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Pensacola Florida. 

Madelyn read off the sign as they drove past. It had been a long car ride, but they were finally where Klaus said Ray Sutton lived. Maddie hoped they would find the wolf because she was getting sick of it. Werewolves should not be that hard to find. They had been at it all summer and hadn't seen a bloody wolf. 

Klaus pulled into a park, and the trio exited the car. The heretic turned to the hybrid, "A bar? Really?" He looked at her. Maddie continued, "So what's the plan then?" Klaus looked at Stefan and started explaining, "Just ask around about Ray Sutton." she rolled her eyes and gave the pair a look. "I will go do that. You two won't get anywhere with them." Stefan looked over at her and then at Klaus. "Wha makes you say that, love?" She pulled down her hair and pushed her shirt down a little. "Because you two look suspicious." The heretic walked away from the pair and into the bar.

She sat down at the bar and ordered a whiskey. A man walked up and sat down beside her. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?" Maddie glanced at the guy and put on her best innocent look. "I was looking for an old friend of mine, Ray Sutton?" The guy was eyeing the girl up and down. Maddie drank some of her drink to stop herself from punching the guy. "He doesn't live here anymore, sweetheart." Madelyn sighed, "Really? I haven't talked to him in years, and last I heard, he lived in Florida. I guess he forgot to tell me he was moving." She faked a disappointed look, and the guy moved closer to her, "well, I know David, over there, used to work with him. I'm sure he would know where Ray went," Madelyn smiled at the guy. "Thank you." She got up, saw David walk out of the bar, and quickly followed him. 

Madelyn got outside the bar and saw Klaus and Stefan in the car. "David?" She called, and the guy stopped. He turned around and looked the heretic up and down, "Yeah. what can I do for you?" She walked closer to him and smiled, "A guy in the bar told me you know where Ray Sutton is?" The guy's eyes widened before he looked over the girl again. He was trying to see if she was a threat or not. "What do you want with Ray?" He asked, and Maddie gave him a sweet smile. "He's an old friend. Last I heard, he was living here."

The guy smiled at her. "How is a guy like that friends with you?" Madelyn let out a small giggle. She hated herself right now and was getting sick of the guy. "Please tell me where Ray Sutton is," she attempted to compel the man. "I know where he is, but what will you give me for telling you?" The heretic scoffed at him. Clearly, he was on vervain. "Well, I tried the easy way. Somnus."  David fell into Maddie, and she looked over at Klaus and Stefan. "A little help, please." Stefan took the man off of her and put him in the car. 

Maddie walked past the two and got into the car's front seat. Stefan sat in the back while Klaus was still standing outside the vehicle. "Oi Klaus! I don't want to be stuck here all day." the heretic told him, and he entered the car. The hybrid looked at her, "Don't do that again." She just rolled her eyes. 


The heretic, the hybrid and the ripper stood around the unconscious guy. He was now tied to a chair in a warehouse. "Jesus, He's being overdramatic. Most people wake up by now," Madelyn whinged. David stirred awake, and she walked closer to him. "Finally, you're awake," She told him. The man looked around and then looked back at the girl and glared. "So where is Ray Sutton?" She asked him. The guy said nothing, and Maddie sighed. "Look, I'm asking you politely, but if you don't answer me, you see those two men behind me. They will happily torture it out of you, and that won't be fun for either of us." David spat at the girl. Madelyn wrinkled her nose in disgust before standing up and turning to Stefan and Klaus. "Well, have it your way then, David."  She walked out of the room and sat down. 

She was alone for a minute, and then Klaus came out to her. "Did he talk already? I thought it would have taken you both a little bit longer." Maddie looked up at the hybrid, and he smiled at her. "No. Stefan is still working on that," he told her. She sighed and looked down at her feet. "Are you okay, love?" Klaus asked her as he stepped closer to her. "Yeah, I'm okay, Ni. Klaus," she told him. She almost slipped with his name and saw him smirk when she looked at the hybrid. "You can call me Nik, love." Madelyn rolled her eyes at the man but smiled, "I am all good, Klaus."  


Stefan ended up getting a location out of David. Madelyn was glad because she was getting sick of hearing the torture. They were heading for Memphis but decided to get a hotel for the night. Klaus walked away from the desk with two room keys and handed one to Stefan. The heretic looked at him, confused. "I am not letting you sleep in a room a couple of floors away, love. You will run." Maddie rolled her eyes; he was probably right. "Okay, so I will share with Stef," she walked towards the vampire. Klaus grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "Madelyn." She sighed before holding the key from him and headed towards the lift. He followed. 

Stefan walked into the lift and looked at her worriedly. The Salvatore did not want the girl to be stuck with him. Madelyn gave him a small smile, letting him know it was okay. Stefan got off the lift on the second floor, giving Maddie one last look before the doors closed. It was quiet as they travelled up the next three floors. Madelyn walked out of the lift. Klaus grabbed the key off of her, and she scoffed. He unlocked the hotel room door and held it open for her. She walked into the room and quickly noticed there was only one bed. The heretic looked at Klaus, who laughed. She glared at him, "Really, Klaus?" He looked at her, "They said there were two beds, love." She sighed and moved around the room. She sat down on the chair. This would have to be comfortable enough. "You are not sleeping on the chair, love. You take the bed." She went to protest, but he gave her a look. She sighed but went into the bathroom and showered. 

When she returned, she saw the hybrid sitting on the couch. He did not look comfortable, and Madelyn felt guilty. "Nik. just sleep on the bed." The heretic didn't even notice that she called him that. She rolled over and slept, hoping for a memory-free night. 


Madelyn sat in the library again but was not alone this time. Nik sat opposite her reading. Elijah and Katerina had just left, which left the two alone. Maddie kept stealing glances at the hybrid. She wished he would say something or do something. He remained looking at his book but would steal a glance when he knew she wasn't looking. The siphon sighed and closed her book. Nik looked up from his book, "What's wrong, love?" She glanced at him, "I'm bored. I think I will try and find something else to read." The girl went to put her book away and realised she couldn't reach it.

Nik sped behind her, causing the girl to gasp. He grabbed the book from her hand and put it away. Madelyn turned around and came face to face with the hybrid. Nik was already staring at her. He leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back and wrapped her arms around his neck. He moved his hand up and down the girl's back before he started to kiss the girl's neck. Maddie moaned as he nipped her neck, and he kept going down her body while lifting her skirt. "Nik," she moaned out as he kissed her thighs. She had her hands in his hair. She needed him.

Madelyn shot awake, feeling very sweaty. Klaus stared at her with a smirk, "Was it a good memory?" She blushed and looked away from him. "It must have been for you to be moaning my name, love." Maddie glanced over at the hybrid in disbelief. Indeed, she didn't moan his name out loud. He laughed, and the heretic stood up. She needed to cool herself down. "I could help you with that, love." Madelyn stopped in her tracks. She would never admit it, but she felt butterflies. She ignored him and walked into the bathroom. 

Maddie wet her face before looking in the mirror. She allowed herself to calm down before walking out of the bathroom. She looked over at Klaus and could see his lack of shirt. She looked him up and down. Why did he have to be hot? He looked at the heretic, and she quickly looked away. She got into the bed and went back to sleep. 


Word Count: 1568

Sooo I feel awkward writing smut, but I had this scene in mind for quite a while, so yeah. Let me know how you like the book so far. The next chapter is the start of season 3. Also, I am starting a Derek Hale fic called Trouvaille. Feel free to check that out!

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