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Madelyn Rivers was back in the past, or whatever dreamscape her overactive imagination had created. She was on a horse again, but they were riding to a castle this time. Madelyn was disorientated. It isn't enjoyable to be forced into a body, seeing but not being able to voice your thoughts. They arrived, and standing outside were three people; Madelyn got off the horse, and the mystery lady she had been riding with introduced her. "Might I humbly introduce you, Madelyn Rivers. Madelyn, I present to you Lord Elijah, Lord Niklaus, and Lady Rebekah Mikaelson; you shall stay with them for now." Madelyn curtsied, "It is an honour to meet you all," Madelyn spoke. The man Madelyn could only assume was Niklaus stepped forward, "The honour is all mine." He kissed Madelyn's hand, keeping eye contact. Madelyn felt herself smile. Then the other man, the dark-headed one who looked the oldest, stepped forward. "You are most welcome here, Madelyn. I hope that you enjoy your stay with us. My sister Rebekah will show you to your chambers."  Rebekah stepped forward with a smile and led me away from the two men. "I hope my brother wasn't too forward before; Nik can be well, Nik. I do hope you enjoy your stay with us, though. It will be nice to have another woman in the house,"  Rebekah said as she led Madelyn to her rooms. Madelyn let out a little laugh. "Thank you, Rebekah," Madelyn smiled at the girl.

Madelyn woke up early the following day with a jolt. Another one of those weird dreams. She couldn't figure out what was happening to her. She barely dreamt, and Madelyn felt like she had lived through them. It was all too weird for her. She got up and saw a note with a ring next to it on her desk. Madelyn looked at the ring. The silver looked like ivy and had a tear-drop-shaped blue Lapis gem in the middle. Madelyn automatically knew this would be her daylight ring. She pulled open the note and read it. 


I figured you would need a ring to spell when the sun comes up. I hope you like it. If not, I don't care. 

Damon Salvatore

Madelyn snickered before looking outside to see that the sun had risen enough to do the spell. She grabbed her grimoire and put the ring on the window sill, backing up so she wouldn't get hit by the sunlight; she opened the blinds with her magic before spelling the ring. Madelyn felt amazing. She could do a spell without having to siphon someone else. She closed the blinds and then walked over and put the ring on. "Please work," Madelyn stated before opening the blinds. She flinched but squealed with joy once she realised she wasn't on fire. 


Madelyn thought she would at least have one single day of being a vampire before her best friend got herself into trouble. She was severely underestimating Elena Gilbert's lousy luck. That's how Madelyn found herself in a classroom with the two Salvatores, her witchy best friend and her unlucky best friend's little brother. 

"Mads! I didn't think you would be here. Eaten any students yet?" Madelyn rolled her eyes at the blue-eyed vampire. "No, Day, I haven't. What's going on? You said Elena had been kidnapped?" Stefan had rung the newbie vampire to let her know and told her to stay at the house. Like Madelyn had underestimated Elena's lousy luck, Stefan severely underestimated Madelyn's love and protectiveness for her friends. "Stefan, don't give me that look. I am fine; I don't feel like I will drain anyone. I need to be able to help." Stefan just nodded, "Bonnie has done a locator spell. Damon and I are going now. Let us know when you have a more precise location," Madelyn rolled her eyes and followed the Salvatores to Damon's car. 

"I am coming with you both," Madelyn said firmly before trying to get into the backseat. "No, you aren't Maddie. It's dangerous, and you haven't even been a vampire for a day," Stefan said, crossing his arms; Madelyn and Damon shared a look. "Stef, You think this person that kidnapped Elena was after Katherine, which makes them 500 years or older, you both need all the help you can get. I have my magic, and I am definitely not taking no for an answer." The heretic crossed her arms and gave the brooding vampire a stern look. Damon knew better than to argue with her. After the last six months of vampire problems, the older vampire knew Madelyn could take care of herself. Even more so now that she could do magic easily. Stefan looked at Damon for help, and once he realised Damon wasn't going to help him, he sighed in defeat. Madelyn smirked at this and hoped in the back. 

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