if she was there, which was true. That's why she now stood in heels with Damon in an environment that made her very uncomfortable. 

"Damon, Maddie. What are you doing here?" Jenna had walked over to the pair. Andi came over before they could answer her, "Hi. You came." Damon kissed her, and Madelyn grimaced. "Thanks for introducing us, Jenna." With that, Damon walked off, leaving the heretic with the two women. Jenna watched Damon go with a shocked look on her face, Andi admired him, and Madelyn was pissed that he would leave her with them. 

The heretic smiled at the pair and went to walk off, "Wait, Maddie. What are you doing here?" Madelyn stopped when Andi asked her that. "I just love history, and Damon told me I should come and talk to Elijah about his research." The woman shrugged, and Maddie quickly walked over to where Damon and Elijah were standing with Carol Lockwood. "He's family is one of Mystic Falls' founding families," Carol told Elijah. "Mhm. Such a pleasure to meet you," Damon told him. Madelyn looked at the pair. "No, pleasure's mine," the original said as they shook hands. "Madelyn, I didn't expect you to be here." The mayor told the girl with a smile. The girl smiled back and was about to reply before Damon interrupted. "Mads just loves history and was interested in Elijah's research," Madelyn nodded along, and when Carol turned to talk to some other people in the room, she glared at Damon. 

Damon, Elijah and Madelyn walked into the study, and Damon closed the door. "What can I do for you, Damon?" Maddie walked over and poured herself a glass of bourbon. "I was hoping we could have a word?" Damon asked the original, though he was ignored. "Where is Elena?" Elijah asked the pair, "She is safe with Stefan," Maddie told him. "They're laying low. You know,  a bit of a werewolf problem," Damon added, and Elijah looked over at Madelyn. "Oh, yeah. I heard about that," he said amusedly. Madelyn rolled her eyes, "I'm sure you did. I mean, since your witch saved the day." The original smirked, "You are welcome." 

Damon continued his questioning, "Which adds to my confusion of exactly why you are here." Madelyn downed the rest of her bourbon before getting up to grab another. The girl was developing a drinking problem. "I should really stop hanging out with Damon and Alaric, or else I am going to become an alcoholic, " she thought. "Why don't you just stay focused on keeping Elena and Madelyn safe and leave the rest to me," Elijah told Damon, which caused Madelyn to roll her eyes. Damon vamp-sped in front of Elijah before he could leave, "Not good enough." 

Elijah grabbed Damon by the neck and pushed him against the wall. Madelyn sighed, putting her drink down, watching as Damon tried to choke Elijah back. It didn't work as Elijah grabbed his hand, pulling it away. "You young vampires, you're so arrogant. How dare you come in here and challenge me?" Madelyn walked towards the pair. "You can't kill me, man. It's not part of the deal." Damon told the older vampire. "Silence," Elijah told him, Madelyn watched as he went to pick up a pencil. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Elijah," Madelyn told him, and the older vampire turned to her with an amused look. "Just don't Elijah. You made your point, okay? You are stronger than him." Madelyn was conflicted; she didn't want to fight the older vampire, but she would have to if he continued. 

Luckily, Elijah put the pencil down and released Damon before turning to the girl. "Thank you," Maddie said as she sighed in relief. The original then turned to Damon, "I am an Original. Show me a little respect. The moment you cease to be of use to me, you're dead. So you should do as I say. Keep Elena safe." He left the room, and Madelyn turned to Damon, "You couldn't have just had a civil conversation? No, you had to threaten a vampire that could easily kill you." The girl knew that Elijah now had to be dealt with. He threatened Damon, and Maddie was not up for losing the sarcastic, alcoholic vampire. 


Word Count: 1336

Madelyn really is being used as a middle person so Damon doesn't end up dead. 

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