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Madelyn walked into the cafeteria and looked around. She quickly spotted Bonnie and Jeremy, who were having a serious conversation. They stopped when Elena and Maddie got to the table. "Hey, Jer. How are you doing? Are you okay at the house alone with John?" Elena asked her brother. Madelyn went and sat beside Bonnie. "It's not ideal," Jeremy told her, getting up. "You haven't heard from Jenna, have you?" Elena asked him, "It looks like she is staying on campus. Look, um, I'm late for class." Maddie watched as he left and looked at Bonnie. 

Elena went and sat down, "What's going on?" Bonnie looked at her two friends. "I told him he had to dress up tonight, and he got all uptight." Madelyn and Elena laughed. It did sound like something Jeremy would get annoyed at. "Hey, Maddie. There you are," Dana approached the group, and the heretic looked at her. Dana had barely ever spoken to her. "Okay. This is going to sound freaky. But this totally hot guy just asked me to ask you if you were going to the dance tonight." Madelyn looked over at Bonnie and Elena to see them smirking at her. "Tell him I am not interested," Maddie told Dana.

The girl was not taking no for an answer. "You could at least meet him. He'll be at the dance tonight. Look for him. His name is Klaus." Maddie looked at Elena and Bonnie, who's eyes were wide. The heretic looked around the room but couldn't spot anything unusual. "I'm sorry. What did you just say?" Elena asked Dana, "his name's Klaus. I know the name's stupid, but I swear he's hot." Madelyn looked back over at Dana. "Where is he? Is he here?" Bonnie asked her, and Dana looked confused, "I don't know."  

Maddie glanced at Bonnie, who turned to Elena and told her the girl was compelled. "But he wants to know if you'll save him the last dance. How cute is that?" The heretic gave Dana a small smile, and then once she walked away, Maddie turned to Bonnie and Elena. "Why is it that whenever someone is interested in me, it's a psychopath."


After Klaus made it clear he planned to attend the dance, the three girls headed to the boarding house. They now stood in the parlour room with Damon and Stefan. Maddie had a drink in her hand. The girl was not doing this without having at least one drink. "So, we go to the dance and find him," Damon told them. Maddie nodded her head, agreeing with the older vampire. "How are we going to do that? We don't even know what he looks like." Stefan said, and Madelyn rolled her eyes.

"Something tells me he's not going to be 16 and pimply," Damon replied, and Madelyn cleared her throat, "I know what he looks like. If I see him, I'll let you all know." They both chose to ignore the girl. "He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled somebody at school. This is not as safe as you guys thought, huh?" Maddie gave Stefan a look. She was going to retort, but a knock at the door stopped her. Alaric walked into the house, "There you are." Damon said to him. "Sorry I'm late," Ric said, and Maddie smiled at him. "Hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move," Damon told him. 

Madelyn looked around the room. "Okay, so we find him and then what? Hmm? What's the plan of attack?" Elena asked them all, and Maddie looked at Bonnie and smirked. "Bonnie and I kill him," the heretic thought that was common sense. Bonnie continued, "We are the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him." Madelyn smiled at the witch, "Plus, he's not going to think that the reincarnation of a past lover will kill him, so I have an advantage." Alaric looked between the two girls. Madelyn looked over at him and saw a concerned and hurt look on his face. She thought it was weird but left it be. 

The possessed vampire hunter let out a little chuckle. "That's not going to be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around," Alaric told them, and Damon backed him up. "Alaric has a point. I mean, what if," Damon sped at Bonnie. The witch lifted her hand and threw Damon back across the room. Maddie laughed, "god, I wish I got that on video." Stefan looked over at her and smiled before turning to Bonnie. "Well, I was impressed." Bonnie walked towards Elena, "it doesn't matter that he is an original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him, Elena. I know I can." Elena nodded at her. 

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