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All Madelyn wanted to do was go through the grimoire, but instead, the heretic was being forced to sit and solve Elena's mother issues. She loved the doppelgänger but was getting really sick of putting her problems aside to solve Elena's. "Do you think Isobel was telling the truth? Word's out about the Doppelgänger?" Elena asked them all. "I don't trust a word she says, but I think we'd be stupid to ignore the warning," Stefan answered. "You should just stay here. It's better for us to keep an eye on you," Damon told her. 

Madelyn rolled her eyes at the raven-haired vampire, "Yes, Damon, terrific idea. Let's protect her in the house every bloody vampire can enter. She will be oh so safe." Stefan looked over at his brother, "No. her house is safer." Madelyn glanced over at Elena. "Well, then we'll stay there," Damon told him. "So, is that the plan, neither of you let me out of your sight again? What about Maddie?" Elena said the Salvatores, looking at her friend. "Let me know when you come up with a better one. As for Mads, he won't kill her, so I'm not as worried." The heretic looked over at Damon, a little offended. Of course, they only care about Elena's safety. 

Elena sighed, "Fine. Then one of you two bodyguards is gonna have to come with me to the Lockwood luncheon." Maddie looked over at Elena. "That would be me," Stefan told her. "Not me. I've witch stuff to attend to with Bonnie." Damon told Elena, and Madelyn leaned further into her chair. "Does that mean you're taking her to the-" Elena went to ask, but Damon put his finger to his lips, silencing her. Katherine walked into the room, "Don't get quiet on my account. If you have a plan to combat the impending vampire doom, please do tell." 

Madelyn looked over at the vampire doppelgänger, "We definitely do. You wanna hear the first part? Don't tell Katherine anything because the two-faced doppelbitch is no doubt trying to play you all." The heretic smirked up at her, and Damon snickered. "Seriously? You are going to trust the past love of Klaus, with the plan? Has she told you anything about him? Because I saw how close the pair were." Maddie glared at her but didn't reply. "I delivered you a moonstone, a werewolf, and a dagger to lure and kill Klaus. And right now, all you have is a moonstone, or so you tell me." 

"No, we have it," Damon told her. "Where is it?" Katherine asked, "It's in a very safe place." Damon replied. Maddie smirked, happy to see Katherine struggling to learn what they were up to. "I've been honest with you. Time to return the favour." Katherine told them, and Maddie laughed. "Let me be honest with you. Don't mistake the fact that we haven't set you on fire in your sleep for trust," Damon said. "Fine. Be that way," Katherine stalked off. 


Madelyn walked through the woods with Damon, Bonnie and Jeremy. "Is this the spot where Emily Bennett was killed too?" Jeremy asked Damon. "Founders thought it was poetic, burning her where the witches burned," Damon told them. Bonnie looked at the vampire, "how do you know where they were burned?" Maddie looked at Damon, also curious. "Because I tried to save her. Emily was just my key to getting Katherine back before I knew what a nasty little bitch Katherine was." Jeremy and Madelyn laughed at him. 

They looked at the house that they finally arrived at. Madelyn hated hiking, and though it wasn't much of a walk, she still hated it. "You sure it's the right place?" Jer asked him. Damon nodded slightly before walking towards the house. He opened the front door, and they all walked in. Madelyn was hesitant. If dead witch spirits were in the place, they surely wouldn't like her. The floorboards creaked, and Jeremy gasped. Damon and Madelyn turned to the Gilbert, giving him a 'really' look. "Oh, come on." The house looked like one out of a horror movie. The secluded, abandoned house full of ghosts. Madelyn shuddered at the thought. 

Suddenly, Damon and Madelyn couldn't move. "What the bloody hell?" Maddie said, looking over at Bonnie. She secretly hoped the witch was doing it as a joke. "Whatever witchy prank you are playing, don't. It's not funny," Damon told the witch. Bonnie looked at the pair, "I am not doing anything." Just what Madelyn was worrying about. They were definitely in the right spot. "I can't move," Damon said. Then my hand started to burn up, and Damon, who was entirely in the sunlight, had a whole body burning up. Madelyn yelped in pain, "Oh god, I knew I should have just stayed home." Damon looked at Bonnie, "Oh. My ring is not working. Do something." Maddie, add a, please. 

The pain subsided, and Bonnie looked at the pair, "I don't think the witches like you both being here." Madelyn looked around from where she stood. "I guess this is the right place," Jeremy said, and Maddie nodded. "I am just gonna go wait outside," she told them before vamp speeding out of the witchy haunted house. Damon came out not long after her. "Well, that was fun," the heretic said sarcastically. The raven-haired vampire looked over at her. Madelyn sighed. He clearly wanted to talk to her about something. She just hoped Katherine hadn't gotten in their heads with being unable to trust Maddie. 

"Yes, Damon?" The heretic finally asked, getting sick of waiting for him to talk. Damon sighed, "What was Katherine talking about?" Maddie rolled her eyes. Of course, the doppelbitch had got into their heads. "Look. I don't want to talk about my memories. I want to keep pushing them down because they don't matter, Day." The heretic turned towards him, "Whatever it shows me of Klaus doesn't matter. It was over 500 years ago. I have never met the guy, and he's trying to kill my best friend. I am going to help you all kill him. I am even happy to do it myself. Katherine is just trying to wreak havoc because she is upset that she doesn't know the plan."  Maddie looked away from Damon, hoping he would trust her. "Why won't you talk about it, though, Mads?" Damon asked the girl. 

Madelyn huffed. Honestly, she wasn't too sure why she couldn't talk about it. "I don't know, Day. Maybe I am scared that you all won't trust me. Or maybe I am worried that speaking about it will bring more memories I don't want to get." The pair were silent for a while. Maddie looked down at the ground. She was worried. She was afraid that she would lose the people she loved the most. Damon eventually came up next to the girl and hugged her. Madelyn hesitated for a second but hugged him back. It was weird for Damon to hug her. He usually refused to do soppy, emotional shit. "We aren't going to leave you, Mads," Damon told the girl. 

The heretic smiled at him before the pair went back to pacing the outside porch of the house. "Wanna hurry it up in there?" Damon yelled out to the couple inside the house. After getting no reply, he started walking towards the front door. Madelyn laughed as the door closed in his face, "They really don't like you, huh?" The vampire gave her a look. "Screw you too, Emily," He told the ghost before yelling to Bonnie and Jeremy, "You know, you're on your own in there." Madelyn sighed and left with Damon. 


Madelyn spent the rest of her day inside her room until Elena and Stefan returned to the mansion. Maddie was shocked to hear that Elena's mother kidnapped her and removed her daylight necklace. Isobel was now a pile of ash on her preexisting grave. Klaus had compelled her, which meant that the original was in town. Madelyn hugged her best friend, who was clearly upset about seeing her bio-mom burn alive. 

"I never thought I would feel bad about her being dead, and yet..." Elena told them. Madelyn stood up beside Stefan. "She was your mother," Stefan said. Elena nodded, "Why did they let me go?" Madelyn shrugged, and Stefan shook his head. "Well, anything that John told Isobel, we have to assume Klaus knows, right?" Stefan said to them, and Madelyn and Elena nodded. Stefan continued, "he knows that you're not gonna turn yourself into a vampire. He knows that you have us keeping you safe." Madelyn nodded and looked at Elena. "He knows I'm not gonna run," she said. 

Damon walked into the house, "which is why we need to take some precautions. Because we got played. All of us." Madelyn didn't. Only an idiot would have trusted Isobel. Damon handed Elena a stack of paper. "What's this?" Elena asked him, "That's the deed to our house. It is in Zach's name. As soon as you sign it, it will be in your name." Stefan told the doppelgänger. Maddie looked over at the Salvatores. It was a smart move. Elena will be safe, and they will be with her to protect her. "You're giving me your house?" Stefan answered Elena, "Isobel had the right idea with the safe house, just stay here till it's all over. That way, you can control who gets invited in and who doesn't." 

Madelyn nodded at Elena and looked over at Damon. "Although, I'll be super-pissed if you lock me out," the older vampire said, and Maddie snickered. "It's a good idea, Elena. You will be safe, and we all will be able to protect you," the heretic told her. Suddenly, John gasped. He was alive again. Damon sped to him and grabbed him. "I swear, I had no idea what she was going to do. I'm sorry," John told him before turning to Elena, "I'm so, so sorry." Madelyn looked over at the doppelgänger, who looked like she believed him. "Damon, let him go. He and I need to talk," Elena told him. The heretic called it a night and left to go to her room. 


Word Count: 1706

I am so excited for Klaus to show up! This is the end of Act One! Let me know how you are liking the book so far!

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