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Madelyn was walking through a corridor. After weeks of watching Nik and Katerina, the siphon was heartbroken. Nik had barely even looked her way since that night. Maddie spent most of her time with Rebekah and occasionally with Elijah. She was going to have another piano lesson with the older Mikaelson. The siphon stopped seeing Nik and Katerina walking arm in arm towards her. She was a deer in the headlights. She had no way out of walking past them. 

"Madelyn!" Nik said as he saw the girl walking past, "We were about to take a walk along the grounds. Would you join us?" Madelyn gave them an awkward smile. "I cannot, sorry. I am meeting Elijah," Nik looked at the girl. The look in his eyes was something she couldn't decipher, but Madelyn didn't stay to try and work it out. The siphon gave the two a small smile before walking off. 


Madelyn groaned. She shot up and looked around. She was inside Ric's apartment. The heretic stood up and walked out of the bedroom she was placed in. "I'll be back as soon as I can," Maddie heard a man say. She stood at the doorway of the room and watched as a possessed Alaric and a random man stood at the front door. That must be his witch. "Yes, do hurry. I'm anxious to get out of this body. And if you get hung up, call me. You know how impatient I get." Maddie saw Katherine making coffee and walked over to her, grabbing it from her hands. 

Katherine rolled her eyes at the girl but let her have it. Klaus turned around and walked towards the pair. Katherine held out the fresh coffee and walked towards him, "Where is he going?" Klaus looked at Madelyn. "To retrieve me." He took the coffee off of Katherine. "So I can get out of this bad hairdo," Madelyn rolled her eyes at him. "Are you sure that's a good idea, Klaus?" Katherine asked him, and Maddie turned her glare onto the doppelbitch. 

"Well, the full moon is almost upon us. I've killed the witch. I have the moonstone," Klaus started to tell them, and Madelyn looked at him. Bonnie was dead. The heretic closed her eyes. She refused to show him emotion. "and the doppelgänger is waiting in the wings. I am ready to break this curse." Maddie took a big sip of her coffee. "And why would you do that here?" Katherine asked him, "There are so many people that would try and stop you." Madelyn looked over at him. "Because I have to. It's the birthplace of the doppelgänger," he told them. 

Maddie sighed before walking away from the pair. She was trying to think of the best way to leave. "Where are you trying to go, Madelyn?" The heretic huffed before turning to the man, "Just let me go home." Klaus looked at her and shook his head. "She won't run," Katherine said, turning around. Madelyn looked over at her, confused. "Elena will die before she lets anyone that she loves get hurt." Maddie sighed, "But that's what you're counting on, isn't it?" 

The heretic turned to face him, and he smirked, "Yes, love. It is." Klaus looked from Maddie to the doppelgänger. "You can't leave until I tell you to. If Madelyn tries to leave, break her neck." He compelled her, and the heretic glanced at him. "Sorry, love. I can't have you leave." Madelyn scoffed at him before sitting down. Once he left, the girl looked at Katherine, "Could you just look away so I can leave?" The doppelgänger looked at her, "Not how it works, Maddie." She huffed but got up and Vamp-sped to the door. Maddie put her hand on the handle and then had her neck snapped. 


Madelyn jumped up and looked over at Katherine. "Ouch, bitch," Katherine rolled her eyes at the girl. "Told you. I didn't have a choice." Maddie walked over to her and grabbed the bottle of bourbon. She took a swig of the liquor. "I won't try that again." The two girls drank bourbon and listened to some music.  "I don't think that this is a good idea," They both heard Andie say. "You're an Investigative Journalist. We're investigating." Damon said. Madelyn looked over at Katherine, who walked towards the door. There was a knock, and Andie spoke, "Hi, Alaric, you home?". The doppelgänger went to open the handle and couldn't. 

The heretic walked behind her but didn't try with the door. It would have just led to her neck being broken again. "It's Andie Star, Jenna's friend?" Madelyn prayed that Damon would open the door, and lucky for her, the vampire did just that. The girls looked at them, "Thank God." Katherine said, and Maddie smiled. "Wow. You were right. She looks exactly like Elena," Andie walked into the apartment, and Damon was stuck at the door. "Thought you might be dead," Damon told her before turning to Maddie. "I told you to stay put. What part of that was hard to understand." Madelyn rolled her eyes, "I am so sorry. Truly, this is absolutely my fault. How about next time, you don't ditch one of the people Klaus is after." 

Damon looked at the girl but didn't say anything. he knew she was right. They all left her and didn't bother to think about how the original also wanted her. Madelyn didn't understand how they didn't think about that. Klaus compelled a girl to ask Maddie for the last dance and then dedicated a song to her. He most certainly was not after Elena that night. "What are you doing here?" Katherine asked them. "We are here to rescue you two," Andie told them, walking past Katherine and over to Maddie. 

Madelyn smiled at her. "No, sweetie, we are here to rescue Mads. And to see if Katherine deserves to be rescued," Damon told them from the doorway, "I figured you still might be kicking." Madelyn scoffed at him. "You mean, I told you she most certainly was still alive." The raven-haired vampire ignored her, "Alari-Klaus was blending way too easily. I figured he probably had some coaching." Maddie decided to sit on the couch since there wasn't a way to get her out. Unless she wanted to go on the run for eternity. Bonnie died, so Klaus was going to be impossible to kill. 

Damon held up a vial of Vervain. "Is that-" Katherine was interrupted by the Salvatore, "Vervain. Your salvation." Maddie put her head in her hands. "It's not gonna undo anything," Katherine told him. "There is always a loophole. Did he tell you to stay in this apartment until he said it was okay to leave?" Katherine went to answer but couldn't. "Yes, he did tell her that. Also must have compelled her not to tell anyone." Madelyn told him, bored of the conversation. The vervain wasn't going to do her any good. Katherine would break her neck again if she tried to leave. 

"There's your loophole." Damon told the doppelgänger, "Drink this, and it will prevent any further compulsion." Katherine walked towards him to grab the bottle. "Give it to me," she told him. "Answer one question first. You double-crossed us with Isobel. Why?" Maddie groaned out in annoyance. It was Katerina Petrova. Of course, she double-crossed them. They all knew she was going to do it. "I didn't think you stood a chance against Klaus. I was looking after myself," Katherine told him. Madelyn smirked. "And where did that get you?" Damon said, "here. Be careful with that. If he finds out you have that, you're never getting out of here. You owe me, and I will collect. Mads, let's go." 

The heretic looked at him. "I can't, Day. She was compelled to break my neck if I try to get out," Madelyn gave him a small smile. "I'll be okay. He's not going to kill me."  With that, Damon left with Andie. Maddie looked at the doppelbitch before turning up the music and grabbing the bourbon. She may as well get drunk. 


Word Count: 1356

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