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Madelyn was lying in her room thinking about everything she was told today. Granted, it was not a lot. She was worried, not for herself but for Elena. Elena had been there for Maddie since her parents told her to move to Mystic Falls when she was ten. Madelyn couldn't lose her. The heretic had found people who loved her for who she was, and she wasn't willing to lose any of them. Madelyn sighed before looking at her phone. Caroline texted her that Stefan knew where Elena was. He had found her a while ago and was leaving Elena's place now. Madelyn was not prepared for the massive lecture she was about to get from the brooding vampire. 

As if on cue, Stefan stormed into her room. "Madelyn. How could you not tell me." Madelyn sat up and looked at the vampire, "Stef, Elena was safe. I stayed for a while, but I didn't want to be stuck listening to Katherine all day." Stefan scoffed at this, and Madelyn sighed. "Look, Elena is smart, and Katherine did have information we needed to know. You might disagree, Stefan, but she needed to hear what Katherine had to say." The vampire stared at his young friend before sighing and walking over to sit on the bed with her. 

They sat there in silence. Madelyn did not want to talk, and Stefan did not know how to ask her about her past. After a while, Stefan looked at her, and Madelyn could see the concern in his eyes. "Maddie, how are you holding up?" Stefan was worried about Elena, and while his brain had been preoccupied with her, he hadn't been looking after the newly turned vampire. Madelyn sighed, deciding whether to lie and say she was okay or tell him the truth. She decided on the latter. "Honestly, Stef, not good. I have barely had enough time to take in the fact that I died and am now a heretic. Elena is now at risk of being used as a human sacrifice by the world's strongest vampire. A vampire, who I was apparently in love with in my past life. A past life that is now plaguing my dreams." Madelyn didn't even realise how upset she was until Stefan hugged her. She cried and cried while Stefan held her. 

Stefan didn't let go of her while she cried. Once Maddie stopped, he pulled her up to see her face. "Maddie, we will figure this out. Whatever is going on with you, I am here and will always be here with you," Stefan felt responsible for the girl. She was his little sister in every way other than blood. "I will protect you." Madelyn smiled at this, "Thank you, Stef. For everything. You are the best brother ever." Maddie felt like she had two overprotective brothers and loved them wholeheartedly. 


Madelyn looked around the room. "Back again. Great," She thought. Madelyn was sitting at a table. In front of her was Rebekah, and to her left was Elijah. Rebekah was telling Elijah what she and Madelyn had been up to for the day. Both girls had been walking around the castle talking, Rebekah telling the siphon-witch all the gossip. Suddenly, the doors opened, and Niklaus walked in. "Sorry, I am late. I was just finishing off some business," he looked from his siblings to Madelyn. He sat down next to the girl. Madelyn looked over at him and noticed blood on his collar. She looked over at Elijah and Rebekah, who were tense. "Nik," Rebekah said to him. Niklaus looked at Madelyn and could tell that the girl was not frightened. Madelyn was not stupid. She was a siphon witch who grew up hearing stories about vampires. Since her first day with them, she knew. "Niklaus," Elijah spoke this time. 

Madelyn smiled reassuringly at the three. "It is okay, Rebekah, Elijah. I figured out you three were vampires the first day I arrived." The three siblings were astonished, "Why are you not running away?" Rebekah asked curiously. "I would not have anywhere to go. Since I arrived here three months ago, you have been nothing short of welcoming and kind to me. I have never had people treat me so well." Madelyn looked at Rebekah, who smiled. She looked over at Elijah, who still looked weary of the situation. When she looked at Niklaus, he was already staring at her. Madelyn blushed before looking down at her plate. "So Madelyn. You come from a long line of Rivers witches." Elijah stated. Madelyn nodded, "Are you a Witch then?" Rebekah asked curiously. The black-haired girl looked down at her plate before answering, "Not exactly. I can not produce my own magic. I have to siphon it off of something supernatural. That is why my coven. My family made me leave." Madelyn was nervous. Sure, these were vampires, but Madelyn was an abomination. What's to stop them from telling her she has to leave? 

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