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Madelyn huffed. She was back in one of her memories. Rebekah was sitting next to the girl under a tree. They both seemed to like sitting and talking in this spot. They discussed Nik's birthday and all the gossip that night. "Maddie, it's complicated. But don't worry about Katerina. If Nik decided he'd instead pursue her over you, my brother is more of an idiot than I thought." Madelyn laughed, "Thanks, Bex."  They stayed under the tree for a while before they saw Elijah and Katerina walk past them. 

Rebekah glared at them, "It seems she has Elijah interested in her." Madelyn looked over at her friend, "I'm sure he's just being polite." Both girls watched the pair from where they were. They watched as Nik walked over to them and then as Katerina and Nik walked away. The siphon huffed again. "How long is she going to be here for?" Rebekah laughed at the girl, "I don't know. I hope she is gone within the month, but who knows."  Both girls laid down and went back to talking about random things—nothing about the new girl that they were growing to despise. 


Madelyn, Damon and Stefan all stood on the front porch of the boarding house. Elena and Bonnie were inside signing the deed so the house would be in Elena's name. The three vampires just stood there, waiting to be invited inside by the new owner. "So wanna place bets on whether she invites Damon inside?" Madelyn asked the Salvatores. Stefan snickered, and Damon gave the heretic a look. 

"Do you really think Bonnie can take on Klaus?" Damon asked. Madelyn sighed. The heretic knew that the witch could, but to what cost? That much power was dangerous. "She said she could channel enough witch's power to kill him. Elijah thought that would work, and he was an original," Stefan told him. Madelyn felt like adding that Elijah thought it would work with the sacrifice still happening but didn't want to dampen the mood. "We just need to find him," Damon said, "can she do one of those witch-tracking spells?" 

Madelyn looked at him, "No. Klaus is an old vampire who would have witches working for him who have no doubt cloaked him. Also, we would need something that belongs to Klaus, and we don't have anything." Stefan and Damon both looked at the heretic and sighed. "Do you think he killed her?" Damon asked. "Katherine?" Madelyn sighed at the boys. "Nope. He had been after her for 500 years. There is no way he would just kill her. She is alive but probably wishing she was dead." After Maddie said this, the brothers looked at her again. 

She rubbed her face in annoyance. Whenever she said something about Klaus, the boys would look at her like she needed to explain herself. They still think she is hiding valuable information from them. Madelyn was positive that she wasn't; she just didn't want to discuss her memories. Elena opened the door, "thank you, Mr. Henry." The guy left, and both Salvatores walked towards the door, running into the barrier. Maddie laughed at the pair. "I'm sorry. I completely forgot," Elena told them. "Stefan. Would you like to come inside my house?" Stefan looked at Damon before replying, "I would love to." The newly invited vampire entered the home. Madelyn stepped forward, now standing beside Damon. 

The doppelgänger looked at her, "Madelyn, did you want to come inside?" Maddie smiled at her friend, "Yes, please. I was worried I would be homeless." Elena laughed before looking at Damon. The heretic decided to run upstairs and grab her bag to go to school, missing the rest of the conversation. 

When Madelyn returned to the entryway with Bonnie, she groaned. "Dang it. Elena, I hoped you would keep him out there for at least an hour." Damon rolled his eyes, and Maddie laughed. Bonnie handed Elena her stuff, and the Salvatores looked at the doppelgänger. "Wait. Where are you going?" Stefan asked her. "To school," Elena told him like it was obvious. "No, no. We didn't create a safe house for you to leave it. You too, Mads," Damon told the girls. Maddie rolled her eyes at the vampire. "Yeah, guys, Klaus is out there. We know that," Stefan said. 

Madelyn huffed, looking at Elena. "Right. But where?" The doppelgänger asked, "No one knows. Look, I appreciate what you guys are doing. I'll be able to sleep at night, knowing I will be safe here. But I'm not going to be a prisoner." Maddie smiled at her friend before looking at Damon. "Your way, Elena," he told her. "Don't worry, I'm ready. If he shows his face, I can take him. I know how," Bonnie told them both. Damon and Stefan looked at the heretic, "If he comes after me, I'll kick his ass." Madelyn turned and left the house. 


Madelyn was sat in her usual chair in history, waiting for Ric to show up. Bonnie sat down beside her, Elena behind her. Madelyn looked at Elena and saw her waving a poster at Stefan, who was shaking his head. The doppelgänger then showed it to Bonnie and Maddie. The '60s Decade Dance, usually the heretic would be opposed to going but decided to nod at the girl. Bonnie did the same, and Elena smiled at them. It looks like they will be going to the dance. Though Maddie was positive, Caroline would have killed them if they didn't go. 

Alaric walked into the classroom, "Hello, class." When he got over to his desk, he cleared his throat, "What are we learning today?" Madelyn furrowed her brows at the man. "With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the '60s all week," Dana told him. The vampire hunter was not fully present today. Maddie was worried about him. With Jenna and him being on the outs and his wife dying, the man seemed to be holding himself together. Yet that didn't stop her from worrying. "Right. The '60s," Alaric stopped for a second, looking at Maddie and then behind her at Elena. "The, uh, ahem. The '60s," Ric wrote on the chalkboard. 

"I wish there was something good I could say about the '60s, but," the vampire hunter told the class. He turned around, facing the class, "They kind of sucked. Except for the Beatles. They made it bearable." Madelyn was so confused by the teacher. She knew Ric was not that old, so why the hell was he talking like he'd been alive in the '60s? "Uh, what else was there? The Cuban missile thing, the, uh. We walked on the moon. There was Watergate," Alaric was definitely not doing okay. "Watergate was the '70s, Ric." Elena said before correcting herself, "Uh, I mean Mr Saltzman." 

"Right. It kind of mushes together up here, the '60s, '70s. Thank you, Elena," Alaric told her. He then continued the lesson, and by the time the bell rang, Maddie waited for everyone to leave the classroom. She waved at Elena and Bonnie, telling them she would meet up with them in a little bit. Ric looked at Madelyn, and the heretic walked up to him. "Hey, Ric. How are you doing?" The vampire hunter looked down at the desk, "Yeah, uh, I'm doing okay." Maddie gave him a small smile, "I know it must be hard, but Day and  I are here if you need a drinking buddy. And I am also here if you want to talk." Madelyn told him, putting her hand on his arm. 

Madelyn left the classroom, unaware of who she was actually talking to. Klaus stared after the girl, awestruck. He knew she was here, of course, but after not seeing her for 500 years, Klaus couldn't help but stare at her. She was less timid than in the past and looked more confident in herself. Madelyn Rivers was alive, and Klaus would do anything to ensure she was his.


Word Count: 1330

First chapter of Act Two! I hope you all enjoyed it! 

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