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Madelyn and Stefan had been hunting down wolves with Klaus for a week. The heretic was missing her friends and was sick of watching Stefan suffer. The Salvatore was pretending he was fine, but Maddie knew him better. They had no luck finding a single werewolf yet, and Madelyn was already sick of road-tripping. She was stuck in the car with a brooding Stefan Salvatore and the hybrid who sacrificed her best friend and forced them both onto this road trip. The heretic just wished she could return to Mystic Falls and spend her summer with her friends.  

Maddie had spent the week trying to avoid being alone with Klaus. She was getting good at it. Klaus looked increasingly annoyed with the girl but didn't try to stop her from avoiding him. Stefan didn't want the heretic to be alone with the hybrid, so he was making sure he barely left them alone, which was a nuisance for him. He didn't want to be stuck with the pair. They pulled up to the motel, and Klaus went and grabbed the keys. Stefan turned to Madelyn, who had a concerned look on her face. "I'm fine, Maddie. Stop worrying about me," he told her before they both got out of the car and headed towards the hybrid. 

The hybrid had keys to two conjoining rooms. Maddie was in one by herself, which she was happy about. Madelyn bid the two men a good night and headed into her room. She quickly locked the door that joined her room to theirs and went to bed.


Madelyn was getting sicker and sicker of watching Nik and Katerina. It had been a couple of days since they had the game of pall-mall. Maddie went back to avoiding the pair as best as she could. "Madelyn. There you are, love." The siphon turned and saw Nik enter the library. He was alone, and Maddie smiled at him. "Hello, Nik."  She looked back down to keep reading. Nik grabbed the book off of her. Maddie protested and went to grab it from him. "Nik. Give it back." She let out a little laugh. Nik pretended he would give her back the book, but as she went to grab it, he lifted it out of her reach. "Sorry, love. Did you want this back?" Nik smirked at her. "Yes, Nik. Can I please have the book back?"  Madelyn reached up to grab it from him, and he pulled it out of reach. 

She stepped closer to him and reached up again. He moved it and put his arm around her waist. Maddie took in a jagged breath and looked up at him. Their faces were inches apart, and the siphon couldn't help but look at his lips. She missed them and desperately wanted to kiss him again. Nik suddenly moved away from her and gave her back the book. Madelyn grimaced, hurt by his movement. They were alone. Katerina was not in sight. Katerina walked into the library seconds after Nik had pulled away. The siphon gave him a small smile before moving away from the pair to continue reading her book.  

The heretic slowly opened her eyes and sat up. She hadn't had a memory the whole time she was stuck with Klaus. Madelyn groaned and rubbed her face. She feels everything her past self felt when she has one of these memories. Her past self was infatuated with the hybrid, and Maddie could understand why. The man was hot, and from her memories, he was almost like a completely different person from what he is now. She got up from the bed and walked over to the balcony. 

Madelyn stepped onto the balcony and saw Klaus was already out there. The heretic considered walking back inside, but he looked at her, so she decided to stand by the railing and look out. It was quiet. Neither Klaus nor Maddie spoke. She felt awkward and glanced over at the hybrid. "Couldn't sleep?" He looked at her, "No, what about you, love?" Madelyn looked at her hands before turning around so she was facing him. "I couldn't get back to sleep," she told him. Klaus came over to stand next to her, "More memories?" Maddie nodded at him. "Did you want to talk about it, love?" He asked her, and the heretic sighed before looking at her hands. 

She did want someone to talk to about her memories. Maddie had felt like she couldn't speak to anyone. She didn't want to talk to Stefan about it, and talking to Klaus about her memories with him was awkward. Especially since she wasn't sure how to feel about them. The heretic was set on hating the hybrid. He attempted to kill her friend and killed Jenna, which the girl had learned from Stefan as she was being held captive by said hybrid. There were too many reasons to hate the man. "Not particularly. Not with you anyways." She looked up at him and saw a hurt look on his face. "I didn't mean to be rude, but it's too weird to talk to you about memories I am having that involve you. I mean, I'm meant to hate you." The hybrid looked at her. "Meant to? so you don't hate me?" Maddie sighed, "I don't know what I feel." 


Klaus had made an increasing amount of effort to make Maddie happy. Madelyn was slowly becoming more polite to the hybrid. She thought if she was stuck with him for eternity, she might as well be civil. Stefan was getting increasingly annoyed with what he called "flirting" between the pair. The three were sat in the car heading to Florida. The hybrid got a tip about a werewolf there. 

Madelyn hated quiet car rides. The tension in the air was sickening, so when she heard Taylor Swift playing on the radio, she turned the radio up. "He is sensible and so incredible..." The heretic started singing along to 'The Way I Loved You'. Klaus smiled, watching the girl singing and dancing in the passenger side. Stefan groaned and rolled his eyes. Madelyn was having the time of her life. She couldn't not. Taylor Swift was playing. Once the song had stopped, Stefan looked at the girl, "Turn it down, Maddie." She rolled her eyes but turned it down. "God, can you at least play something good next time," Stefan told her. 

Madelyn gasped dramatically and turned to stare at the vampire in the back of the car. "What did you just say?" Stefan repeated himself, "Next time, play something good." The heretic put her hand on her hurt and dramatically turned back to the front. "Ouch, Stef. You know, this is why Damons is my favourite." Madelyn laughed, and Stefan rolled his eyes at the girl. Klaus glanced over at the heretic in the passenger seat and smiled. He didn't think he could become more enamoured by her. 


Word Count: 1158

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will have one more before starting season 3. The next Chapter is going to have a little smut. In the memory scene and warning, I don't think I wrote it well. 

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